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  • At times today it looked like there were 3 foot waves on the Detroit River. Nothing like being in a skyscraper and hearing it move to the wind.
    Largest storm outage since 1991, and I remember that well. What a F'ing nightmare! It was in mid summer and I lived with a girlfriend in small studio apartment, with her sister (who was really hot ) long story - almost killed each other by the time power (think it was 3 days out) was restored... lol

    Went to my FB so many friends showing trees down and damage done to their homes. DTE might not have power restored for some til the weekend.
    Last edited by WingsFan; March 8, 2017, 10:16 PM.


    • Trump mulling a 14% cut to the COast Guard and 11% cuts to the TSA and FEMA in order to pay for his Beautiful Wall?


      • Even Breitbart now has leakers...

        Breitbart signaled this week that its brief cease-fire with the establishment wing of President Donald Trump's administration may have ended.


        • This is greatness.



          • That. Is. Great.

            So stealing it.
            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


            • 1 million Michiganians lost power in the worst weather event in DTE Energy history and it is expected to be days before power is fully restored throughout the state.

              More than 875,000 statewide remained without power early Thursday morning.

              DTE Energy is calling it the largest weather event in its history: Gusts over 60 m.p.h. hammered southeast Michigan Wednesday, cutting power to more than 1 million utility customers between the area's two major power companies.

              This morning, more than 670,000 DTE Energy customers, and about 187,000 Consumers Energy customers remain without electricity. Those numbers count utility customers and not the total number of people affected.


              • Pussies
                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                • With the loss of power after historic winds ripped through Michigan are facing a new problem. Bitterly cold temperatures and snow, night temperatures will dip to as low 9 degrees.


                  • Centipede or Farenheimer?
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Kelvin. REALLY cold!


                      • Trump advisor Nigel Farange was caught meeting with Julian Assange today, Wikileaks is promising to release new CIA documents. I'm sure Nigel was there to only talk Pam Anderson.


                        • A plague of sudden onset political amnesia is sweeping the globe. The latest victim: Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage who — upon visiting the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been living under asylum — abruptly forgot why he was in the building in the first place...


                          • Coming out that General Flynn never disclosed that he was being paid by the Turkish government to basically act as a lobbyist for them, to the tune of $500,000+. Mike Pence is basically "good riddance", wow



                            • Tillerson might be the least powerful Sec of State in a long time. I wonder how long he actually puts up with being a figurehead with far less influence in making decisions than the President's son-in-law? He left one of the world's largest corporations for this?



                              • [ame][/ame]

