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  • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
    I watched live the first round of the British Open yesterday, and starts again at 4:AM this morning. Tiger Woods played well and showed he still is a tool - On a live mic he yelled right at some fans Jesus Christ! - I guess they had cameras , that may be a no no, but damn what an idiot Woods is.
    I'd have to say Woods is an asshole, although as a general rule I don't like black people, I've actually run in to him a half dozen times or so and he's a dick. His marriage infidelity has destroyed his game and its never been the same since.

    Twice at the Masters in Augusta, followed him the entire day but naturally didn't interact.

    Three times at the Miami Beach Marina where he parks his yacht when he plays the PGA Coral, twice anchored adjacent in the Exhumas but most recent and noteworthy in Nassau at Paradise Island, BWI.

    I almost T-boned him with a golf cart when he blew a blind stop at a resort we were staying at. He blew up, blamed me for his running of the stop sign, cursed me out then drove off!

    Fuck him, just think "The Prime" would have been on ESPN and every sports channel around the globe....almost had my 15 Minutes!!!
    Last edited by Optimus Prime; July 20, 2014, 01:28 PM.
    ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


    • You should have "went Elin" on him ...
      "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


      • From the Freep

        "Wyoming Police released Monday morning that the cause of Oppenneer's death was likely trauma to the head, but the exact cause has not yet been determined, due to the fact the Oppenneer was decapitated and the head has not yet been found."


        Now doctor do you have an opinion as to the cause of death?

        Yes, it was trauma to the head.

        Were you able to find any physical evidence that supports that opinion?

        Unfortunately, No.

        Why not?

        We couldn't find his head. it had been removed before we examined the body.


        • Originally posted by Optimus Prime View Post
          as a general rule I don't like black people
          Is this guy for real?
          Atlanta, GA


          • Yes


            • Originally posted by whodean View Post
              Is this guy for real?
              He's Canadian and lives in the south. Double whammy. What would you expect?


              • Miscellaneous/OT

                Florida is not "the south"
                Atlanta, GA


                • Miami is not the south. Most of the rest of it is.


                  • And people who have posted here for years are surprised that this "OP" character is a homophobic racist?


                    • If a phobia is a fear, how is it that people who plain don't like gays are called homophobes? Seems a misnomer to me. There's no fear involved.
                      I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                      • Well it didn't take the Jerry Springer mob long to amass, pitch forks in hand, feigning outrage.

                        I hardly think ethnocentrism constitutes racism, that's such an incendiary term that is so often carelessly used.

                        IMO, it should be used to describe extremists such as Louis Farrakhan or Michael Jordan but feel free to fill your boots, I've been called worse.

                        ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                        • STFU


                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • "I've been called worse"

                            I'm sure you have and with full justification


                            • Undoubtedly.
                              Atlanta, GA


                              • eth?no?cen?trism
                                noun: ethnocentrism
                                1. evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture.

