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  • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
    Amazing what the economy can do when government loosens the shackles.

    Just like Ronnie be my little baby...government isn't the's the problem...

    Meanwhile, following that initial tax cut, Reagan actually ended up raising taxes - eleven times. That's according to former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson, a longtime Reagan friend who co-chaired President Obama's fiscal commission that last year offered a deficit reduction proposal.

    "Ronald Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes," historian Douglas Brinkley, who edited Reagan's diaries, told NPR. "He knew that it was necessary at times. And so there's a false mythology out there about Reagan as this conservative president who came in and just cut taxes and trimmed federal spending in a dramatic way. It didn't happen that way. It's false."

    It's important to note that Reagan's tax increases did not wipe out the effects of that initial tax cut. But they did eat up about half of it. And as Peter Beinart points out, the 1983 payroll tax hike went to pay for Social Security and Medicare. ("Reagan raised taxes to pay for government-run health care," Beinart writes.) Reagan also raised the gas tax and signed the largest corporate tax increase in history, an act Joshua Green writes would be "utterly unimaginable for any conservative to support today."

    Reagan was not happy about raising taxes or expanding government, and we certainly shouldn't forget that he had to work within the constraints placed upon him by a non-compliant Congress. But that doesn't change the fact that Reagan both increased spending and, after the initial cut, showed a willingness to raise taxes - exactly the sort of policy prescriptions so widely condemned by today's Reagan-reverent conservatives.

    Conservative Rhetoric Notwithstanding, Reagan Raised Taxes 11 Times and Increased Deficit and Spending During his Presidency


    • Originally posted by Mainevent View Post
      The point being that they aren't really increasing spend over what they were doing in the supposedly restrictive Obama environment. Businesses spend when they have opportunity, market, demand.
      did you know that the big ISP's cut their infrastructure investments since Net Neutrality was passed back in 2015 to the tune of 4,000,000,000 dollars?

      I mean why bother increasing speeds and bringing new products to market when they are not forced to compete?

      Not only did AT&T and Comcast announce raises but the also announced an increase in investment, meaning faster internet and new products on the market.


      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

        Meanwhile, following that initial tax cut, Reagan actually ended up raising taxes - eleven times. That's according to former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson, a longtime Reagan friend who co-chaired President Obama's fiscal commission that last year offered a deficit reduction proposal.

        "Ronald Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes," historian Douglas Brinkley, who edited Reagan's diaries, told NPR. "He knew that it was necessary at times. And so there's a false mythology out there about Reagan as this conservative president who came in and just cut taxes and trimmed federal spending in a dramatic way. It didn't happen that way. It's false."

        It's important to note that Reagan's tax increases did not wipe out the effects of that initial tax cut. But they did eat up about half of it. And as Peter Beinart points out, the 1983 payroll tax hike went to pay for Social Security and Medicare. ("Reagan raised taxes to pay for government-run health care," Beinart writes.) Reagan also raised the gas tax and signed the largest corporate tax increase in history, an act Joshua Green writes would be "utterly unimaginable for any conservative to support today."

        Reagan was not happy about raising taxes or expanding government, and we certainly shouldn't forget that he had to work within the constraints placed upon him by a non-compliant Congress. But that doesn't change the fact that Reagan both increased spending and, after the initial cut, showed a willingness to raise taxes - exactly the sort of policy prescriptions so widely condemned by today's Reagan-reverent conservatives.

        I find it odd that the Democrats think that tax cuts are the end all for Republicans. They're not. They also shouldn't be permanent, meaning at some point they will need to be raised.


        • I can’t speak to Comcast’s relevant spending, but per the notes from the WaPo, ATT is increasing spending - back to 2016 level of $23M from $22M. So yes, technically an increase but not beyond what they had spent the year before.


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            • Tim Scott for President!
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Right now


                • Originally posted by Mainevent View Post
                  I can?t speak to Comcast?s relevant spending, but per the notes from the WaPo, ATT is increasing spending - back to 2016 level of $23M from $22M. So yes, technically an increase but not beyond what they had spent the year before.
                  I don't care as long as the number is going up and not down.

                  I want every household to have access to gigabit fiber (read I WANT gigabit fiber). Is that more likely under NN or without NN, well, we did go from dial up to high speed broadband and 4G LTE without NN. Not to mention the industry as a whole cut funding for such investments after NN's passage, I am glad to see that ground made up if nothing else.


                  • Huffpo writer is racist? no way!!


                    • Despicable progs in Memphis took down the Statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest last night. A slap in the face to every troo amurican what loves their heritage, no doubt.

                      Interesting though, I had never heard that the city of Memphis, in 1904, actually dug up General Forrest's bones from the cemetery where he had rested for 30 years in order to place his remains alongside the giant-ass statue they built of him in a city park. Geez

                      The city of Memphis sold two public parks containing Confederate monuments to a private entity Wednesday in a massive operation to take the statues down overnight.


                      • Right now
                        Correct. Nicki Haley for VP. Dabo for Secretary of State. How bad could it be to let a bunch of Palmetto fucktwats run this country?
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                          Correct. Nicki Haley for VP. Dabo for Secretary of State.
                          first Haley for Sec. of State


                          • She's taking names!!!


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                              • Last edited by Kapture1; December 21, 2017, 10:51 AM.

