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    • As Kushner's power in the WH grows, so too does resentment of him in the more ideological/talk radio faction of the Trump base

      I think the Breitbart types may have a point that he may be taking on a tiny bit too much in being put in charge of the US' Mideast peace Plan, our China policy, and also developing a plan to revolutionize the entire executive branch and make it as efficient as a private business.


      • Trump currently averaging a 41.4-52.6 Approval rating. Sad! Gallup, Rasmussen, and PPP all show him underwater by double digits in polls conducted last week.

        From the chart you can clearly see the healthcare flop clearly hurt his already-weak ratings.


        • LA Times editorial on Govt abuse and overreach in prosecuting the anti-abortion undercover guys

          There’s no question that anti-abortion activist David Daleiden surreptitiously recorded healthcare and biomedical services employees across the state of California with the intent of discrediting the healthcare provider, Planned Parenthood — something his heavily edited videos failed to do.


          • White House cancelled a "meet and Greet" between Trump and Alexander Torshin back in February. The reason? It was brought to their attention by someone at the NSA that Spain has made a couple attempts to arrest Torshin and believe he is the head of a Russian crime family.

            For ref:

            I've not heard of the guy before. Apparently is a big gun rights guy and a member of the NRA. Also deeply committed to attacking 'radical Islamic terror'. This has made him a semi-popular figure among the far right in the Republican party, "everyone's favorite Russian" as Dana Rohrabacher put it.


            • Good article out of Texas. Biggest obstacle to The Wall may be the private ranchers and landowners who own countless acres along the border. Lots of different views.


              • Matt Drudge says the Republican Congress is deliberately trying to Sabotage 'great man' Trump

                "I suspect there is a sabotage," he said on conservative commentator Michael Savage's radio show on Friday. “Do you know Obama had the stimulus package on his desk before Inauguration Day? What did this Congress give this great man? Nothing.”

                Drudge, the founder and editor of the influential Drudge Report aggregation website, told Savage that Trump has not been allowed to make full use of his charisma — part of why the administration has struggled.

                "This isn’t just getting a bill through Congress. This is also charisma," he said. "I wish they would let him return to Donald Trump — the full Donald Trump."


                • Hahaha

                  "I wish they would let him return to Donald Trump — the full Donald Trump."

                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • No matter how stupid the spin there will always be people willing to buy it.


                    • Geezer- What's your explanation as to why Nunes felt Trump deserved to know all he'd found out before the rest of his Committee? Even though Trump's people are subjects of the investigation? Does he believe he answers to Trump?
                      As I said a week ago, I think it is possible that Nunes' source(s) needed assurance as a whistleblower. And, again as I said, Nunes might be kissing Trump's ass. Both parties acknowledge that Nunes has cultivated sources within the intelligence community, but outside leadership. And as I said yesterday, Nunes would be the contact person for anyone who would have been instructed to "report it to congress" by white house council.

                      I notice Schiff today said that he had seen the information, and he could see why Nunes went directly to Trump with it. Schiff is still bitching about not seeing the material first, but he didn't pooh-pooh it. Chafitz said today that he is really going to hold the Trump administration's feet to the fire for some documents he has been seeking since the first of the year and is being stonewalled on. He, like Nunes, says the bureaucracy won't honor subpoenas. That happens when you have an attorney general who refuses to honor subpoenas and is not only held in contempt of Congress, but actually WAS contemptuous of congress


                      • White House Social Media Director Dan Scavino Jr. comes dangerously close to violating the Hatch Act when he calls for Justin Amash to be primaried for defying Trump. Former Bush White House lawyer says he should be fired.
                        First, four years ago, the Republicans threw the kitchen sink at Amash in a primary. TV, radio the works. A hand-picked candidate from the Mich Rep Party, and a real big shot. All the polls had Amash losing, but come election day, what-do-you-know, all the folks had apparently lied to the pollsters, and Amash beat him 2-1. If you want a guy you can disagree with but still admire, it's Amash. If they primary him again, he'll win again. That is why he can be so forthright with his criticism of Trump and Ryan. The Rs have already tried to do the worst they can to him and failed miserably. BTW, that is why he could lead the opposition to NSA use of metadata after the Snowden.

                        Second, the Hatch Act comes from the time around 1799 with the Alien and Sedition Acts. No one has ever been convicted under that act, and I believe only one prosecution was ever sought, something like that. Sounds like big stuff, but signifies nothing. Politics


                        • Good article out of Texas. Biggest obstacle to The Wall may be the private ranchers and landowners who own countless acres along the border. Lots of different views.
                          Well......Just locate it 10 feet south of the border and buy the land from Mexicans. Shoot, then you would have no environmental impact statements, no lengthy court battles with environmentalists or coyotes, nothing but smooth sailing.

                          :::: just kidding froot ::::::


                          • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                            First, four years ago, the Republicans threw the kitchen sink at Amash in a primary. TV, radio the works. A hand-picked candidate from the Mich Rep Party, and a real big shot. All the polls had Amash losing, but come election day, what-do-you-know, all the folks had apparently lied to the pollsters, and Amash beat him 2-1. If you want a guy you can disagree with but still admire, it's Amash. If they primary him again, he'll win again. That is why he can be so forthright with his criticism of Trump and Ryan. The Rs have already tried to do the worst they can to him and failed miserably. BTW, that is why he could lead the opposition to NSA use of metadata after the Snowden.

                            Second, the Hatch Act comes from the time around 1799 with the Alien and Sedition Acts. No one has ever been convicted under that act, and I believe only one prosecution was ever sought, something like that. Sounds like big stuff, but signifies nothing. Politics
                            Hatch Act was passed in 1939. Debatable if Scavino crossed the line and whether he is exempt.


                            • Bad terrorist attack on the St. Petersburg subway. At least 10 dead.

                              Could be seen as a brazen attack and a direct challenge to Putin. He happens to be there today, not in Moscow, meeting with Lukashenko of Belarus.


                              • Probably a Chechen or maybe one of the Fuckedupistans. Putin's approval rating within Russia is north of 80%, despite the economic hardships. Certainly Daesh will claim credit, but it will be hard to narrow down without knowing the explosive type and how detonated. It will be interesting to see what President Chump tweets - maybe he'll claim credit?
                                “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx

