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  • Chump has signed an executive order that empowers federal agencies to level specific sanctions countries, foreign individuals and companies that interfere or spread undefined misinformation in U.S. elections. I wonder what effect this EO will actually have. Congress has been far more harsh with sanctions than the executive branch. Remember the round before last of sanctions, Putin's cock holster pissed, moaned, and whined until both houses of Congress passed them with a veto proof margin. Then he silently signed the bill. When Bolton asked why use an EO instead of letting Congress continue as is, "You never know how long legislation is going to take," was the answer. Sounds like a show piece.

    On the other hand, the EO grants AGENCIES the ability to level sanctions. Do We The People really want significant impact foreign policy tools delegated to whimsical bureaucrats? Or is it a tool for behind the curtain manipulation to cover mistakes? Ooooo, they did THAT on their own? I'll be the hero and reverse it!
    The POSOTUS directs the intel community to come up with a finding and bingo!

    Or could it be a way of having something both ways? The official policy of the US is X, but the Department of Plastic Covered Sandboxes has done Y.

    I don't see an advantage or improvement of allowing an agency to move instead of Congress. The EO says 45 days to determine if meddling happens and another 45 to take actions. It took Congress less than 2 weeks for the last round of sanctions.

    And what is the definition of propaganda or misinformation? Somethings are obvious: Pizza Gate, the DOJ and FBI being corrupt, Hillary killing Vince Foster, etc etc. You could call flooding social media with inflammatory messages about some current hot button incident propaganda. But allow this EO to become leverage when negotiating trade deals? You don't do this (your public opinions), we'll label you that and you get hammered. Risk of becoming a method of economic extortion.

    I'd like to see some benefit of this EO, but can't. To me it seems to be a combination publicity stunt and potentially abusive tool. Somebody please point out the positives of this EO.
    Last edited by Ghengis Jon; September 12, 2018, 08:20 PM.
    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


    • haha, look, now he's concerned with nameless, faceless agency bureaucrats with too much power!


      • look at all that water the Puerto Rican government failed to distribute, just so they could blame Trump and play politics with people's lives.



        • AdH9G-zIGZuzS7UcfHzZWYzy8Xb0cvA4fAe7kA3fNKo.jpg?w=509&s=20eaa1be42449737d6a54c199aac620f.jpg


          • But socialism



            • I don't know why but POSOTUS cracks me up every time. It shows some commitment to the craft.


              • Ohio Politics:

                Latest poll shows Sherrod Brown with a significant lead over Renacci. DeWine with a very slight lead over Cordray (with a huge number of undecideds.

                Not in this article but I have seen rumblings elsewhere that the national level orgs are close to throwing in the towel on Renacci and re-directing resources to more competitive Senate races.


                • Morning Consult isn't the greatest polling operation in the world, but there is no poll that would have Renacci close. Brown was careful to limit his anti-Trump stuff and definitely played up the protectionist angle. He has that seat until he retires. Only Kasich could beat him, and not in this cycle. Portman, of course, has his seat until he retires.

                  Governor and the rest of the state offices are really a huge toss-up. I'd say Rs win by 10-12 across the board if HRC was President. Bah. If I had to bet, I think the Ds get close victories. Then, in 2022, they get assrailed. Might work out pretty good for Husted. Heh.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


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                    • Trump now saying the Puerto Rico death toll is fake and Democrats are blaming all deaths in PR on the hurricane to make him look bad.

                      Jesus, just STFU for once.


                      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                        Morning Consult isn't the greatest polling operation in the world, but there is no poll that would have Renacci close. Brown was careful to limit his anti-Trump stuff and definitely played up the protectionist angle. He has that seat until he retires. Only Kasich could beat him, and not in this cycle. Portman, of course, has his seat until he retires.

                        Governor and the rest of the state offices are really a huge toss-up. I'd say Rs win by 10-12 across the board if HRC was President. Bah. If I had to bet, I think the Ds get close victories. Then, in 2022, they get assrailed. Might work out pretty good for Husted. Heh.
                        I don't really get what makes him such a good politician but he is. I also had to stop and think who's seat he originally took and was, has it been that long since DeWine was in the Senate?


                        • Mike DeWine has had the remarkably good fortune to run in two Democratic Wave Elections. In fact, the only 2 D-Wave elections since -- 1982?
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                            Mike DeWine has had the remarkably good fortune to run in two Democratic Wave Elections. In fact, the only 2 D-Wave elections since -- 1982?
                            1986 wasn't big enough to be a "wave" but Dems took control of the Senate for the first time in Reagan's Presidency.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              Trump now saying the Puerto Rico death toll is fake and Democrats are blaming all deaths in PR on the hurricane to make him look bad.

                              Jesus, just STFU for once.
                              the quoted death toll was a calculation by Harvard, and included things like a heart attack. Unclear if a lot of those deaths could even be attributed to the Hurricane.

                              On top of which, the local officials seem to have failed at distributing the aid Trump sent them. Millions of bottles are still sitting on a runway, and federal aid was left to rot in their shipping containers.

                              One of several of the issues is that only 20% of truckers showed up to work and the power company being 9 billion in debt with a shitty grid, and the government raising the CEO's pay from 450000 to 750000, prompting the CEO and board members to quit when they tried to cut him back down to 450000.

                              the local governance there is a shit show. I know that you want to lay the blame of those deaths on Trump, but he got the aid there

                              Last edited by Kapture1; September 13, 2018, 08:44 AM.


                              • It's now the official stance of the PR govt that almost 3,000 died as a result of the hurricane, after an independent study conducted by George Washington U. The Harvard study was a separate TWO different indepenent investigations concluded that the death toll was much higher than the officially reported numbers.

                                george washington university, gwu, gw, gw university, george washington, dc universities, dc colleges, education, higher education

                                We can lay part of the blame on local government. Fine. But Trump has been lying about this relentlessly and now today says that only about 6 to 18 were dead as FEMA was wrapping up and that anything much above that is "fake" and a conspiracy to make him look bad. He's a repugnant liar and Republicans don't want to deal with this shit while trying to be reelected.

                                Ileana Ros-Lehtenin (R-FL) (who's retiring) just said that Trump's mind is 'warped' and these comments may represent a new low point for his presidency.

