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  • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
    No, DSL, those five were the only ones to opine on the radical nature of the decision. I trust Dan Abrams on this matter, not CNN. "The five judges included the famed, and most respected intellectual amongst the Ninth Circuit, Alex Kozinski. The others included Jay Bybee, Consuelo Callahan, Carlos Bea and Sandra Ikuta." Heh, I've heard of Kozinski, and he is very much a liberal. No other judge chose to concur with the 3-judge panel. These five wanted to clear up the record, as Abrams reports.
    You're wrong on numerous counts.

    On Wednesday, the call for rehearing was denied, because it didn?t get a majority vote of the 9th Circuit judges; but five judges ? Judge Bybee, joined by Judges Kozinski, Callahan, Bea, and Ikuta ? issued an opinion arguing that rehearing should have been granted, and that the panel decision was wrong and should therefore be vacated. The opinion is worth reading, I think (alongside the panel opinion, if you hadn?t read that yet), and strikes me as pretty persuasive.

    The 'opinion' by the 5 justices was written after their request for a rehearing was denied. IOW they couldn't muster enough support from the other 9th Circuit judges to do so. They needed 15 of 28 judges to say yes, and they got 9.


    • I'll defer to talent on this one because he fashions himself as the dispassionate political analysis, I don't see the angle on cutting meals on wheels. It seems like an issue the Democrats would be praying GOP congressman vote for. These guys are insane, it's continuous calamity.


      • Let it be noted that Trump is reportedly slashing the budget for the Coast Guard, TSA, and FEMA is order to pay for the beautiful, beautiful Wall with the big golden door.


        • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
          I'll defer to talent on this one because he fashions himself as the dispassionate political analysis, I don't see the angle on cutting meals on wheels. It seems like an issue the Democrats would be praying GOP congressman vote for. These guys are insane, it's continuous calamity.
          As Charles K. noted on Fox tonight, Congress is the morgue for Presidential budgets. It's a suggestion; Congress doesn't have to listen. Already even most mainstream Republicans say the proposed State Dept. cuts are ridiculous and will never pass.


          • That's true it's been a parade of CRs. It is like this admiration is one long commercial for Bad Idea Jeans.


            • Traditional Republicans want to go after entitlements; Trump does not. Because the dirty secret is 'conservative populism' is in favor of entitlements; they just think too many 'undeserving people (illegals, big city minorities, moochers, etc.) are abusing them.

              Trump will seriously endanger his reelection if he betrays the populists. He's already risking things by (initially) siding with Ryan on Obamacare. Lots of poor rural folks got insurance through it. They aren't mad at Obamacare because they oppose govt involvement in healthcare on principle; they are mad at Obamacare for not living up to the promise of low premiums.


              • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                Turtle fence, Trump's wall.

                Which is more stupid?
                One cost 350,000 the other will cost 10,000,000,000. One treats animals like animals, one treat humans like animals. One was effective for a season, one will never be effective for a second.

                Seems like Trump's Wall wins! (Although it will have Teump written one gold on it in 15 foot letters, the turtle wall probably doesn't.)
                To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                  Traditional Republicans want to go after entitlements; Trump does not. Because the dirty secret is 'conservative populism' is in favor of entitlements; they just think too many 'undeserving people (illegals, big city minorities, moochers, etc.) are abusing them.

                  Trump will seriously endanger his reelection if he betrays the populists. He's already risking things by (initially) siding with Ryan on Obamacare. Lots of poor rural folks got insurance through it. They aren't mad at Obamacare because they oppose govt involvement in healthcare on principle; they are mad at Obamacare for not living up to the promise of low premiums.
                  you misspelled "darkies."
                  To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                  • Good Twitter thread on the claims that Obama asked the Brits to spy on Trump for him. Worth noting that FoxNews omnipresence Judge Napolitano is the only source for this stuff, and he has dabbled with 9/11 Trutherism in the past.



                    • When can america agree not to listen to any of these people that just make shut up, including all of Fox News, breitbart, infowars, and the president.
                      To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                      • We accidentally bombed a mosque in Aleppo tonight with 300+ people inside during evening prayers. Dozens reported killed. Death toll will probably keep rising.


                        • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                          One cost 350,000 the other will cost 10,000,000,000. One treats animals like animals, one treat humans like animals. One was effective for a season, one will never be effective for a second.

                          Seems like Trump's Wall wins! (Although it will have Teump written one gold on it in 15 foot letters, the turtle wall probably doesn't.)
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • We, as Americans, need to stop listening to the President. Also, make not mistake, he wants to be a fascist dictator.

                            I mean, really, how can you argue with that?
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              We accidentally bombed a mosque in Aleppo tonight with 300+ people inside during evening prayers. Dozens reported killed. Death toll will probably keep rising.
                              Damn, that's sad.


                              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                                We, as Americans, need to stop listening to the President. Also, make not mistake, he wants to be a fascist dictator.

                                I mean, really, how can you argue with that?
                                This is true.
                                To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi

