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  • A six-year old is smart enough to understand the optics.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • I agree it is politically stupid

      I agree that the President has the authority to fire although it seems like in this case that is less so. I thought there had to be cause, in my mind not spike the Russia investigation is not cause.

      I'm not certain that the investigation will continue as it was, if you confirm a guy who swears his allegiance to Trump and they have an understanding to spike the investigation then we have issues.


      • still waiting to see how many Russians voted in the election

        you'd think with all those rushkies voting somebody investigating would have found Something so we could start impeachment proceedings

        "I have no confidence in FBI director Comey"--chuck cry me a river schumer

        article from newsweek November last year begging for comey to be fired and laying out a litany of reasons why--and yet the hypocrisy of those who wanted his head 6 months ago are screaming foul today when somebody finally cans him

        many who agreed 100% with this article in November are screaming impeach because he was canned --what a joke

        trumps a joke too but washington dc gridlock/media frenzy due to their 24/7 desire to find something--anything they can impeach on is the joke
        Last edited by crashcourse; May 11, 2017, 08:32 AM.


        • I'm not certain that the investigation will continue as it was, if you confirm a guy who swears his allegiance to Trump and they have an understanding to spike the investigation then we have issues.
          This is now DJT's bigger problem. Any result that fails to turn up collusion evidence -- as Comey's apparently had failed to do so -- will be viewed as orchestrated. He literally has now political safety net. You and other Ds were going to most likely adopt some form of that view regardless -- given that Comey wasn't exactly one of your favorites. But now that view is entrenched and it will bleed into the middle voters.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            I mentioned last night that nearly all reporting indicates both Bannon and Priebus had major reservations about doing this. Not a fan of either guy, but both are smart enough to know the optics are awful.

            But Trump gotta Trump
            This dovetails with the exchange yesterday about Trump being the tactical dumbass. He's got bright people around him, that while perhaps inexperienced, can reason and plan. But none of that matters when the boss gets mad and throws his milk bottle on the floor.

            Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


            • Finally, I hate to reference the NRO, but I'll do so w/o a link and because I think it's a good point:

              There's almost no way that DJT can get a toadie through the Senate at this point. He's going to need to pick someone w/ a good reputation. There are enough Rs that will peel off if it's anything other than this.

              That's the take. I think I agree with that. I think this is far more "DJT mad" thing than a cover up of any sort. Because it's just not going to work and, even worse, it will focus even more attention on the issue. In terms of a "cover up" -- it's an awful, awful job. You cover shit up under the cloak of darkness.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                This is now DJT's bigger problem. Any result that fails to turn up collusion evidence -- as Comey's apparently had failed to do so -- will be viewed as orchestrated. He literally has now political safety net. You and other Ds were going to most likely adopt some form of that view regardless -- given that Comey wasn't exactly one of your favorites. But now that view is entrenched and it will bleed into the middle voters.
                I think it is more realistic to expect some sort of criminal rather than collusion accusations at this point. The FBI finding something that indicates shady business dealings unrelated to the election. I don't think that's totally implausible given the Trump/Kushner families, but JMO.


                • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                  This is now DJT's bigger problem. Any result that fails to turn up collusion evidence -- as Comey's apparently had failed to do so -- will be viewed as orchestrated. He literally has now political safety net. You and other Ds were going to most likely adopt some form of that view regardless -- given that Comey wasn't exactly one of your favorites. But now that view is entrenched and it will bleed into the middle voters.
                  That's a problem but it might be less of a problem than if a Comey led investigation found collusion.


                  • That's a problem but it might be less of a problem than if a Comey led investigation found collusion.
                    I don't think Comey being their or not will affect the ultimate conclusion of the FBI.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Shocked, SHOCKED that the Russians could easily take advantage of the crafty Trump WH for propaganda purposes




                      • ...and this morning it turns out Trump claims to have a couple of days ago invented the phrase ``prime the pump''. Maybe that's a sad distractions? Dunno. Either way, if you accept the theory that democracy's death is one of a thousand cuts, it's time to start doing the math. He wasn't the first to start cutting. I don't know what shape the polity was truly in post-Nixon, but the system worked and constrained him so that's some healing. But it's been slashers ever since in the WH, with the exception of Obama who worked within the system to such an extent that others such as McConnell were allowed to slash.

                        At this point, and perhaps the thread going to shit is reflective, there are some pretty big wounds. There's some healing too, thanks to the courts constraining Trump. But there are some massive wounds. If there isn't a very clear answer on this investigation, that's a big slash too. As Talent rightly points out, no matter what at this point, because the investigation has been so intentionally and aggressively compromised, the investigators will have no credibility with one side or the other. Big gash. If the polity tolerates the kleptocrat stuff, that's a big gash. 2018 will be key. People have to set boundaries.


                        • People aren't interested in boundaries...they want to "win" over the other side as a personal vindication.

                          Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


                          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                            Finally, I hate to reference the NRO, but I'll do so w/o a link and because I think it's a good point:

                            There's almost no way that DJT can get a toadie through the Senate at this point. He's going to need to pick someone w/ a good reputation. There are enough Rs that will peel off if it's anything other than this.

                            That's the take. I think I agree with that. I think this is far more "DJT mad" thing than a cover up of any sort. Because it's just not going to work and, even worse, it will focus even more attention on the issue. In terms of a "cover up" -- it's an awful, awful job. You cover shit up under the cloak of darkness.
                            I hope that's right, I am a lot less confident about the ability to peel off GOP senators. The movers and shakers of the party are in lockstep on this firing.


                            • Yeah, the procedure is set. Trump does something terrible...some Rs make halfass statements of concern...then they all support him when it comes time to vote. Not buying any of it.

                              Partisanship rules all. The only consequences are at the ballot box, and even those are muted.

                              Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


                              • Originally posted by Wild Hoss View Post
                                Yeah, the procedure is set. Trump does something terrible...some Rs make halfass statements of concern...then they all support him when it comes time to vote. Not buying any of it.

                                Partisanship rules all. The only consequences are at the ballot box, and even those are muted.

                                Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
                                Yeah that's my worry.

