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  • This week was about our responsibility to bring the world closer to the Kingdom of G-d by helping those in need. It's a great listen every week. (I'm happy to point you in the right direction if you want to listen.)
    SLF: could you give me a link to those sermons? I'd like to like to listen to them.


    • How do you define ``corruption"?

      Trump made it patently obvious that he was going to Washington to line his own pockets.


      • SLF ...... I'd like to flesh Ed's post out a bit.

        Originally posted by Ed Balzer View Post
        Let me start by saying that Hillary is corruption incarnate..........
        I wouldn't go that far but her hawkish stance on the role of America in the world and her willingness to become entangled in foreign adventures where US interests are at best questionable was dangerous. Clinton is a liberal Neocon. Ed's term = neoliberal. YMMV.

        Originally posted by Ed Balzer View Post
        The 'Arab Spring' was a neoliberal astroturf effort to accomplish regime change in the Mideast, and it most successfully targeted Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria. Obama and his Secretary of State escalated Bush's wars and took ownership of them. To Trump's credit, he has deescalated the conflicts in Syria and Iraq.

        There can be no quicker potential demise to humanity than a hot war with Russia that could turn nuclear. Hillary wanted war with Russia over the Ukraine and Syria. Trump was the adult in the room.
        First, these (the Arab Spring and Hiilary's advocacy of provocative military action in Ukrain that would have absolutely sparked US (NATO) on Russian (not wearing Russian uniforms or carrying Russian flags) ground forces engagement, are perfect examples of the carry-over from the Bush-Chenney Doctrine of Nation Building (modified to fit the reality of the times for Obama and Clinton.)

        I'm thinking, SLF, you might agree with most of the fleshing I did, no?
        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


        • I think Ed and I might agree on a whole lot, but being a neoliberal isn't the same as being corrupt. And it's a giant leap to assume that Trump didn't want war with Russia because he was the adult in the room. There's much, much more evidence that his Russia policy is set by his own financial desires. He has tried to sell policy outcomes and pocket the cash.


          • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
            SLF: could you give me a link to those sermons? I'd like to like to listen to them.
            Of course! I download them through my podcast app, but there is a hard copy and links to his sermons here.
            To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


            • That was a good original post btw, SLF. Hipster judgement can be a very oppresive kind of judgement.


              • We're just going to gloss over the fact that Hillary wanted the potential demise of humanity?


                • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                  I think I disagree with about everything in your post, and think at least half your facts may be wrong (although I'm not as up on foreign policy as maybe I should be) but I appreciate sharing your thoughts. It makes sense to me as explained!
                  Let's look at Syria, that may be where you are most in disagreement. I picked three links to support each of my statements, basically the first I came upon. They are by no means definitive, and I suggest that you do your own research and more solidly formulate your opinion.

                  1) Trump did end US funding of anti-Assad rebels in Syria. Immediately Daesh started to collapse, and is now a non-entity.
                  US president phasing out agency’s programme to arm and train groups in order to get closer to Russia, say US officials.

                  2) The Iraqi Kurds (led by the Barzani clan) pushed for a referendum that passed nearly unanimously that would grant complete independence from Baghdad. Without US support if fell apart, the Kurds lost control of many oil fields, and Barzani was forced to resign power.
                  Friction between Iraqi Kurdish political factions soared Monday, a day after longtime regional leader Masoud Barzani announced his resignation following weeks of turmoil surrounding his failed push for an independent Kurdistan.

                  3) The US has been supplying the Syrian Kurds (the SDF is mostly YPD Kurds) with heavy weapons to fight against Daesh, and the SAA (Assad), but with Turkish pressure that is coming to an end.


                  • Originally posted by Wild Hoss View Post
                    We're just going to gloss over the fact that Hillary wanted the potential demise of humanity?
                    She only wanted the potential demise of Wiz. I held my nose and voted for her in hopes that I would no longer have to hold my nose full-time.


                    • Originally posted by hack View Post
                      How do you define "corruption"?
                      "Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery."

                      It does not always include illegal activity, since those practicing corruption design the laws and their interpretations in their favor.

                      Originally posted by hack View Post
                      Trump made it patently obvious that he was going to Washington to line his own pockets.
                      Trump is a business insider and a government outsider. Hillary is the ultimate government insider. Trump was the least offensive major candidate in the 2016 clown car, his take-down of Jebra will go down in history. He broke the Bush/neocon control of the Republican Party, and the Clinton/neoliberal control of the Democrats. They all line their own pockets, at least trump was honest about it. 2016 was a watershed year, more people are waking up to how neither party represents them.


                      • Originally posted by hack View Post
                        I think Ed and I might agree on a whole lot, but being a neoliberal isn't the same as being corrupt.
                        I did not say that it was the same thing, but there is ample evidence coming to light that people in the FBI and DoJ actively protected Hillary from prosecution. Second she used her control of the Clinton Foundation and contacts in the DoS to personally enrich herself.

                        Originally posted by hack View Post
                        And it's a giant leap to assume that Trump didn't want war with Russia because he was the adult in the room.
                        If it was only Trump and Hillary in the room and one had to be considered the adult, it would have been more so The Donald.

                        Originally posted by hack View Post
                        There's much, much more evidence that his Russia policy is set by his own financial desires. He has tried to sell policy outcomes and pocket the cash.
                        Most politicians have world-wide business interests with many countries, not just Russia. And they are empowered to set policy that benefits themselves. Welcome to 6,000 years of human history.
                        Last edited by Ed Balzer; December 7, 2017, 03:27 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
                          Clinton is a liberal Neocon. Ed's term = neoliberal.


                          • Originally posted by hack View Post
                            She only wanted the potential demise of Wiz. I held my nose and voted for her in hopes that I would no longer have to hold my nose full-time.
                            Well, who would argue with that? Sensible.


                            • If Hillary did this, then you're not making the very important distinction between stealing taxpayers' money and influence peddling. Hillary peddled and peddled and peddled, but you can't get her on actual corruption, as far as we know. Trump is actively diverting taxpayers' money to his own pockets.

                              They all line their own pockets, at least trump was honest about it.

                              If there's anything at all about Western civilization you like, I think that's one to ponder. Why would you want to elect somebody who wants to attack it? The two-party system is one thing. Not the only thing. I hate the swamp myself, but I don't know how that could ever rise to the point at which I think it's better to elect a guy promising to make kleptocracy Job #1.


                              • Originally posted by Ed Balzer View Post
                                "Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery."

                                It does not always include illegal activity, since those practicing corruption design the laws and their interpretations in their favor.
                                Originally posted by hack View Post
                                If Hillary did this, then you're not making the very important distinction between stealing taxpayers' money and influence peddling. Hillary peddled and peddled and peddled, but you can't get her on actual corruption, as far as we know. Trump is actively diverting taxpayers' money to his own pockets.
                                We both realize how truly terrible our 2016 candidates were, and people will continue to argue which horrific monster was a bit worse. The principal point that made me prefer a Hillary lose was the potential that we may actually get a progressive on the 2020 Dem ticket. If it is Kamala Harris or some other Hillary clone, I will vote for Trump again until the Dumbos get it right.

