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  • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
    Everyone edits footage. CNN edits their footage. Fox edits their footage. NBC edits their footage. ABC edits their footage. Not sure why its a shock that footage is cut and edited down to 7 min segments.
    Yeah. They do. O'Keefe has been accused repeatedly of editing raw footage to make it say what he wants...sometimes putting it out of order to change the intent of the speaker. Of course they routinely deny they do anything like that.

    But anyways, he's exposed as a grifter now, and an incompetent 'investigator'. Cherish him if you want. Toss a few bucks his way so he can get a mocha latte tomorrow. Just shows that many on the Right are as easily conned as folks on the Left.


    • Kapture-

      That's the video I mentioned. At the beginning he says the Post is floundering 'talking about an imagined string". Then in his fundraising video, he admits his 'undercover investigator" fucked up.

      And what's the scandal he's revealed? The horrifying turth at the Post

      1) The hard news side and the Editorial Page...AREN'T THE SAME THING!

      2) The Editorial Board...doesn't like Trump!! SCANDALOUS!!!

      God, he nailed them! Kapture, please, do what you can and donate $500-$1000 to keep the investigation going. Then come back and proudly post the receipt.


      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
        Yeah. They do. O'Keefe has been accused repeatedly of editing raw footage to make it say what he wants...sometimes putting it out of order to change the intent of the speaker. Of course they routinely deny they do anything like that.

        But anyways, he's exposed as a grifter now, and an incompetent 'investigator'. Cherish him if you want. Toss a few bucks his way so he can get a mocha latte tomorrow. Just shows that many on the Right are as easily conned as folks on the Left.
        When Media Matters says deceptively edits, and of course that is followed with MSNBC saying deceptively edits, and CNN saying deceptively edits, and the NY Times, the Post, and random lefties on twitter and even here say deceptively edits, they mean cut down to only include the really daminging stuff. I mean 7min of damaging material out of three hours of footage, yeah they cut it down. And just because they only show the damaging and embarrassing stuff, that have resulted in several people losing their jobs btw, the left follows the lead of their favorite propaganda outlet that sets the talking points for the mainstream leftist media... deceptively edits.

        Nothing deceptive about it. Just damaging info they want to discredit.


        • All of the below are conservative reporters/columnists







          • froot:
            Is your charter school grift a non-profit?
            No. it wasn't, froot. I never gave a monetary gift. But I provided leadership and administration to the charter school for a period of 16 years. What you will never understand is that there are a lot of folks out there who view charters as a way to get a better education, as opposed to the inner city government schools.

            We taught our students that they were endowed by their Creator with certain natural rights that were inherent to being human.

            I remember clearly one time where I had decided that to send a group of outstanding students to Washington DC was simply too expensive. Then the letters started to come to me. I eventuality asked the principal to allow me to talk tot he students. I told them that I had made a mistake and that I was going t authorize money for them to make the trip to DC.

            Froot, you would have done the same thing. These were good kids, all but one who had never been to DC. My apology to them was one of the highlights of my career of running a charter school. I told them that I had been wrong, but that their letters had changed my mind. I encouraged them to remember that there were rational people who would listen to rational arguments.


            • Wait, didnt Kristol name David French as the candidate to run against and beat Trump in the election? Lol

              Best you have are three, save Byron York, never Trump "conservatives"?
              Last edited by Kapture1; November 27, 2017, 08:44 PM.


              • Let me offer a big "gee thanks" to James O'Keeeefe XII for setting back conservative journalism a decade.

                — John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) November 27, 2017

                Another out-of-touch east coast elite conservative with no idea about how the heartland really thinks.


                • [ame][/ame]

                  Guy in the video shoving the cameraman has been identified as Tony Goolsby, DeKalb County Chair for Moore's campaign. I'd hate to think what Mr. Goolsby mighta done iffin Paula Deen hadn't been there to settle him down.


                  • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
                    Wait, didnt Kristol name David French as the candidate to run against and beat Trump in the election? Lol

                    Best you have are three, save Byron York, never Trump "conservatives"?
                    Don't forget to add the other Senator from Alabama ,Richard Shelby, to your "Never-Trump beta cuck" list.


                    • Originally posted by hack View Post

                      Let me offer a big "gee thanks" to James O'Keeeefe XII for setting back conservative journalism a decade.

                      — John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) November 27, 2017

                      Another out-of-touch east coast elite conservative with no idea about how the heartland really thinks.
                      John Podhoretz: Trump Would Be Nothing Less Than a Disaster as President

                      Sorry, don't give two shits what John Podhoretz says. Nice try though


                      • Looks as if John Podhoretz was right.
                        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                        • JonPod NAILS IT!!!


                          • I think our new friend here missed the point there. Just a bit.


                            • Originally posted by hack View Post
                              I think our new friend here missed the point there. Just a bit.
                              Point is the only people that care what Podhoretz says are progressives lol.

                              He's like their token conservative. Didn't he vote for Hillary?


                              • Originally posted by hack View Post
                                I think our new friend here missed the point there. Just a bit.
                                Of course he did.
                                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on

