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  • When you don't want to upset the boss by agreeing his idea is unfeasible



    • They just need the Supreme Court to reverse precedent and reinterpret the Constitution. It's certainly been done before.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
        They just need the Supreme Court to reverse precedent and reinterpret the Constitution. It's certainly been done before.
        The decision that determined it unconstitutional is an interesting one. No ideological split.

        Thomas, Ginsburg, Kennedy, Rhenquist, Souter, and Stevens all on one side.

        O'Connor and Breyer on the other with Scalia kinda charting his own path.


        • DiGenova, who was supposedly being brought in to bump aside John Dowd as Trump' chief attorney and was announced as joining the WH just days ago, is OUT. "Conflicts of interest".

          As far as reporters can tell, Ty Cobb and Sekulow are the entirety of the 'legal team" now


          • The Orange Monkey's response.

            What a fucking dumbass.

            "Many lawyers and top law firms want to represent me in the Russia case...don’t believe the Fake News narrative that it is hard to find a lawyer who wants to take this on," he tweeted.

            "Fame & fortune will NEVER be turned down by a lawyer, though some are conflicted," he continued.

            "Problem is that a new lawyer or law firm will take months to get up to speed (if for no other reason than they can bill more), which is unfair to our great country."
            Trump then reiterated that he is pleased with his current legal team.

            "I am very happy with my existing team," he tweeted.

            "Besides, there was NO COLLUSION with Russia, except by Crooked Hillary and the Dems!"
            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


            • Ya. Cause he's representing... uh like three others involved in the fake news conspiracy.

              All coincidence. Nothing to see.

              Attempting to a hire a lawyer who represents people implicated in fake crimes seems like a sound legal strategy. If only ... there... was.... a law.... or principle... or something that prevented such actions


              • Not unexpected prediction for Trump's foreign policy direction after Bolten tapped as National Security Advisor following McMaster's departure ......

                Also reading on Sunday that U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is commenting that he is talking with his counterparts in China and those talks are productive after Trump announced a second round of tariffs now clearly aimed at China.

                I remain half way hopeful that the kind of pressure the Trump administration is putting on China will produce tangible results favorable to US/Global trade ....... and pull the markets out of the tail spin they endured last week.

                I think you can see a clear picture of US Trade Policy as articulated by Mnuchin over the last year and Foreign Policy emerging with the departure of Tillerson who was replaced by Pompeo, Haley at the UN and now Bolton as National Security Adviser.

                Both are going to have sharp edges. With respect to trade, China, who, without question has fucked over the West when it comes to technology transfer, seems to be in the administration's cross-hairs. On a strategic security level, Iran and NK are going to get pushed.

                There are folks who are not going to like the direction the US is headed and it is a stark departure from the 8 years of Trade and Foreign Policy under President Obama. My view is it remains to be seen how all of this is going to turn out going forward and what implications success or failure of these policies will have on the 2020 Presidential Elections. I'm siting tight before I either criticize or praise the administration's direction.

                If DJT would just shut the fuck up with his factually inaccurate tweets and appearances where he simply lies and makes shit up, people might start taking him seriously. Instead he persists and citizens of both the US and the world only have to read the many available fact checking sources that relentlessly hammer him. What is actually going on in the bigger picture - the important stories - becomes obscured by his clown act.
                Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; March 25, 2018, 04:28 PM.
                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                • The problem is, even if we are judging each action in a vacuum -- he's barbing us on all fronts. Okay, China has been exploitive of intellectual property/patents and we have been soft in response -- so, this is our hardline rebuttal. Meanwhile, Bolton is probably going to have free reign in terms of accountability from Trump -- especially after Trump literally exhausted himself against McMaster, who could only tell Trump "no, that is stupid" so many ways, times. So, trade war initiated and, most likely, added theatres of war in the near future w/ Bolton and some pretty hefty military benefits and platform boosts in all domains of maneuver (water air ground) -- including additional orders of the colossal headache f35 simply because Lockheed requested it.

                  In addition to the plain conflicts above, he is still engaged in:
                  Mueller investigation
                  - if it isn't fake, every time he tweets he basically fucks himself
                  Women not Melania
                  - obviously an evolving "stressor"
                  Possible accountability for Kushner
                  - how were his actions as WH admin actually motivated by pursuit of money for imminent due mortgage
                  Rotating legal counsel

                  Let's say all controversy is fake/fabricated/manufactured

                  OK -- he still has to compartmentalize it and actually conduct presidential actions
                  -- which he just demonstrated he has clear issues with when pressed with a Friday deadline and which he continually demonstrates he can't actually do without venting, to dismay of all his support, on twitter after 2200.

                  Honestly, considering what is increasingly at stake -- id love for this to be 4d chess -- but, I don't see it.


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                      • LOL!
                        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                        • With the Daniels' interview now broadcast, today we should brace ourselves for an over the top response from our serial First Adulterer. Perhaps the invasion of Canada is on the horizon?

                          I feel sorry for Melania. Why does she put up with his shit? Perhaps a pre-nup giving the Orange Menace allowances for banging bimbos? I guess that's yet another difference between me and Chump - I put my family above everything else.
                          Last edited by Ghengis Jon; March 26, 2018, 08:24 AM.
                          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                          • Father of Pulse gunman was FBI informant, widow's attorneys say


                            • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
                              This is a sad fantasy for pro wallers

                              Calculate how much money was allocated for platform orders

                              Deployments on the horizon aren't Cush trips to border patrol.

                              "Build wall through M" might be his first tweeted lie/deception that actually rattles his core.

                              Unless you actually think we're about to stage jets/armor/ships near border.

                              Man, he roped you back in pretty easily.


                              • Build a wall through M? I guess Cambridge Analytica concluded that Sparty in particular is prone to having its chain yanked.

