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  • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
    Strange, I keep having to correct your, shall we say, slant on the news. Comey testified that Trump said to Comey, "I hope you can let this go...". DSL, I understand you don't exactly lie, but you leave the impression that Trump told Comey to let it go. I understand that this is a precursor of your belief that there was obstruction of justice when Comey was fired.

    This is an article that does the same type of thing you routinely do in this forum. Sounds bad, and I have no reason to doubt the facts. But what the article OMITS (like you do) is that in 2013, 40% of taxpayers paid no federal income tax, and by 2015, 45% of filers paid no FIT. This year we were told that 50% of filers pay no FIT.

    So it is true that lots of people are not going to get a tax cut because it is hard to get lower than zero.

    But never fear, the Rs have as a part of this package increased the child care tax credit from $ 1,200 to $ 1,600 in the House version, and $ 2,000 in the Senate version. So the final bill almost certainly will send larger checks to those who can't or won't work. It is like Milo Minderbinder: everyone gets a share.
    I don't see a huge distinction between "Let this go" and "I hope you can let this go". I realize you think it's not a direct order and therefore he wasn't interfering in any way. But he was absolutely applying pressure; when your boss calls you into his office and uses those words, the message would be pretty clear: drop it or else.


    • I don't see a huge distinction between "Let this go" and "I hope you can let this go".
      Well, there is a huge difference. When you hear Trump say "I hope you can let this go..." who is in charge? Trump is the supplicant, meaning Comey is in charge. If Trump had said, "Let this go", that is an order. Trump is in charge. The difference is who has the power, and Comey's own actions prove Comey was in charge.

      But you miss my point which is that you tailor your words just enough to change their clear meaning. If I said "hey, that's a lie" you would just point out that Trump did indeed say those three words. It's the same with the WaPo article. Their facts are correct. Around 50% of the population will not get a tax cut. But they massage the facts to make it sound like half the country is getting screwed so that Big Business can get a break. Difficult to cut taxes below zero, but the Stupid Party is trying.

      When someone takes an oath in court or in a deposition they must tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. You and your ilk leave out the part about the whole truth. Same deal with Hannity on the right. He says the Uranium One deal sold 20% of our uranium the Russia. Technically true. I hadn't heard any of the numbers that someone (maybe you) posted here a couple weeks back. Hannity is doing the same thing. He is telling the truth, but for damn sure not the whole truth.

      This gets back to red team v blue team like the article Talent posted a month or so ago. I think the Kate Steinley verdict is red v blue too.
      Last edited by Da Geezer; December 4, 2017, 12:59 AM.


      • gee you have to wonder how biased the rest of muellers team is

        notice strozak investigated hillary's email scan also

        from NPR

        Newspaper reports about the agent's removal came just a day after Robert Mueller's team revealed a plea deal with a key figure in the Trump campaign — a sign the probe could be in a new phase.


        • Would you rather Mueller had kept him on? Peter Strzok reveals bias and Mueller boots him off the team. This was bad?
          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


          • No, not bad. But what about Hillary's lies to the FBI?

            And, to be clear, the FBI had transcripts of what Kelly said to Kiselev. Was there a need to ask the question other than to trap Kelly? Look, Kelly is an admitted liar, no question. So is Hillary, no question. The relevance is this guy who was kicked off the Meuller team was the FBI agent lied to by Hillary. Why is there never an equal application of justice regarding the Clintons?


            • Hillary should be in jail for the rest of her life. I'm sure Bill would be fine with that...
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Completely other thought I'd like this forum's reaction to.

                What would you change in the proposed tax bill? I'm not talking big things like the corporate rate or how small business is left out. I'm talking little things. Stuff that benefits only a few rich people. My suggestions:

                1. carried interest. This is a tax break for the most wealthy, the hedge fund operators. It is worth $ 100 Billion over ten years. Eliminate it.
                2. $7,500 tax credit for electric cars. Subsidy for the rich. Keep it for cars under $ 35,000 and eliminate it for all high priced cars.




                  Byron York: In Trump-Russia probe, was it all about the Logan Act?

                  A long but good read.


                  • Comfy testified that Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI. There is no evidence that I have seen to contradict that. I'd love to see it though.

                    For changes, eliminating the estate tax is unfathomably bad to me. I'd also get rid of the deductions for golf course owners, private plane owners and other giveaways to the donor class.

                    One change I'd make to the tax code if I were king, would be to stop treating passive and non-passive income differently.
                    To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                    • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                      Comfy testified that Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI. There is no evidence that I have seen to contradict that. I'd love to see it though.
                      there will be no evidence, because the interview wasn't recorded, and the FBI didn't administer a sworn oath.


                      • Then how do you know she lied if there's no evidence of it?
                        To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                        • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                          Then how do you know she lied if there's no evidence of it?
                          her mouth was flappin.


                          • I don't think that's the proper standard (I.e. Someone is proved to be lying because you assume everything they say is a lie.)
                            To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                            • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                              I don't think that's the proper standard (I.e. Someone is proved to be lying because you assume everything they say is a lie.)


                              • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                                I don't think that's the proper standard (I.e. Someone is proved to be lying because you assume everything they say is a lie.)
                                To be fair though, maybe what we're talking about here is the difference between a "liar" and a "LAIR!". I don't know -- my brain still works. Wiz may be able to clear this up?

