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  • That's not all Mrs. SLF makes...if you know what I mean....
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • The self driving car argument nonsense lives!


      • Kapture ..... I'm neutral on the subject (1) becasue I don't know enough about its complexities to take a position and (2), I don't think we actually know.... yet ...... how this is going to turn out.

        From 10K feet, I don't have a problem with seeing how everything shakes out. I will have a problem if, as a result of allowing the big boys to control who can and cannot download a movie or what web sites I can or cannot visit with the cannots only available if I pay for them.

        I'd love to see competition spring up and thrive in the ISP world - it sucks that we have shitty ATT DSL and COMCAST as the only viable internet providers - but a bunch of new service providers offering 5g and fiber is not assured with the new normal on the Internet.

        I'm not convinced ..... yet ...... that the "invisible hand" is going to work here. It might and new Internet ISPs show up in a deregulated market place or it might not and COMCAST starts charging me for NETFLIX access and bundles access to mgoblog and this forum in some kind of package I have to pay extra to visit.
        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


        • The invisible had was innovating before 2015, we went from dial up, to cable internet and lightning fast fiber starting to emerge. The same arguements for free market apply here, competition is the best vehicle to drive costs down while at the same time offer the consumers the best possible product. The reason Comcast is a monopoly is because of government regulations that have caused a lack of market competition. What happened when the government forced equality was there became no need for competition. There became no reason to improve and innovate the product. Just one year after NN. Google Fiber hit the breaks, halted their expansion in 9 different cities and cut a bunch of jobs. It no longer made sense to expand the massively better product. That hurts consumers in a number of different ways, not least of which google fiber was forcing competition.


          • The same FBI agent who attacked Trump in his texts attacked Bernie Sanders and Eric Holder!!! Despicable!!!


            • Google Fiber did not put plans on hold due to Net Neutrality, no, among other things it was more due to Charter and Comcast (you know, the people who Net Neutrality benefits), fighting to keep regulations on pole attachments.

              This article from February does a nice job of explaining it:

              For a long time, Google Fiber was the most exciting broadband provider out there. Cities wanted it, tech people drooled over it; and on a loftier level,
              Last edited by AlabamAlum; December 14, 2017, 07:52 PM.
              "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


              • People would rather stay with their provider, that they hate, then to wait for the installation of a better option?

                "Its too difficult for me to sit around on my ass for 3 hours while somebody strings fiber into my house." JFC


                • Remember that shooting video about a week ago. I saw this article on how the shooting officer should have been trained (and probably was) to handle the situation:

                  I’ve been a Texas Peace Officer for a little over 13 years. Over the course of that time, I have seen and experienced a wide array of emotions dealing with our profession. We’re a tight-knit community and we should be. It is virtually impossible to understand the position unless you have held it. On...

                  The executive summary bolded:

                  What matters — at least with respect to Brailsford (the shooter) — is that Brailsford did not respond to the incident in a manner consistent with the training that he should have received (and probably did receive). In essence, what Brailsford was dealing with was a “felony traffic stop.” The only difference is that Brailsford was dealing with a hotel room instead of a vehicle.

                  However, the change of setting does not change either the training or tactics Brailsford should have employed. As soon as Shaver and his female guest were on the ground, it should have been handled as any other felony traffic stop.

                  In the video, it is clear that Shaver went to the ground upon command. While this is a good sign of cooperation, it does not mean that there were no other suspects inside the room. Extending the benefit of the doubt to a fellow law enforcement officer, I will proceed under the premise that Brailsford believed there may have been an additional threat that remained inside the room.

                  Furthermore, while it is obvious that Shaver did not have a rifle in his possession, it is possible that he may have had a concealed weapon in the waistband of his basketball shorts.

                  It is also noteworthy from a tactical perspective that there was an alcove in the hotel hallway that may have obscured the line of sight to the room that Shaver exited from. Brailsford may not have been able to ascertain if there were additional suspects in the room, or even if the room door was closed or open.

                  The most compromised position that we, as officers, can put a suspect in is the position that Shaver was instructed to put himself in. Face to the ground, arms outstretched and feet crossed. Langley’s instructions, at least to this point, were text-book.

                  Once Shaver was in this position, it would have made sense to handcuff and detain Shaver. Remember, the beginning of the video makes clear that there were multiple officers on scene. However, Langley determined that he needed Shaver to be closer before taking action, probably because he was unsure if anyone else remained in the room. Langley may have determined that exposing his co-workers to that alcove was a risk he was not willing to take. Under that assumption, the most tactical approach may have been to have Shaver move closer to the officers.

                  Langley instructed Shaver to rise to his knees. Shaver complied. It is at this moment in the video that Shaver placed his hands behind his back, anticipating the next command. While this was not what Shaver was instructed to do, he certainly shows that he was intending to comply. Once warned, Shaver placed his hands in the air, as instructed.

                  At this point, the encounter should have proceeded as a felony traffic stop, tactically. Shaver is on his knees with his hands in the air. It is apparent that Brailsford and Langley still viewed Shaver as a threat.

                  During a felony traffic stop, officers attempt to remove any possibility of a weapon by taking a few simple steps. One of the most important steps is to, from a distance, verify that there is no weapon concealed in the waistband of the suspect. This step was overlooked by Brailsford and Langley. Langley should have instructed Shaver to place his hands on the back of his head, with fingers interlaced. Langley should then have instructed Shaver to grab the back of his shirt and pull it up, exposing his waistband. Langley should next have instructed Shaver to, from the kneeling position, with shirt raised, turn around.

                  This would have enabled Langley, Brailsford, and their fellow officers to all but rule out the possibility of a concealed weapon in the waistband. This is not armchair quarterbacking. This is what we officers are trained to do. When we deviate from training, we are reckless. When we are reckless, we make mistakes. When we make mistakes due to recklessness, we are accountable under the law.
                  Last edited by Da Geezer; December 14, 2017, 09:06 PM.


                  • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                    Google Fiber did not put plans on hold due to Net Neutrality, no, among other things it was more due to Charter and Comcast (you know, the people who Net Neutrality benefits), fighting to keep regulations on pole attachments.

                    This article from February does a nice job of explaining it:

                    The point is it wasn't worth the investment for Google, which is the case when government removes ALL incentative to compete against a comcast or charter who were throttling their service. NN disincentivised the next leap forward in technology

                    From the article

                    It’s not that Google doesn’t have the money to fight these things, but it might not have been worth the resources to try and seriously compete with an incumbent provider on this issue—particularly when those providers are already so entrenched in the policy scene. In Tennessee, AT&T employed five times as many lobbyists as Google did last year—25 to Google’s five.

                    So NN seems to be a top down big government solution to too much government. Socialism for the internet. No thanks, good riddance. Now that NN is gone the demand for a faster (25xs faster than baselevel broadband) internet will likely spike and we will see companies like Google Fiber willing to pay for the investment to gain that market share.
                    Last edited by Kapture1; December 14, 2017, 10:07 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Wild Hoss View Post
                      People would rather stay with their provider, that they hate, then to wait for the installation of a better option?

                      "Its too difficult for me to sit around on my ass for 3 hours while somebody strings fiber into my house." JFC
                      Id take a two week vacation from work to sit around and wait for fiber lol


                      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                        The same FBI agent who attacked Trump in his texts attacked Bernie Sanders and Eric Holder!!! Despicable!!!

                        Neat. Did he also text about an insurance policy in case Bernie or Holder won the presidency?


                        • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
                          Id take a two week vacation from work to sit around and wait for fiber lol

                          Me too. But I have friends with DSL and AOL accounts, so, it's not hard to believe.
                          Last edited by AlabamAlum; December 14, 2017, 10:19 PM.
                          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                          • The only difference is that Brailsford was dealing with a hotel room instead of a vehicle.

                            What a stupid statement, first it was a hallway situation not a room. Second it wasn't a vehicle where there is open space and/or other cars driving by.

                            Anyone with a brain can see the man was to frighten to carry out Langley's improbable orders. This is how the man was killed. Back to my first post, the strategy was all wrong - as the only part I agree with the article. I also would like to point out these officers are definitely rogue.

                            There is a second video where Langley (as they move forward after the shooting) says to Brasilsford "If I need you to wack somebody I'll tell ya". Cops act like they playing a video game, both should be in prison.


                            • [ame=""]Donald Trump is Making Christmas Great Again - YouTube[/ame]


                              • Lawyer types should watch this. Trump says this guy (who is currently head of the FEC!!) would make a great District Judge. This is conservative Senator John Kennedy (LA) asking him the questions.

                                Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; December 14, 2017, 11:06 PM.

