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  • I believe that more innovation happens in the free market than ever happens under government control, and i trust that the free market will sort this out. If an ISP decides they will not throttle while the others will, they will gain a lot of bussiness allowing them to expand i to new service areas, and that in turn forces their competitors hands. Free market competition is a beautiful thing, i get that the left thinks everyone in capitalism systems are selfish rip off artists, but capitalism gave us the innovations that we have, has vastly increased life spans, had lifted more of the worlds population out of poverty and has made life easier than ever beforr in human history. I trust that it will can solve the issue of throttling lol


    • Hey, sure, the Dems failed to get a law passed. Just enough of them broke off from the party line to kill multiple bills. The Republicans have never had the slightest bit of interest in a law.
      Ummm, ok. But that's how, you know, the government works. It was Obama SOP -- can't pass shit through the actual legislative process, so it's Executive Branch to the rescue. Welp, that shit is fleeting. I don't have much sympathy for any authority overreach reg that gets fucked.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • The only reason companies didn't do it more is because the threat of passing Net Neutrality laws was always hanging over them. Now there's an administration that's making it clear that they can do whatever and no one in the Trump administration will care

        Why do you think AT&T or Comcast were throttling in secret? Why not do so openly? There was no law against it. It's because they knew the majority of the public would be pissed and could threaten to pass actual legislation.
        C'mon Strange. Your argument is totally based on what YOU think that COMPANIES think. That's silly.

        I'd appreciate it if you would deal with any actual reason for non-neutral broadband. Driverless cars require a lot more data, and faster data, than exists now. Some companies will provide that at a price in order to make profits. But this would help the auto business, who would pay for it. Specifically, how is that not a decent free-market answer for a particular type of broadband?


        • "Ummm, ok. But that's how, you know, the government works. It was Obama SOP -- can't pass shit through the actual legislative process, so it's Executive Branch to the rescue. Welp, that shit is fleeting. I don't have much sympathy for any authority overreach reg that gets fucked. "

          that's likely to change in 2018

          between 2018 and 2020 you could see a whole shitload of legislation fly through. that's why trum and the repubs should just stfu about moore and let the 18 election take care of things likely 55-45 repubs in the senate
          Last edited by crashcourse; November 22, 2017, 01:41 PM.


          • You're insane.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • ...but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for...
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • were talking a two year period talent where the repubs will have complete dominance

                then be kicked out in 2020


                • I will keep on reiterating, Da Geezer is so out of his element in regards to driverless automobiles and networks. Holy crap. Net netrality has nothing to do with it. it shows a lack of understanding of what communications are needed over what spectrum they are using. If everyone is binge watching Stranger Things, it would have no effect in the future on data that driverless cars are using. That communication spectrum is siloed out on DRSC. Furthermore you can't have a technology like that relying on an available network. It has to be designed to run autonomously.


                  • I just don?t get why the Trump administration and GOP would take any kind of gamble with what is probably the most critical aspect of the economy, built on a model that has been remarkably beneficial for pretty much everyone. Why take on the risk, with everything to lose and better hills to die on? Surely there is enough lobbyist money from every other corporation to buy all the teenage hookers they need.

                    The telecoms are making mad profits, providing mediocre service for high rates compared to their counterparts in peer nations, and there really is remarkably little uproar over it. Tell them to STFU.


                    • I kind of agree with talent, it probably won't have a big effect. It's bad but probably limited. But think of it this way, who was the biggest proponent of it? Comcast. Call your cable company and see how innovative they are.


                      • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                        I will keep on reiterating, Da Geezer is so out of his element in regards to driverless automobiles and networks. Holy crap. Net netrality has nothing to do with it. it shows a lack of understanding of what communications are needed over what spectrum they are using. If everyone is binge watching Stranger Things, it would have no effect in the future on data that driverless cars are using. That communication spectrum is siloed out on DRSC. Furthermore you can't have a technology like that relying on an available network. It has to be designed to run autonomously.
                        But the donut diner he goes to!!!


                        • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post

                          were talking a two year period talent where the repubs will have complete dominance

                          then be kicked out in 2020
                          To quote Talent: You're insane.

                          * Trump's one of the most unpopular Presidents ever.

                          *His approval ratings are the worst of any President since FDR for a President in his first year in office.

                          *The generic Dem ballot is running about 9 points better than the generic Republican ballot right now

                          The latest political polls and polling averages from FiveThirtyEight.

                          * Going back all the way to 1910 there have been only THREE TIMES that the President's Party gained House seats in the midterm elections: 1934 (FDR), 1998 (Clinton), and 2002 (Dubya). And both 1998 and 2002 had unusual circumstances: iin 1998 the voters were mad at the R's for spending so much time on Impeachment. In 2002 there was still a lot of patriotic spillover from 9/11 and Bush's approval rating was still riding high.

                          So predicting the Republicans to do great in 2018 is a kind of historical ignorance mixed with yuge overconfidence in Trump's popularity. There have been other signs in the 2017 elections that things may not go as you predict.

                          Tuesday’s elections were a wake-up call for Republicans — and for morning-show pundits.


                          • I don?t expect the telecoms would be going after this like that have if there was little impact....I expect their models show a significant impact over time. As AA mentioned above, incremental creep. There will be no cord-cutter escape hatch this time.

                            Except maybe books, and going outdoors. :::horror:::


                            • Bottom line is this will probably impact those in rural areas much more...where there is lots of competition it probably won't have much impact as the free market will take care of those ISP's who fuck with the data to their liking and screw up shit to their own customers from time to time...but I don't really even see the ISP's in rural areas making wholesale changes but we won't know until it happens...lot to do about fucking nothing. Yawn.
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Gotta love the Administration of President Clownface von Fuckstick

                                7:56 AM- White House staff tells the press pool to expect a 'low key day'

                                8:06 AM- White House 'clarifies' the previous statement to says it'll only be low-key for the press; the President will be, of course, working tirelessly and vigorously all day long, as he ALWAYS does

                                9:30 AM- The President arrives at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. I'd eventually expect the Comms staff to say he's there for 'meetings'

