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  • RIP Don Rickles.


    • I hope the dems raise their voices loud and strong to get nunes a thorough investigation--dragging rice right into the middle of it


      • best name for an NCO

        SGT Crapgame in Kelly's Heroes


        • So, Geezer, you read an article and now you know what I think?


          • Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects

            DSL... I'd suggest Putin has an opinion on every election and will in the future as well. So will every leader around the globe. That really doesn't matter

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


            • Originally posted by entropy View Post
              DSL... I'd suggest Putin has an opinion on every election and will in the future as well. So will every leader around the globe. That really doesn't matter

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              He deliberately interfered in our election in order to help one candidate over the other. That's not just having an opinion. That part of this is really not up for debate. Both the FBI and CIA were convinced of this as early as last summer this was happening. They have proof both the DNC and Republicans were hacked, but only information damaging to the Clinton campaign was ever released.

              What's far from proven is that the Trump people themselves had anything to do with it.

              Good article

              Former government officials said the agency told senior lawmakers last summer that it had information indicating that Russia was working to help get President Trump elected.


              • Twitter sues the Federal government to protect the anonymity of a supposed dissident USCIS agent

                For some background for those who don't use/don't care about Twitter...after the inauguration, a bunch of new twitter accounts popped up named things like "RoguePOTUS" and "ALT_EPA" that were supposedly run by anonymous members of the bureaucracy who didn't approve of the changes being made. I'm sure many, probably most, were fake. But they appeared to leak the 'inside scoop' on all the changes the Trump people were making.

                The fact that the Admin made this demand on Twitter makes me wonder is some could be legit.


                • It's more than just the election, a lot of Russian money has floated into Trump over the years. Did Trump officials get money and/or stakes in Rosneft for lifting of the sanctions. When you have a mobbed up President, there is going to be a lot of issues.


                  • That idea of a secret stake in Rosneft is CRAZY. I would like to belive the world has enough forensic plumbers out there to find out. It would be utterly fucking insane to think that happened.


                    • It would be crazy, the BS part of that theory is Carter Page allegedly got 19 percent and Trump got .5 percent. I call BS on that part.


                      • So, Geezer, you read an article and now you know what I think?
                        Yup. I never could figure out some of your contradictory beliefs, but that article shed some light on it. You do want equality of outcomes. When I mention a market sorting out the wheat from the chaff, or specifically that Trump thrived in the highly competitive real estate business, you don't see that as a good thing. It also explains your fixation on Trump making money while he is President, which is not a pimple on a good worry's ass. But the key is the "power corrupts..." argument we have had going. You are very willing to vest power to anyone or anything that might achieve equality of outcomes.

                        Do you deny wanting equality of outcome? Why do you figure some people so desperately want outcome equality? Pushed further, does it seem to you that those who cannot compete successfully in a market economy might really desire all outcomes to be equal? That is where the phrase "..they vote to eat..." originates.

                        But I'll never understand how "the rape culture" (BTW, thanks, Talent) or "Islam" are such hot victim groups that even a guy who calls his group Heterodox won't talk about it. I do see why policy disagreements can be called "racist" though. That now makes some sense, as does the idea of rioting in order to protect people from violence.
                        Last edited by Da Geezer; April 6, 2017, 08:05 PM.


                        • He deliberately interfered in our election in order to help one candidate over the other. That's not just having an opinion. That part of this is really not up for debate. Both the FBI and CIA were convinced of this as early as last summer this was happening. They have proof both the DNC and Republicans were hacked, but only information damaging to the Clinton campaign was ever released.
                          No, that is your opinion that you want to be fact. There is no evidence that Putin wanted Trump to win. None.

                          As I've asked many times, if the Obama administration knew about this alleged Russian preference for Trump over Hillary, why didn't they use it during the campaign when it would have done some good for their candidate? Comey even offered to write an op-ed about it, but Obama told him not to do it. Why?

                          The more I read, the more I can accept that Putin hated Hillary. As I've said, he assumed Hillary would win, and if you are going to disrupt an election anyway, why not go after Hillary. No downside there. And with this Russian and Trump collusion meme, Putin darn sure has messed with our politics.

                          BUT, now Putin has a US President who wants to "drill-baby-drill". That is a big negative for Russian interests now and in the future.


                          • Russians bribing DJT to bomb Syria. Shameful!
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                              No, that is your opinion that you want to be fact. There is no evidence that Putin wanted Trump to win. None.

                              As I've asked many times, if the Obama administration knew about this alleged Russian preference for Trump over Hillary, why didn't they use it during the campaign when it would have done some good for their candidate? Comey even offered to write an op-ed about it, but Obama told him not to do it. Why?

                              The more I read, the more I can accept that Putin hated Hillary. As I've said, he assumed Hillary would win, and if you are going to disrupt an election anyway, why not go after Hillary. No downside there. And with this Russian and Trump collusion meme, Putin darn sure has messed with our politics.

                              BUT, now Putin has a US President who wants to "drill-baby-drill". That is a big negative for Russian interests now and in the future.
                              The CIA has believed since summer that Putin wanted Trump. Comey testified before the House Committee that Putin wanted Trump over Clinton.

                              We can debate the reasons why. But if you refuse to believe that Putin preferred Trump, you also believe the CIA and FBI and NSA are all full of shit and YOU personally know better.


                              • Jesus. I hope the fucking Cheeto in Chief didn't just start WWIII
                                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on

