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Michigan Wolverines Hockey

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  • PP over but M put constant pressure on the ohio goalie Heeter

    still 4-1 Blue, 6 1/2 minutes to go in the 2nd, ohio gets another PP chance


    • ohio gets a 2-minute interference, 4-on-4 for 25 secs, then M PP for 1:35 coming up


      • Heeter can't take the heat any longer so ohio changes goalies


        • stoppage with 2:38 left in the period, M LOOKING GOOOOOOOOD!!


          • 2nd period over, MICHIGAN 4 - ohio 1


            • Sweet!
              ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


              • Man......I miss playing outside.....


                • Originally posted by madootra View Post
                  Man......I miss playing outside.....
                  then go outside and play---nobody here said you can't!



                  • LOL


                    • seriously, though, I agree with you re: playing hockey outdoors. I grew up 5 miles north of Grand Rapids, my Grandpa and Uncles had nearby orchards, so there was a pond used for irrigation and also to dilute the orchard pesticides for the spray rigs----not to bore you with any more details there, but that farm pond, of course, became a sheet of ice every winter, and I spent many a weekend playing hockey with friends, neighbors, classmates, cousins, whoever we could round up to strap on the skates and beat the hell out of each other with hockey sticks. Few of us could skate all too well, but the rough ice was the great equalizer anyway...occasionally, when the ice was too rough, we'd take a day off from hockey to chop a hole in one corner and form a bucket brigade to flood the ice surface, then play again the next day. Great team-building experience, too!


                      • just observing something midway thru the 3rd period (M still leading 4-1 with 12 min. left) ---the host ohio team didn't apparently have an Olympic-sized rink installed at Jocob Field like Michigan did last year for The Big Chill, personally, I like the bigger ice better. Then again, as long as our Michigan skaters seem to like the outdoor ice regardless of size, I guess size doesn't matter!


                        • Penalty for hooking finally called against ohio, coulda been called on the previous breakaway and a few other times, but the refs seem to all day long for the most part let the boys play. That works for me, just so long a s things don't get out of hand.

                          M PP at the 10 minute mark, lets extend this lead! Go Blue!!


                          • I grew up near Rouge Park in Detroit, and they had several outdoor rinks, and I spent countless hours skatingf there. I played in House Leagues, and t
                            hen some travel, but I always loved the outdoor ice best. I live in Da Yoop now, and have spent many days shoveling, and doing the bucket brigade. Right now, I'm on assignment, and living on the shore of Lake Coeur d'Alene in Idaho, and the lake is perfect for skating. Alas....I have no skates....


                            • great hockey memories, eh? Kids these days don't have it as good, everything is too organized, too restricted, too much is prohibited, banned, warned against, due to liability concerns. As a kid, if it were winter we were always skating, playing hockey, or sledding/ tobagganing, living life to the fullest. The rest of the year was filled with other wholesome-yet-dangerous activities, all much more invigorating than what kids have as distractions today (Video games?????).

                              anyway, I envy you, living up nort, doing the bucket brigade thing, but I'm guessing that with these beat-up knees of mine, I'd be hurtin for a week if I tried that kind of skating at my age. As it is, I'm hoping to do a little downhill skiing yet this winter, bad knees or not!
                              Last edited by Rob F; January 15, 2012, 07:36 PM.


                              • You rarely see kids just outside playing is a shame. I'm glad I grew up when I did.

