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Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; November 14, 2017, 06:52 PM.
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Hack:One thing they might want to focus on is a long-term strategy to handle Breitbarts and Sinclair Broadcastings and that type. A new Fairness Doctrine or something. It would be criminal to allow any more of the broadcast spectrum in the hands of Sinclair. The broadcast spectrum is a public good.
When you can't win using reason, controlled propaganda is the way to go.
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I thought you progs would be agog about real evidence that came out today regarding Roy Moore. He specifically said he never heard of a particular woman who was accusing him. She produced her yearbook and Moore had signed it and actually put D.A. after his name. I have more respect for a thief than for a hypocrite.
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The FOX10 News/Strategy Research statewide poll of 3,000 likely voters, taken on November 13, shows Moore leading Jones 49% to 43% with 8% undecided
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Well as you know, the Fairness Doctrine existed for almost the entire Cold War period. You're more results-oriented than process oriented, right?
However, it is utterly irrelevant to what you were proposing, which you called "a new Fairness Doctrine or something".
What you said was One thing they might want to focus on is a long-term strategy to handle Breitbarts and Sinclair Broadcastings and that type. A new Fairness Doctrine or something. It would be criminal to allow any more of the broadcast spectrum in the hands of Sinclair. The broadcast spectrum is a public good.
I've heard figures from 3-5% of the total package of media in the US is what one would call primarily conservative. For example, Fox News splits 52-48% liberal. Your desire to stamp out or censor the tiny fraction of media that you disagree with is evidence that progressives/socialists cannot stand in the light of day and rationally make their own case. And that is because my side of the argument will always point to history and say, "What you propose has been tried repeatedly throughout history and has never succeeded."
Exactly what you propose has been tried in Venezuela, a country of vast oil reserves. What do you see there? I see the inevitable result of taking from the producers and giving to the non-producers in exchange for the non-producer vote.
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Originally posted by Da Geezer View PostI thought you progs would be agog about real evidence that came out today regarding Roy Moore. He specifically said he never heard of a particular woman who was accusing him. She produced her yearbook and Moore had signed it and actually put D.A. after his name. I have more respect for a thief than for a hypocrite.
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