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  • everyone that looks like they are from these troubled regions needs to be rounded up, put on big Cargo Planes, and dropped off where they came from.
    Without parachutes, of course.
    "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


    • Just saw one of the suicide bombers was in the last wave of refugees that came over a few weeks ago. Sucks that the extremists ruin it for everyone else. I truly believe 98% of the people really need help getting out of there, but all it takes is a couple to want us to shut our borders down to them. Not worth the risk.


      • Even the best can't win them all, Rousy gets KO


        • "this attack, is making me feel like everyone that looks like they are from these troubled regions needs to be rounded up, put on big Cargo Planes, and dropped off where they came from."

          Ask Japanese Americans how well that worked out during WW2


          • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
            Is it safe to say that followers of the prophet mohammed did these things, or is that politically insensitive?
            Accurate. Same with saying followers of the prophet Jesus bomb abortion clinics. Every religion has whack-jobs that kill in the name of said religion and see these acts as justifiable. Whether the percentage of whack-jobs is higher in any one religion is up for debate.


            • Stan, your right. You can't round up all the Islamists that might be threats and deport or inter them as appealing as that might sounds to some.

              I'm also almost as sure that most of the silly stuff European leaders are saying about fighting the underlying causes of terrorism, the young, uneducated and poor who get recruited by IS or Quaida, isn't going to do shit either. Sounds good, easy to pay lip service to but a massive undertaking.

              All the activities terrorists of every stripe undertake take money and detailed planning. It isn't the street level terrorist soldier doing the planning and organizing financing. It is well educated and determined Islamic fundamentalists acting in the extreme that are doing that kind of work. Kill them and separate them from their sources of money. It wouldn't hurt to round up the so called Islamic clerics who, while they vehemently deny it, many of them are acting at the direction of a small group of religious zealots and extremists whose sole role is to recruit suicide bombers and young men willing to do the dirty work of the leadership.

              This kind of approach certainly isn't easy but it is one that has the potential to work. Each mission IS undertakes, like the one the bastards just pulled off in Paris and probably pulled off in the bombing of the Russian passenger jet over Egypt, has the potential of galvanizing world leaders into cooperating in such an effort as I'm suggesting above. I have no doubt much of it is already underway.

              Redouble those efforts. Innocent people's lives are at stake.
              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


              • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                Glad your daughter is safe, Jeff.

                France contains, within its boundaries, 15 separate geographic areas where the French police are not allowed to go. These are all Muslim ghettos (a concentration of people). If Hollande is indeed going to be "merciless", then he might consider taking back his own country first.

                And has anyone noticed the absolute dearth of coverage of the Sunni v Shite split. I had to go to a 1984 Encyclopedia Americana to find a reasonably non-ideological coverage of the matter. I believe that our media, and certainly our educational system, are afraid to even talk about a 1,300 year war that will/does affect all of us. They saw Charlie Hebno, and they are terrorized.
                A few remarks about media:

                1. If you're referring to the Sensitive Urban Zones in France, you may want to check on that. Most of the media that reported this in the wake of Charlie Hebdo have retracted this claim. It's a shame that it still gets repeated, because it crowds out the real criticism of French/European immigration policy that's available for discussion. The debate needs to focus on that instead of on fear-mongering aimed at people who aren't likely to ever go check and see for themselves. All of us here have the tools to see through that.

                2. I think there's plenty of talk out there about the Sunni-Shia split and what it means, by a range of publications of all stripes. Similar to in point 1, there's a valid criticism of media available here, and therefore no need to invent fanciful ones.


                • Originally posted by UMStan White View Post
                  "this attack, is making me feel like everyone that looks like they are from these troubled regions needs to be rounded up, put on big Cargo Planes, and dropped off where they came from."
                  This is the one ideological group that has demonstrated the ability to launch devastating terrorist attacks outside its borders/region. Since they can strike on a global scale anyways, what would anybody accomplish by putting them all in the same place?


                  • Stan didn't post that... He was quoting Jeff...
                    Last edited by Rocky Bleier; November 15, 2015, 10:37 AM.
                    I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                    • I'm aware of that.


                      • I did ....... Don't read too much into that. It's a gut level reaction and described as such.

                        My post above reflects how I see all of this and what to do about it this Sunday.

                        BTW, just deleted that last exchange. This discussion has the potential of being way above that.
                        Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; November 15, 2015, 10:48 AM.
                        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                        • One thing about Islamic extremism is that they've done an excellent job using some of the same features of the global state-centric system that legitimate actors do when they want to operate quietly. First and foremost, the global offshoring/tax havens/banking secrecy system. If you want to really attack this it's important to attack their financial logistics. But they use the same system that allows our MNCs, 1%ers and others to keep wealth offshore and untaxed. It's not as if finding solutions here is a matter of will, pride, determination, clarity, etc. This has festered into something very layered and very nasty, with lots of potential winners and losers no matter what you do. We'll never get to a point where policies will be thought out well enough to avoid unintended consequences.


                          • Good point ...l... A dismantling of that system under the shield of national security, with the major nations cooperating in such action would do more good than just slowing the terrorists down one would think.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                            • Being genuinely serious about it means reclassifying Saudi from ally to enemy. Saudi is the financial and intellectual underpinning of all of this. Is America and its defense/contracting industry ready to let that customer go?


                              • Nope.

