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Kapture:I will give 0bama credit getting the economy where it was, I will never figure out how, but he did. It was sitting there, waiting to go off, like a compressed spring. 0bama just didn't have the ability, neither does Hillary. Thankfully Trump is our president we are on the verge of the next Golden Age.
First of all, Obama took the interest rate to near 0%. Please take time to actually look at this chart:
Shows the daily level of the federal funds rate back to 1954. The fed funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions (banks and credit unions) lend reserve balances to other depository institutions overnight, on an uncollateralized basis. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meets eight times a year to determine the federal funds target rate.
Next, he printed $ 10 Trillion and injected it into the economy using the Federal Reserve as his bagman.
On Wednesday, the Fed will increase interest rates for what I believe is the third increase in a year. The adults in the room have to slowly return the economy to normalcy, after Obama. But it is true that we have had two quarters now at 3% and 3.3%, that is, at least a 50% increase in GDP from the first quarter. And this has been accomplished by only "stopping the waterboarding" of business.
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If you've got an hour and can take that time to read, and I mean really read and digest it, this is a fantastic piece. The Atlantic leans a bit left but I didn't sense that until the concluding sections that take issue with Trump's apparent adoration of the Russians (and Putin) whom he sees as potential collaborators on select issues such as terrorism. FP experts think this kind of thinking is dangerous to US interests world wide.
What I felt this article does best is to put Russian meddling in the 2016 election in the context of, in the author's opinion, Putin's world view and what drives him. This isn't the first time I've read or heard about Putin being described in the way this author describes him. It is the first time some of today's hot topics - Trumps involvement with the Russians in defeating Hillary Clinton and to what extent the Russians are effective in such meddling - have been described exhaustively in the context of Mother Russia which is just another way of describing Vladimir Putin.
Some of my takes:
Trump did not collude with Putin in any direct way to get himself elected. The author does an excellent job in documenting and describing Russian attempts to influence American politics and politicians. The author provides very convincing evidence of what amounts to a not terribly sophisticated but immensely effective, long standing effort by the Russians to take advantage of American gullibility and vulnerability. This effort going back at least 3-4y before the 2016 US elections.
Putin's motivation for probably specific direction to undertake the kind of cyber attacks that were unleashed in 2015-16 can be traced directly to the Panama Papers and the leaks that implicated him in money laundering. Putin was seriously embarrassed by the revelation of Russian corruption, the level of which should be no surprise to anyone that has taken the time to understand Russia and the Oligarchs under Putin.
The purpose of this undertaking was to repay the Obama administration and in particular Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who Putin considered was behind the release of this damaging information. This was, to me, a really good read as I had never put Russia's cyber activity in this context. It makes a ton of sense and rather diffuses the notion that Trump was somehow involved.
Putin is in a remarkably vulnerable political spot himself within Russia. It is of his own doing. This explains a good deal of his behavior on the world scene and domestically. It also underscores how stupidly we respond to Russia's/Putin's actions, in particular, the Obama administration.
Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
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Originally posted by Da Geezer View PostKapture:
Kap: allow me to give you some reasons for the underlined portion of your post.
First of all, Obama took the interest rate to near 0%. Please take time to actually look at this chart:
Shows the daily level of the federal funds rate back to 1954. The fed funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions (banks and credit unions) lend reserve balances to other depository institutions overnight, on an uncollateralized basis. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meets eight times a year to determine the federal funds target rate.
Next, he printed $ 10 Trillion and injected it into the economy using the Federal Reserve as his bagman.
On Wednesday, the Fed will increase interest rates for what I believe is the third increase in a year. The adults in the room have to slowly return the economy to normalcy, after Obama. But it is true that we have had two quarters now at 3% and 3.3%, that is, at least a 50% increase in GDP from the first quarter. And this has been accomplished by only "stopping the waterboarding" of business.
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Kaptiure & Geezer-
A good discussion of the huge swath of Alabama polls and what may account for the differences.
As he points out, pollsters that use automated robocalls have almost universally shown Moore with the lead. Pollsters using actual human callers have tended to show Jones winning.
The downside of robocalls?
1) Automated polls are banned by law from calling cell phones. Land lines tend to be owned by an older, whiter population.
2) Robocalls get lower response rates and therefore, if they don't get enough responses from particular demographics, sometimes make bigger assumptions
The primary downside of human callers is that there's some evidence to believe that respondents will be less honest.
Lots of other info in the article. But bottom line for Silver is that Jones would need all of Alabama's swing voters, so much as they exist, and get lopsided turnout in his favor.
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This is from a conservative, Alabama news site. A very strong presentation of why we know Roy Moore is lying at least about some details
So Moore remembers them both as good girls, remembers the parents of both, recalls that one was 19 or older (she says she was 18), knew one of them “as a friend,” and can’t deny having actually dated them (but said there was no sexual activity).
Yet now, just weeks later, he insists he neither knew nor dated “any” of these women, not even the ones whose parents’ permission for dating he acknowledged requesting (and whose surviving parents confirm that he asked).
This isn’t splitting hairs. This is an unequivocal contradiction not only of the stories of multiple young women, but of his own earlier account.
Even if we don’t know for certain whether Roy Moore had sexual contact (of a sort) with 14-year-old Leigh Corfman, we now know that Moore has made a conscious decision to lie about his onetime relationships with teenage girls. We know this from a combination of his own words and of new […]
The key as the article notes is the difference between Roy Moore's interview with Hannity, which was almost immediately after the allegations arose, and his story now.
When he was on with Hannity he denied dating any of the girls but admitted knowing two of them, said they were just 'friends', could recall their parents (at least one of whom says Roy Moore did. indeed ask permission to date their teenage daughter)...
But within days his story had changed to "I've never seen or heard of any of these women. "
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