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  • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
    Whitley, don't let the fear mongering from the left scare you. Snyder touted Michigan?s approach to Medicaid expansion for low-income earners as rifts emerged with other Republican governors that rejected to expand Medicaid under the 2010 health care law.

    WASHINGTON ? Gov. Rick Snyder today praised what he called "unprecedented" collaboration with President Donald Trump's administration and Congress as they look at ways of reforming the Affordable Care Act
    And yet the main plan from the HHS Sect. is for HSAs and block grant medicaid. If you block grant medicaid then you are going to have less money (Republicans tout saving 1.5 billion over 10 years in replacing Obamacare) for those that need it.

    Considering Snyder is a guy that lies as much and pretty much bends over for the Michigan Legislature AND Trump tells everyone what they want to hear. I don't put much faith in what either says.
    2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


    • Originally posted by hack View Post
      I thought some of that would come up. We had a brief period with a few incidents 50 years ago in which a few people organized as radicals and it didn't last. That obviously doesn't rise to the level of ongoing violence over decades. I don't like the protest nihilists, but that's not left>right violence.
      It's leftist violence, nonetheless. And yes, there has absoutely been plenty of it against peaceful Trump supporters. The trend is the exact opposite of what gets reported by the likes of CNN and the New York Times. And I wouldn't categorize the people committing this violence as nihilists. They are good old fashioned Leftists.

      Anyhow, you seemed to be trying to argue that there is something inherently more peaceful about Left Wing radicalism. I won't deny the existence of Right Wing-rooted violence, but that is still very debateable. If anything, I would say that the "ends justify the means", Alinskyite "Rules for Radicals" type playbook that the Left has adhered to for the past 50 or so years makes the opposite true. With that said, I do believe that you are seeing a shift, because the Right has gotten really sick of it, and that has given us the Alt-Right.
      Last edited by Hannibal; February 28, 2017, 11:16 AM.


      • Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects

        Preventative care should be a big part in any cost reduction plan. Defunding preventative care is just kicking the can to more expensive venues such as emergency rooms.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


        • The problem with preventative care is getting people to obtain preventative care.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Originally posted by Whitley View Post
            I have that novel. And the entire series (starting from how few remain)

            I had it. Years ago (10? Maybe more) I mailed it to Talent who mailed it to someone else -so on and so forth- I think it ended up with DSL who lost it or some such.

            Fuckin' DSL.
            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


            • Originally posted by entropy View Post
              Preventative care should be a big part in any cost reduction plan. Defunding preventative care is just kicking the can to more expensive venues such as emergency rooms.
              I have heard this argument a hundred times but funding more prevantative care hasn't reversed the rise in health care costs. What kind of preventative care (that people aren't getting on a widespread basis) allows you to avoid going to an emergency room? What percentage of emergency room costs would be eliminated by government-funded preventative care?
              Last edited by Hannibal; February 28, 2017, 11:17 AM.


              • Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects

                There are many examples of health systems saving money by changing where care is delivered. What more evidence do you require?

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                • Originally posted by entropy View Post
                  There are many examples of health systems saving money by hanging where care is delivered. What more evidence do you require?
                  Where? Insurance companies nowadays cover all kinds of diagnostic care and premiums have done nothing but rise for decades. I and my company pay out the ass for my health insurance and then my insurance pays out the ass when I get some kind of test run. Where's the savings?

                  Are these other health systems cheaper because they cover diagnostic care, or are they cheaper because they deny care to the most expensive cases? We know that denial of care does happen. And is just an illusion that they are cheaper because they are subsidized by tax dollars or are they legitimately cheaper?
                  Last edited by Hannibal; February 28, 2017, 11:24 AM.


                  • hack:
                    I would agree that in this country one can put racism up there higher, still rank religion #1, because ultimately it is going to kill us all. The doomsday seekers will eventually get their hands on the levers....
                    As actually happened in Iran in 1979. Now, Obama has, without Senate approval, guaranteed Iran the bomb in 9 years. Obama even committed us to defend Iran against Israel. Iran, in turn, is committed to the destruction of Israel in order to bring on the Mahdi, or whatever.

                    This is the actual anti-Semitism of the left, as B. Netanyahu pointed out. But, Hack, you move right on to Bannon, without ever giving a thought to: 1. use a pejorative label 2. to attack those with a differing opinion 3. avoiding the actual facts that exist in reality, rather than in the mind of the alt-left.

                    Are you actually fine with the destruction of Israel?

                    Have you ever thought about the substantial difference between Right and Left in their view of Islam?

                    BTW, I predict that when/if those who desecrated the Jewish cemetaries are found, they will be of the left.


                    • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                      Have you ever thought about the substantial difference between Right and Left in their view of Islam?.
                      The Right is a bunch of racist simpletons.

                      The Left is more open-minded, informed, and nuanced.



                      • You are vehemently opposed to reading a book you'd agree with because a lefty brought it up, and you're claiming that faked videos are real violence. That's not open-minded, informed, or nuanced.


                        • Block grants can take several forms, a fixed block grant means less money is available when the economy is suffering. You can disparage him all you want, Snyder has done a good job on behalf of the poor in Michigan when it comes to expanding Medicaid while so many of his Republican peers refused to do so even though they have hundreds of thousands of working poor and children at risk.


                          • Are you actually fine with the destruction of Israel?

                            Maybe. Religion has killed the place, and the birth rate between religious and secular suggest that it will only become more fundamentalist. I can easily forsee a future in which Israel is a problem for non-Israeli Jews. I say maybe because I am Canadian. I'm safe. Not all Jews can say that. Turkey's Jewish community feels real fears and vulnerabilities, and, warts and all, Israel was created for people like that who might really need a safe haven. I don't know if it's really necessary or not, but if I felt it wasn't then I would say I'm quite fine with some sort of peaceful resolution to the problem that results in Israel no longer being considered a Jewish state.

                            Have you ever thought about the substantial difference between Right and Left in their view of Islam?

                            What do you want me to think about?


                            • Snyder is a mixed bag, he did good helping Detroit getting out of the bankruptcy mess. He and his administration have been an embarrassment on the Flint fiasco that continues. He is not a guy to stand up to hardliners in the GOP. Expect him to fold if push came to shove on Medicaid block grants.


                              • We had a brief period with a few incidents 50 years ago in which a few people organized as radicals and it didn't last. That obviously doesn't rise to the level of ongoing violence over decades. I don't like the protest nihilists, but that's not left>right violence. They aren't targeting specific people.
                                Good lord! Bill Ayers, Obama's friend and ghostwriter, planned and executed a bombing of the Pentagon in which people were killed. Osama Bin Laden planned and executed a bombing of the Pentagon using a jet and people were killed. More were killed by Bin Laden, but the terrorism was the same.

                                And as to a "few" people, "50 years ago", we have not yet seen anything remotely close to the student unrest of the 60s and 70s. We haven't seen the National Guard called out, and we certainly haven't seen students shot on campus by soldiers. Just because you read something in your carefully selected "news" sources does not mean it happened the way the alt-left wants you to believe. This indoctrination is part of becoming "educated", I suppose.

                                Today's snowflakes couldn't possibly match the intensity of yesterday.

