Originally posted by iam416
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That said, on an is-what-it-is basis, and not a what-ought-to-be basis, we're going to find out if entering the EU is a mistake that's actually worth undoing for the UK. It's just agreed to pay $52.25bn for the right to do so. Now can it get free-trade agreements in place by March 2019, or will it be complete chaos? Everything has to be redone either way. Your average Uk supermarket chain apparently has 20,000 contracts on average to renegotiate with European suppliers, thousands of which apply to perishable goods that need to move smoothly past borders. Your average manufacturer needs to overhaul its IT systems and change its SKU numbers and all that other nonsense. Time and costs on top of higher tariffs.
We'll see if that's worth it for the UK, even as on the other hand they are agreeing to surrender bits of sovereignty to international bodies in other areas, like tax policy, to the OECD. It could be in the long term, but what's certain is that there will be pain now.