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Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects

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  • Good Lord...on the Left, the description of a phone call between Trudeau and Trump via Canada...on the right, a description of the phone call from the US



    • CGVT:
      Well, believe it or not, the numbers are actually about the same. There are just about as many whites on welfare as there are Blacks.

      Percent of welfare recipients who are white: 38.8%
      Percent of welfare recipients who are black: 39.8%
      Heh. Since there are 5 times as many whites in the country, that means blacks are 5 times more likely to be on welfare. That is basically what was in the article I posted, although in the article I posted, it had the black rate roughly double the white rate. Thanks, CGVT for the insight.

      And SLF, your link says nothing about the magazine I got my article from. You seem to have a real problem when it comes to evidence, you being an attorney and all....

      later: just read Talent's post. sorry to be redundant

      as far as the white supremacist nonsense, I had never heard of that magazine before posting it. Second, I doubt a white supremacist would be asshole deep in the charter school movement, as I have been.
      Last edited by Da Geezer; April 25, 2017, 08:05 PM.


      • Jared Taylor runs that website. It's not nonsense.


        • SLF:
          ...One, if Geezer is a white nationalist, I encourage him to say so. And we can discuss that. Until then, I'm going to keep pointing out that he is a racist when he tries to bullshit people.
          I'm not a white nationalist, and I'm no more racist than anyone else here. I remember when I said that Obama was the most racist President in American history and I was (correctly) challenged by Hoss when he said something like "... some were slave owners, c'mon man....". I should have said "race-centric", and I haven't made that mistake since.

          I've taken part in more marches for civil rights than any of you boys here, and when I marched, there was some actual risk. (no paycheck waiting from George Soros). But people like me felt deeply that blacks were constitutionally entitled to equal opportunity. I still feel that way.

          Are you black, SLF?


          • Jeff:
            Here's a different perspective I found from a census report. It's a little old (2012) but it found that about 21.3% of Americans were on some form of govt. assistance for the entire calendar year. Also about 41% of blacks (not the 80% cited earlier) received any form of govt. assistance in any month.
            The 80% number was black families with children, and it was in the 2012 Census Bureau "Survey of Income and Program Participation". More recent numbers for 2014 are here:

            I apologize for the white supremacist magazine. The charts were drawn from the 2012 SIPP. The numbers are the numbers.


            • Geezer lives in an alternate reality, might be same one Trump is in.


              • I have had it with him, he lied about me in his post and it hasn't been the first time. . posting that link to the white supremacist site was the cherry on top.
       posted the POS thing before you found out that the magazine was supremacist. Oh, and not to be picky, but what I actually said was:
                True. But when you say such a simple observation, the froots here inevitably reply that Americans want more government, or even that as many Rs as Ds are on welfare. When we had a discussion on that matter a couple of days ago I found the following compilation of graphs:


                • Yeah and that was a lie, I've never said that and it's about the 5th time you have posted lies about me. Like I have said, I have had enough and you'll keep on getting called that by me.

                  When Jeff comes in and calls people snowflakes, it's rich.

                  I couldn't find out what the website was because it was blocked content due to objectionable contnet. You post that trash, you will get some blowback.


                  • But are you black?
                    To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                    • I fail to see what difference it makes whether poor people are white, black, brown or blue. Poor is poor.
                      2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


                      • Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects

                        When it comes to politics, the right and the left are the same. This thread continues to prove it. Those not in charge are angry and violent. Those in charge are dismissive and pompous.

                        And water is wet.

                        ....and this is about dems and r's, not Jeff

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                        Last edited by entropy; April 26, 2017, 08:48 AM.
                        Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                        • Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects

                          Froot.. it's ok. We do judge you on your own posts, not what someone says... [emoji3]

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                          Last edited by entropy; April 26, 2017, 07:54 AM.
                          Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                          • In other news.... there is a lot in this opinion piece.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                            • Needin to thin the herd...
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Froot.. it's ok. We do judge you on your own posts, not what someone says..

