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Michigan Wolverines Hockey

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  • The larger point is factions always exist in college sports, if the coach has a hard time because of these factions a lot of the blame lays with the coach. The coaches get paid the big bucks in college to navigate these factions that are always going to exist.


    • Rich Rod was/is his own worst enemy. He surely would have found a way to fail at Michigan all by himself but he was definitely helped early on by the backstabbing.

      Back to the hockey report:

      The more I read, the more it is absolutely certain that Steve Shields was trying to get Mel Pearson fired. It also appears highly likely that he was using Strauss Mann as a pawn in his plan.

      Complainant: Steve Shields, Respondent: Mel Pearson

      Evan Hall: Video Coordinator, Men’s Ice Hockey

      He said his opinion was that in 2021 Complainant was not consistently present when he was needed and that “there was something that was bothering him.” Mr. Hall said that Respondent was focused on keeping the team positive, and when Respondent said he was “going to go in a different direction” from Complainant, it made “perfect sense” to Mr. Hall. Mr. Hall referenced Complainant “leaving in the middle of practice” and “show[ing] up late.”
      Bill Muckalt: Associate Head Coach, Men’s Ice Hockey

      Mr. Muckalt said he understood, from conversations with Respondent, that Respondent’s concerns with Complainant leading up to his termination included Complainant’s change in attitude, engagement level, and attendance since losing his temporary paid position; Complainant’s communications to players being out of sync with Respondent’s messaging; and Complainant’s attempts to undermine Respondent by expressing concerns about Respondent and the hockey program to alumni and others affiliated with the program.
      Ian Hume: Equipment Manager, Men’s Ice Hockey

      Mr. Hume said that around this time, he had the impression that Complainant’s days with the hockey program were numbered, at least in part because Respondent and Mr. Bancroft believed Complainant was behind Mr. Mann’s push to have Respondent fired. Mr. Hume stated that he “firmly believes” Respondent revoked Complainant’s access to Yost Arena because Complainant was pushing Mr. Mann to take on Respondent.
      Mr. Hume said he believes that Respondent did not terminate Complainant from his volunteer position between April and August 2021 because Respondent is generally nonconfrontational.
      Mr. Hume, however, described Complainant as “erratic.”
      Kris Barnes: Facility Manager for Yost Arena

      Mr. Barnes stated that he was present when Mr. Richelew escorted Complainant into Yost Arena to collect his belongings after Complainant was terminated. Complainant said something to Mr.Barnes to the effect of, “We almost had him. I almost had him. Couldn’t get the corroboration.”
      Kristy McNeil: Associate Director, External Communications & Public Relations, Ice Hockey

      Ms. McNeil stated that Mr. Berenson told her in September or October 2021 that he thought Complainant was terminated from his volunteer position due to mental health issues or because he was mentally unstable.
      You can draw your own conclusions. Mine is that Shields weaponized the university watchdog agencies in an overt attempt to get Mel Pearson fired. It was obvious that Shields was badmouthing Mel to alumni and other stakeholders so Pearson correctly chose to cut bait and remove a team cancer.

      Oh, and that meeting where the entire senior class met with Richelew to "express their concerns after the 2022 season"?? That's a standard exit interview conducted every year. Ain't the media great? Read the actual report if you want to know what's really going on. Now I understand why Warde has had the report for 3 months and hasn't removed Mel as head coach. The problem now is that public opinion has been so warped that it will make it harder to keep him.


      • Let's do some more:

        Red Berenson: Special Advisor to the Athletic Director, Former Head Coach for Men’s Ice Hockey

        Mr. Berenson stated that he does not know why Complainant left the hockey program. Mr.Berenson described Complainant as “pretty erratic and volatile and impulsive.”
        Here's Muckalt's account of the meeting in which Shields was let go from his unpaid volunteer position:

        The meeting started prior with [Complainant] walking in and asking me if I was sitting in on the meeting. I was sitting in Coaches office and said “Yes,” Coach started the meeting by greeting with “good morning” then thanked [Complainant] for all his years of service to the program and the great things he did for the best interest of the program. At this time, [Respondent] stated However at this time we have decided to move in another direction and we will no longer need your services. He then requested that he would need to turn in his keys and his last day of access would be August 27. [Complainant] preceded[sic]to ask if this was about Strauss Mann and [Respondent] replied “what are you talking about?” [Complainant] then replied “You really want this? You are going to get it, you will end up like me. I am going to take you down!” My next recollection of the day was towards me, and he said “you guys are going to get rid of me and keep that guy?” while pointing to Rick Bancroft’s office and said “he let a man sexually abuse both of us, looking at me.” [sic] [Respondent] stood up and tried to shake his hand when he felt things were getting unruly, [Complainant]told him “I’m not shaking your fucking hand.” I went to my office and I was literally trying to process what occurred and [Complainant] came in to my office and said “Are you really going to go down with him, I need to talk to you!” This summarizes the meeting with [Complainant]
        Mel's statement on the meeting:

        [Complainant] asked why this was happening and I replied, “I do not want to get into specifics and the decision is final.” [Complainant] went on to say, “Is this the way you want to play this?” and went on to say, “I’m in.” He then said, “I’m going to get you!” He said, “Does this have anything to do with Strauss Mann?” I responded I did not know what he was referring to and perhaps he could elaborate. He then said, “You are going to fire me and keep him?” as he pointed to the office of Rick Bancroft our Director of Hockey Operations. He then leaned over and mumbled some words to Billy Muckalt. Since it was a mumble and I could not hear I responded with, “Pardon me”. At this point, he became more agitated and angry and said, “I’m ready, let’s go.” At that point I knew it was best to end the meeting so I stood up and put my hand out to shake his hand. He looked at my hand and said, “I’m not going to shake your fucking hand.”


        • From the Executive Summary:

          We conclude, based on a preponderance of the evidence, that Respondent did not take adverse actions against Complainant for raising concerns about those two issues. In particular, the evidence does not show that Complainant was locked out of Yost Arena for a short period in April 2021 or was terminated from his volunteer position in August 2021 because Complainant raised concerns related to Dr. Anderson or the mistreatment of female staff members.

          Indeed,the evidence suggests that Respondent was not even aware of Complainant’s concerns about Dr.Anderson before taking adverse action against him. The evidence shows that, despite what Respondent told us in his interviews, Respondent was aware of Complainant’s concerns about mistreatment of female staff members, but it does not show that Respondent took any adverse actions against Complainant in retaliation for expressing those concerns.

          Instead, the weight of the evidence suggests that Respondent acted against Complainant because Respondent believed that Complainant was working with student athletes and alumni to undermine Respondent’s leadership of the hockey program, including by raising concerns about Respondent’s purported failure to adhere to COVID-19 protocols and Respondent’s alleged mistreatment of student athletes. Respondent’s decision to terminate Complainant, though motivated at least in part by Complainant’s efforts to bring attention to what he considered Respondent’s poor leadership of the hockey program, does not violate the Policy.* * *

          In sum, we conclude that the preponderance of the evidence does not demonstrate that Respondent took any adverse action against Complainant because Complainant reported conduct prohibited by the Policy. Accordingly, we conclude that Respondent has not committed retaliation against Complainant as defined by the Policy. The University should review,however, whether Respondent’s conduct violates other University policies, including but not limited to Standard Practice Guide 601.90, Protection from Retaliation. Finally, as we discuss below, our investigation did identify cultural issues within the hockey program that warrant attention.
          So let's be done and move on. With Mel.


          • Welp. Mary Sue is meeting with Warde about what to do with Mel so I'm sure he's out.


            • There's an article from the Athletic that details the investigation and contains information from the climate survey that was given to the hockey team in the wake of the initial grumblings about the culture of the hockey program. Their stuff is usually paywalled but I was able to access it through John Bacon's Twitter feed. In addition to the information in the Wilmer Hale report, they had access to the survey data which informs much of the author's opinions. WH mentions the climate survey on numerous occasions but never uses any of the data that the Athletic did in their article. When you combine the two, it's easier to paint things in a more negative light.

              One thing that's irritating to me about the WH report is that it is very light on specifics whenever the "culture" of the program is referenced. The ordeal with Strauss Mann, which is central to the whole investigation, begins with him going to Mel as the captain after the 2020-21 season apparently to voice concerns of some on the team about a lack of respect and culture issues. But it never says what those were. Notes from the meeting indicate Mel asked Mann for specifics but Mann offered none, just saying some players don't feel respected.

              The report begs as many questions as it answers and it comes off as rather mealy-mouthed. Example: They seemingly exonerate Mel on the most serious accusations but then add in the disclaimer that the university should review Standard Practice Guide 601.90 and that they found "cultural issues within the program" but don't really define what those are. I assume Mel will not be given a new contract and this quiet period is due to all the lawyers hashing this out behind the scenes.

              Bottom line, there's too much of a dark cloud hanging over Mel for him to stay at this point. I think he's responsible for not holding Bancroft accountable for yelling at staff, may have had an exaggerated view of Mann's intentions and overreacted, probably twisted some arms at the 2021 NCAA tourney re: filling out the Covid tracing forms, and seemingly was untruthful with WH about a conversation he had with Shields about Mann. But it is undeniable that knives were out for him and Shields was considered a loose cannon who was badmouthing the program to former players and stakeholders and trying to rally others to his cause. I don't want people like that involved in Michigan athletics. And if the culture is so bad, why is Mel banging out historically elite recruiting classes?


              • The Michigan Daily also has a particularly brutal call for Pearson's head.
                I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                • I just read that. The opinion writer was way over the top, IMO. Conduct that "sends shivers down the spine" is more reserved for say, Jason Vorhees. His mileage obviously varies. But Mel will be gone. There is no way to get out from under the black cloud that hangs over the program with Mel Pearson still in it. I hate it for the program because he has them right on the precipice and one bad hire will set the program back several years.

                  As a way-too-early favored candidate, I'm throwing Mike Knuble's name in the ring. Played at Michigan, won a Cup with the Red Wings, played 16 seasons in the NHL, and as been an assistant with the Grand Rapids Griffins of the AHL for the last 9 years.

                  EDIT: I forgot to mention one more thing regarding the climate survey. Warde Manuel is on record in the WH report stating that he didn't recall anything in the survey damning or serious enough to warrant any action. While there were some numbers thrown out in the Athletic report like 37% had a negative impression of the culture and 35% felt disrespected, and 30% heard someone get yelled at (paraphrasing from memory), it makes no baseline comparisons to results of similar surveys. IOW, are those typical numbers among a major sports program? Look at how many people use the transfer portal in football. You can probably make a claim that a third of D-1 football players feel "disrespected". Maybe that's why Warde felt like the survey didn't raise any huge flags. Dunno. Just guessing.

                  I'm sure it's a boiler plate list of questions that can be used for any and all athletic programs and that they are likely available through FOIA requests (I'm pretty sure that's how the Athletic came to posses the hockey survey). It's strange that the guy spent 23 seasons at Michigan under Red Berenson and another 6+ succeeding him as head coach and there was never a whisper about what a bad guy he was. But all of a sudden after 3 decades in Ann Arbor he's a monster. Something doesn't pass the sniff test.

                  Last edited by Mike; August 4, 2022, 01:53 PM.


                  • That doesn't sound like much of a stand-off.


                    • Bacon has tweeted that it's official: Mel is out. It's for the best at this point. Just an amazing fall from grace. I just ran across this piece that is illuminating.


                      Myers: For those who know Mel Pearson, the Michigan hockey report makes one wonder why and how we got here

                      A decade ago, I got to know Mel Pearson when he was a college hockey head coach for the first time, and met one of the sport's good guys. As a damning report on his time at Michigan is revealed, it is fair to be disappointed, bewildered and disgusted.

                      “The players all hate Mel,” I was told off-handedly one night in the Yost pressbox by a person in the know, as the Gophers ran roughshod over a talented but seemingly uninterested Michigan squad a few years ago.

                      So my first take seems like it was the correct one.


                      • If the players' performance was affected, then its good he's gone. He was an excellent recruiter, tho..

                        It'll be interesting to see if some other school snatches him up.
                        I don't always roll a joint, but when I do, its usually my ankle


                        • I like your Knuble suggestion.
                          I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                          • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
                            If the players' performance was affected, then its good he's gone. He was an excellent recruiter, tho..

                            It'll be interesting to see if some other school snatches him up.
                            I think his name is Mudd for the foreseeable future. I could, however, imagine a scenario where he returns to MTU to finish out his career in a few years.


                            • Originally posted by Obi-Jon View Post
                              I like your Knuble suggestion.
                              In an unrelated note, Michigan Hockey’s official Twitter posted a “really good piece” on Mike Knuble around noon today.


                              • The mgoblog article on this begins "for those living under a rock". I guess that means me, because I had no idea this was coming. Can somebody give me the thumbnail version of why Mel Pearson got fired?

