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  • BTW, the Vice last night was unbelievable. Growing up in rural Michigan though, I kind of get it. Sick sick people.


    • Tucker: The Left created identity politics so they shouldn't be surprised white people have adopted it too

      Because, of course, the Nazis and the KKK didn't exist before the 60's...


      • You knew he was faking it yesterday. First he was using his "I'm bullshiting!" hand gestures, and he just flat-out looked like a POW reading a forced statement. Might as well been blinking "torture" in Morse code.

        Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


        • Oracle- Believe you're talking about this?

          WARNING: For anyone who hasn't seen this, plenty of language & violence

          On Saturday hundreds of white nationalists, alt-righters, and neo-Nazis traveled to Charlottesville, Virginia, to participate in the “Unite the Right” rally. By Saturday evening three people were dead – one protester and two police officers – and many more injured. “VICE News Tonight” correspondent Elle Reeve went behind the scenes with white nationalist leaders, including […]


          • Yes, exactly that.


            • I dunno what sort of connections Chuck Todd really has but tonight on NBC he said he believes John Kelly will be forced to talk several individuals in the Cabinet or WH Staff out of resigning.

              Another thing I forgot earlier...Trump still hasn't once referred to the murderer as committing terrorism, has he? I'll admit I could be wrong but don't remember him ever doing so.


              • Why? Was the driver well tanned or something?
                To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                • Someone leaked the talking points the White House wants Republicans in Congress to use. There's virtually no mention that someone was murdered and many more injured...and certainly doesn't mention which side commited the murder.

                  Also: "the President was entirely correct"


                  • There aren't really people denying mutual engagement, right? I mean, it misses the point entirely and is a false equivalency, but it's true.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                      There aren't really people denying mutual engagement, right? I mean, it misses the point entirely and is a false equivalency, but it's true.
                      Well, you're right. Antifa is violent. That much is true. But you also admit bringing that up in the Charlottesville context is more or less a false equivalency and misses the point entirely. So I would think that admitting Antifa is violent is a far less important matter than admitting the Nazis murdered someone and that they are far more to blame for the violence than the counter-protesters are.

                      The President sees things differently, however.

                      Furthermore, the Nazis and White Supremacists, even if peaceful, have an awful and truly repugnant ideology than everyone should be repulsed by. I'm not sure if Antifa HAS any ideology other than "I wanna punch a Nazi". But I'll admit ignorance about any hardcore beliefs they may have.


                      • Right. There's a time and place to excoriate antifa. Well, there already have been and it hasn't happened, but there will be more. This isn't the spot.

                        That said, here's a bedrock point we have to deal with. They have the right to assemble and march. How we - and I use we for the vast majority of Americans who are rational and explicitly reject these guys - so how do we deal with this right? I happen to think violently engaging them is perhaps the worst fucking thing you can do.

                        That said, any encounter with nazis means the nazis are at fault because they're nazis. I think you could literally machine gun them down and they'd be blamed because there is no way anyone can defend them in any way. So, perhaps antifa has it right...they can help ramp up the violence without repercussion and makes the nazis look even worse. That's opposite of what I'd do, but the mechanics are logical and probably effective.
                        Last edited by iam416; August 15, 2017, 08:26 PM.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • I am sorta on your side on this one...I don't think violence will solve it...but I also don't like the "ignore them and they will go away" solution that's been suggested in places. I think they need to be confronted in SOME way. So I'll have to think on it, to be honest.


                          • Yeah. I'm not 100% on it. I mean, I can see the logic in the complete opposite!
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Honestly, it's so unimportant compared with real issues...but I'm grateful to have learned that a major number of Confederate Memorials are cheap mass-produced junk that were paid for by the KKK and other like-minded groups primarily in the teens and 20's.


                              • Correct.

                                Additionally, perhaps my long-used name - "The War to Suppress Southern Treason" - will finally catch on en masse.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

