Originally posted by hack
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However, there is regulatory authority of the financial industry inherent in Dodd-Frank that Trump's EO in this area directs review with the purpose of that review to rewrite portions of it ostensibly more favorable to the financial industry (obviously, subject to congressional review and approval).
There are reasonable arguments on both sides of the regulatory environment issues the financial industry faces. They're complicated. I have to trust that when Dodd-Frank was crafted, experts in the field had input and both sides were heard. I'm skeptical of the Trump administrations motives in seeking changes.
I've linked to the White House press release on this if anyone is interested. It lacks a lot of detail but the point is that Sec. Treasury, Mnuchin has wide authority to conduct a review and propose changes ...... as a wall street guy he's like the fox in the hen house in that regard.
It's been said that most if not all of Trump's legacy is going to be decided in the courts with legal challenges mounted to any EO's he might sign in an attempt to work around an obstinate Congress.