Government programs hard to take away because people come to rely on them and businesses are built up around the programs. Same thing goes for true tax reform. People like to game the system of tax deductions, the housing system is built on that. Easy to say what should be eliminated but very hard to do.
Sure you can always argue some supply side nonsense and just do tax cuts without regard to deficits. It is the simplest thing to do, it isn't true tax reform. True tax reform takes bipartisan give and take, people like to invoke Ronald Reagan as a hero on tax reform, they forget he raised taxes as well. His tax reform bill in 86 was a bipartisan effort.
Sure you can always argue some supply side nonsense and just do tax cuts without regard to deficits. It is the simplest thing to do, it isn't true tax reform. True tax reform takes bipartisan give and take, people like to invoke Ronald Reagan as a hero on tax reform, they forget he raised taxes as well. His tax reform bill in 86 was a bipartisan effort.