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  • Jim Jordan's huddled in a closet somewhere, crying and hiding behind a mop, hoping to God Richard Burr doesn't find him and deliver a powerhouse backhand courtesy of the Hotel Smackdown. Oooooh yeah!


    • Some answers sooner than later, and this is while Shift and Feinstein are pretending its all Russian bots lol


      • Trump can release it with or without the House's 'permission'. As the article I posted notes, this was a planned release developed by the Freedom Caucus, not the WH. Not hearing a lot of reporting from the WH that is trumpeting this as THE MOST SHOCKING THING YOU WILL EVER READ

        Just yesterday Trump was brilliant for keeping the memo hidden as a long-term strategy of embarrassing the investigation right at the end. Today he's saying he'll release it now if that's what House Republicans want.

        Let's be clear...this is a 4-page document that will be heavily redacted before its release...some House Republicans call it the most shocking thing they've ever seen...and that it will completely exonerate Trump...and Trump is like "yeah so I don't know if this is worth declassifying, but i'll do it if you guys think it's a good idea".

        A 15-dimensional Grand Chessmaster at work


        • Michigan Man arrested after making multiple threats to carry out a massacre at CNN headquarters, vowed to destroy "Fake News"

          A 19-year-old Michigan man was busted for threatening to unleash a mass killing at CNN’s Atlanta headquarters during a string of harassing phone calls, records show. Brandon Griesemer badgere…


          • So DSL, you don't find it odd that five months worth of the Strozk emails to his babe went missing. I wonder about the actual phones (which were government property). I guess Hillary set the standard for this type of thing. To hell with the subpoenas or court orders, just bleachbit the hard drives and get rid of all the emails.


            • Dont worry, it will all be over soon.

              Wonder what diversion strategy you will be running then...


              • After firing Comey, Trump summoned McCabe over to the WHite House. He wanted to know who MCCabe had voted for. McCabe told him he hadn't voted. Trump then started criticizing McCabe's wife for accepting money from a PAC connected to Clinton.


                • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                  So DSL, you don't find it odd that five months worth of the Strozk emails to his babe went missing. I wonder about the actual phones (which were government property). I guess Hillary set the standard for this type of thing. To hell with the subpoenas or court orders, just bleachbit the hard drives and get rid of all the emails.
                  I thought Nixon did, where 15 min of deleted tape was evidence of a cover-up. Shit, now the IRS can lose thousands of emails admid a scandal, Hillary can delete 33,000 emails that were under congressional subpoena, and the FBI can disappear 5 months worth of critical text messages.

                  At this point, what difference does it make?


                  • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                    So DSL, you don't find it odd that five months worth of the Strozk emails to his babe went missing. I wonder about the actual phones (which were government property). I guess Hillary set the standard for this type of thing. To hell with the subpoenas or court orders, just bleachbit the hard drives and get rid of all the emails.
                    1) Numerous FBI phones apparently didn't capture texts during that time, not just those belonging to Strozk and 'his babe'.

                    2) If the DOJ was purposely trying to hide something, why would they release any texts at all? Why not claim they all were destroyed?

                    3) The DOJ says they are still attempting to get these message off their servers somehow.

                    4) Senator Burr is much more knowledgeable about all this than most of the House Republican clowns who are shrieking and claiming they've never seen such abuse. Compare their hysterics with their fellow party members on the Senate Intel or House Intel Committees. They are far more restrained. Even Nunes doesn't seem enthused to frantically rush out his own memo to the public.

                    Republicans are concerned that the FBI is missing texts between former FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok over a months-long period


                    • Everyone's probably heard by now but Mueller wants to question Trump in the next few weeks. Specifically interested in asking questions about Flynn and Comey's firings and whether he tried to get rid of Sessions because he was unhappy with the Russia investigation.


                      • Not the DOJ, the FBI. And if it wasn't for the inspector general probe the texts would have never been found and turned over to congress, and Peter Strzok would still be on the Mueller team.


                        • Anything other than jazz or brass bands that features a saxophone is trash. End of story.
                          This is obviously a post just to trigger, but hey - Its never a bad time listening to Dark Side of the Moon.

                          [ame=""]Pink Floyd - "Us And Them" - YouTube[/ame]


                          • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
                            This is obviously a post just to trigger, but hey - Its never a bad time listening to Dark Side of the Moon.

                            Pink Floyd - "Us And Them" - YouTube
                            Talent is a Croat from Youngstown. His idea of "good music" is a bitchin schlager polka band from Zagreb.
                            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                            • What the hell happened between Trump and Rudy? He was everywhere with him on the campaign, some thought he was going to be the next AG or Sec of State even.

                              Now he's in Experian commercials. As a 'computer security' expert.

                              [ame=""]Rudy Giuliani appears in EXPERIAN commercial 1-11-18 - YouTube[/ame]


                              • There is too much to post in a week, this is a good sax solo

                                [ame=""]Bobby Keys Sax Solo "Can't You Hear Me Knocking" Rolling Stones - YouTube[/ame]

