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  • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
    cbs seems to be the only mainstream network besides fox putting this story out
    Strzok said in a July 1 text message that the timing of Lynch's announcement "looks like hell." And Page appears to mockingly refer to Lynch's decision to accept the FBI's conclusion in the case as a "real profile in courag(e) since she knows no charges will be brought."


    • course when you have the 5 months of texts that disappear from strozak while he was a member of the Mueller probe and while he worked for comey that doesn't raise any suspicions at all does it


      • It's not hard to know what I think of The Economist -- that comes up pretty regularly here, so if you're reading the thread you know what I think about it, and don't have to assume. I know you don't care what I think about this policy, and that you simply posted something you just happened to find interesting. But since you're still going on about it and why a person who happens to fit a description of me should think a specific thing about it, here's my final word on it:

        -Private investment is driving this, and we know where it's going. We have the most climate-hostile government any developed country will likely ever have from this point forward and the energy market is ignoring this. Great news.

        -I didn't say the EU specifically was moving in the right direction, and in fact have already pointed out the greater success in the US in reducing emissions. That's an interesting conversational prompt on its own for someone who claims to be interested in VCs and entrepreneurship and the like, which makes it all the more curious that this discussion still for some reason seems to be about policy. But ultimately what's relevant to consider is the planet as a whole. It's foolish to believe we'll get to the targets on time and without suffering damages first, but emissions have been flat for 3 years, and that's never before happened in a growing global economy. The link between petroleum and economic expansion has been partially severed for the first time. Great news.

        -On the soft-factors side, the spun bullshit is pretty weak these days. Its obvious you just found this whole thing interesting, and weren't posting this to try and find some sort of inconsistency in what I might say about it, but your tour through Arguments of Varied Qualities is indeed telling. We have a guy who needs Africa to make a fake point about Europe so he can make a fake point about Trump that he can't even directly connect in his kicker. And we have Lomborg, who gained fame questioning the science, no longer questioning the science. This is also good to see. It's a shame people like that still can impart a message after being so thoroughly discredited, but we're human beings. Things aren't going to be perfect. I'm just glad the trend is favorable.
        Last edited by hack; January 22, 2018, 01:25 PM.


        • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
          course when you have the 5 months of texts that disappear from strozak while he was a member of the Mueller probe and while he worked for comey that doesn't raise any suspicions at all does it
          during that time frame of missing texts

          Dossier Published
          Phone call from Flynn to Russians after sanctions placed on Russia
          Flynn's name unmasked and leaked by unknown 0bama official
          Trump takes oath of office
          Strzok interviewed Flynn
          Flynn fired
          Comey and Trump discuss Flynn
          Comey tells Congress about Russia probe
          Comey fired
          Muller appointed


          • -On the soft-factors side, the spun bullshit is pretty weak these days
            I'm quite happy I read the NRO piece. It got me to The Economist. Which ended up getting me to Forbes. Which got me to Chatham. Which got me to basic truth of the situation, which I summarized and, as I mentioned something straight out of The Wire.

            The big renewable the EU is using is likely more carbon net negative than coal. LOL.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • [ame][/ame]


              • Comment

                • Richard Burr (R-NC), head of Senate Intel, is not happy after the Trump Administration slipped in a provision into the CR that allows the WH to spend money on 'intelligence activities' without Congressional authorization or oversight.

                  Curious behavior for an administration that claims to be highly concerned about abuse of spy powers.

                  Anyways, I imagine Burr will not let this go and once the CR expires he will make sure similar language doesn't make it into the next one or a bigger fiscal bill.


                  • Speaking of solar, Trump just slapped on a 30% tariff on imported solar panels...from anywhere

                    Also, he's going after washing machines for some reason. The first 1.2 M imported washing machines will be hit with an additional 20% tax. After that, it jumps to 50%.

                    "Begun the trade war has."


                    • Two Trump admin personnel stories...I think the Wilbur Rosds one probably has more legs to it, but who knows?

                      Wilbur Ross could be close to exit...reportedly falls asleep in meetings...Trump's lost all confidence that he can handle trade negotiations

                      You snooze, you lose. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross could be on the White House chopping block for sleeping on the job, according to reports Sunday. The 80-year-old ex-Wall Street mogul has fallen…

                      Trump has just about had it with General Kelly: "I've got another nut job who thinks he's running things". Ivanka, of all people, is supposedly searching for replacements. Tension between the two has been slowly building, as Trump chafes under the much more disciplined routine of Kelly, but Trumps' really been pissed by the recent quotes from Kelly about immigration.

                      Sometimes people's personalities just don't mesh. Personally, I think Kelly was good for Trump. All of his major achievements took place after Kelly took over for Priebus. If he's replaced by someone much more like Reince who will grovel and indulge Trump & his cronies, it'll actually make Trump a less effective President..but hey, that's his choice.

                      With the president and his chief of staff arguing in public, Ivanka Trump takes charge of finding a replacement.


                      • PA State Supreme Court throws out congressional maps as too politically gerrymandered; orders the PA legislature to redraw them within weeks.

                        Republicans shriek that they'll appeal but it's unclear that they can...the Court found that the districts violated the Pennsylvania state constitution, not any federal law. This will hurt the chances of a number of suburban Republicans that were already nervous about 2018.

                        Although Democrats will probably pick up a few additional seats in this year’s election, the development is less helpful for them than it might at first appear.


                        • Going to great have State judges determine what is or isn’t too gerrymandered!
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                            Going to great have State judges determine what is or isn?t too gerrymandered!
                   most states I believe they are elected figures too. If the voters side with the Legislature, vote them bum judges outta office.

                            Here's the current PA map. From the analysis I'm reading this decision will most likely mean the end of Republican control over PA-6, considered to be the most blatantly gerrymandered district in the state....also major changes to be made to the Leigh Valley area in PA-15 and 17.


                            • STFU
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • And I thought others might be similarly surprised and interested -- apparently Geezer was.
                                I was very much surprised. And I'm waiting for Hack to supply me with a link to where a sapling takes in more CO2 than does a mature tree. And I have a company that grows trees.

                                And what about my request about why eliminating hydro is a good thing to do in areas of sporadic rainfall. Dams are a good thing, and good for the environment. Why tear them out, hack?

                                And I'll add a little local flavor with a story about DTE and the con that they are pulling that is not much different than the type of thing Europe is doing:http://www.michigancapitolconfidenti...f-the-day-only

                                But two things are true.

                                1. This all hinges on Anthropogenic global warming being true.

                                2. The US leads in innovation, fracking, clean coal, power plant technology and the rest because in the US there are strict rules protecting private property. Private property protections are what separates us from the rest of the world.

