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  • Part of the problem is that (excluding Afganistan and Iraq) the US has over 800 overseas military facilities around the world according to the GAO. You don't think the US can maintain/project its power with only, say, 400 facilities? Cheese and rice, slash the military budget. There is tons of fat there. Candidates are chest pounding neanderthals looking to lob un-American accusations at anyone who might disagree.

    Wake me up when candidates actual state clearly and consisely what they will do about specific issues if elected. I'm about sick of all the soundbites and red meat drivel for the so-called base.

    Why don't they have a "positional" instead of "debate"? Each candidate is paraded before a microphone and gets 10 minutes. Ground rules are simple: (one) candidate may not refer to or speak about another candidate or incumbent of either party, (two) candidates must state clear positions on issues, (three) must provide details on how their policies would be implemented and the impact on the citizenry. Then the next week candidates can actually debate each other based upon the positions stated previously.

    Or you could make me king and I'll rapidly address the professional politician issue...
    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


    • You will be sleeping for a long time...

      Hillary is leading in the dem race without providing details on anything she'd do... she offering statements to rally her base and demonize the pubs. And the pubs are behaving the same way. Nobody will give specifics because that won't get you through the primary. And really, it won't get you elected. Rally your base or a group of people though emotions, paint a picture of your opposition and focus on a few states that will decide the election.

      Frankly, a lot of what is said has little probability of actually happening. Hillary is not going to fix wall street when 6 out of the 10 largest hedge fund owners donate to the dems. Illegals are not going to be deported. It's impractical to make that happen and too many people will vote against it. These are just things said to get certain votes. jmo
      Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


      • I nominate Ghengis for King and Ent for assistant king.

        Strangelove can be the court jester.
        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


        • "Or you could make me king and I'll rapidly address the professional politician issue..."

          You have my vote!


          • Nobody will give specifics because that won't get you through the primary. And really, it won't get you elected.

            Dumbing it down

            Trump has done a good job so far, he offers the country his outsider status, success in personal wealth, an outsized personality, and brashness in asserting how easily he can solve the country’s problems. Stoking the anger and fears of a segment of the country. He feeds the notion that a strong, fearless, wily leader, his claim that all politicians are bought by private interests, a claim fits well with his grandiose claims that he alone can fix what ails the country.

            Ted Cruz will probably beat him in the long run, but nobody beats Hillary. The central problem seems to be the disappearance of intelligence in our political system. The corruption and stupid people have taken charge, both in office and at the voting booths. America is asleep at the wheel, while our national car is headed over the cliffs.


            • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
              Dumbing it down

              in the long run, but nobody beats Hillary.
              Don't understand why people keep saying this.


              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                Don't understand why people keep saying this.
                Because this country elected Obama twice.
                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                • Hillary isn't Obama.


                  • Hillary is far less likeable to the undecideds.


                    • She is a terrible politician (unlike her husband). She has the voters on that side, no matter what... as long as she's not in jail.


                      • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
                        Dumbing it down

                        The central problem seems to be the disappearance of intelligence in our political system. The corruption and stupid people have taken charge, both in office and at the voting booths. America is asleep at the wheel, while our national car is headed over the cliffs.

                        this is why democracy fails in the long run...

                        I actually think Carson, despite his flaws with global politics, can beat Hillary.. but I don't think he will get the chance. National polls show he is popular with moderates and still give the growing number of Americans who are tired of politics as usual (and feel all politicians are bought) the outsider they desire. He also has a good self made story. But he won't get through the primary because the extremes rule the primaries. Bill Clinton was very good at appease the left and moving moderate in the general election. Today, I think the far left and far right have pushed farther away from the middle making it more difficult for someone to do with Bill did in the 90's.
                        Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                        • BO beats any of these current candidates... I also think Bush jr would as well..

                          jmo, but I think this round of candidates is very weak.
                          Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                          • Yup, pretty much on all fronts. They all suck.


                            • Yeah this election is still relatively open for the taking. The one guy that I liked barely showed up. There are no non-clown candidates left in the Republican party who I would care if they won.


                              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                                Yeah this election is still relatively open for the taking. The one guy that I liked barely showed up. There are no non-clown candidates left in the Republican party who I would care if they won.
                                Yep, the party is just awful anymore.
                                "Your division isn't going through Green Bay it's going through Detroit for the next five years" - Rex Ryan

