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  • WingsFan. I’m so sorry to hear that.
    Thanks SLF


    • interesting read on Chicago..
      Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


      • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
        There are two points here that are instructive:

        First, the media sucks ..... oh, I already said that but qualified that characterization to only those unwilling to seek out the facts from all available resources. I worry, over the long term, of decreasing access to those resources or to increasing coverage of shit stories that drown out the important ones.

        Second, Moscow has boots on the ground in Syria. That enables, along with Russia's extensive National Overhead resources, the ability to develop excellent battlefield or tactical intell. That would mean specific information on US troop strength, aviation, artillery and logistical capabilities.

        That some Russian Oligarch got top level Russian approval to launch this attack seems to me to be a stretch. Attacking a heavily fortified force that has equally good intell, artillery and aviation support was fucking stupid ..... Putin is not stupid. I don't believe for one minute this was more than a poorly prepared militia of some sort, made up of Syrian, Russian mercenaries, whatever personnel, embarking upon a really stupid mission. Whoever it was got their asses kicked physically by US forces and I have no doubt in other ways by Putin or his Generals.

        The larger point the author makes is vitally important though. I've posted that I consider Trump dangerous internationally. Fortunately, he's got some very smart Flag Rank officers around him at the highest levels who can tap in to some of the best brains in the military within their own services. That doesn't mean Trump can't find some way to ignore advice he's getting and do something really stupid. Given his unfitness to serve as the CINC, that should scare the shit out of every one here.
        Media demonstrated their shit priorities when it came to the 59 tomahawk strike on the air field. No real clarity there -- even now.

        I agree on the point that very little has churned up in terms of ramifications because the personnel were, if not Syrian, some assortment oftechnically non-flagged mercs.

        On that note, I think it is a stretch to assume -- agreeing w/ above -- that this force was effectively tapped into any formal command and control. And, furthermore, even if they were -- it doesn't take S2 to tell a bunch of infantrymen (I think the article mentions they had BRDM, so, like 9) not to attack US military w/ rotary wing support and, presumably, a fair amount of m1a2s.

        There are a lot of ways to look at this story, but none of them will really be useful until we get some actual information.

        Oil refinery seizure w/ diminutive force? Uh ok.
        Leaked audio transcript w/ complete concession/near pandering of US power? Lol


        • In a moment demonstrative of DJT's impulsiveness he announced this afternoon, a 25% tariff on imported steel and 10% on Aluminum. The Dow immediately shed 500 points.

          Tariff's aren't the issue I'm posting on as poorly thought out and potentially damaging to America they are. It's the utter disorganization of the White House and the impulsiveness demonstrated by the President of the US.

          What's going to be interesting is observers doubt this is the final word as there is absolutely nothing, not even anything in draft status to implement Trump's major policy announcement. Everyone is scrambling.

          You could not create a more terrifying script for an imploding America ....... if it weren't entirely possible that this President may do more damage to the country he has sworn to protect and defend, arguably a shit ton more than any past president, this would make a great movie.
          Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; March 1, 2018, 04:01 PM.
          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


          • Maybe we could get Tarentino to direct Death Of A Nation.
            “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


            • picture of the leftist soyboy that sent white powder to Trump Jr.

              Party of hate


              • PS:

                Word is McMaster not long for the WH world.

                His departure would be a tremendous blow to the current triumvirate of military minds keeping Trump within any semblance of control.


                • I am willing to bet all three are coordinating their exit strategies. Man, what a garbage chapter this is going to be in text books.


                  • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post
                    Maybe we could get Tarentino to direct Death Of A Nation.
                    I don't know.

                    We are clearly living out a coen brothers script.


                    • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
                      It's cute how you guys think that Trudeau is a bigger clown than Trump.

                      Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk


                      • He wore it well.


                        • Originally posted by drok View Post
                          It's cute how you guys think that Trudeau is a bigger clown than Trump.

                          Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
                          Not "you guys" Just Krapture. I think he has a man-crush on Trudeau.

                          BTW, Nobody is a bigger clown than Trump.
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • Just what we need as top advisor! #Drainthat shit


                            • Yep you're right, didn't mean it that way.

                              Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk


                              • Sad to see Talent side with Trump on aluminum tariffs solely because he's been successful putting the GentryProgs in their place. Talent even votes against his economic interests because the cost of his Natty Lite-infused tailgates just went up 10 cents a can!!!!

                                A vote for Talent is a vote for Trump, Smoot-Hawley, and the Corn Laws. And a vote against the fine people at Miller Coors!!!!!

