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The Jon Lafalce Memorial Thread.

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  • The Jon Lafalce Memorial Thread.

    Jon was a charter member of the original Michigan forum over at the Freep. I think he deserves a memorial thread for us to share our memories of him.

    When I had season tickets, my seats were in section 18, and his were in section 15. We always went to our seats about an hour before kickoff. Nearly every game, we'd get in our seats, and not long after, Jon would see us, and come over to visit.

    By the way, if you've ever wondered where the beach balls come from in the stadium, I can attest that Jon is at least one person responsible for setting them loose. I was sitting with him during a game where Wisconsin was the opponent, (before I got my season tix) and right after Michigan scored its first TD, Jon reached into his pants, and pulled out two beach balls. He blew one up, and smacked it toward the field. He then blew up the second one, and did the same thing. One of those lasted well into the 2nd half before it fell to the field, and a event staff person got it. So now you know.

    When I had surgery back in 2016, the hospital was near where Jon lived. He came and sat with my wife and kids while I was in surgery. I didn't ask him to, he just did it. That was Jon.

    He had a fantastic sense of humor. Very dry, but very witty. He'd make me stop and think before I could react.

    He was my friend, and I'll miss him.
    "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"

  • #2
    Can somebody post some MBorg reunion pics in this thread?


    • #3
      Let me check my hard drive. I think I might have a few.

      Doug would probably have a million of them. He's the shutterbug of the group.
      "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


      • #4
        Some of us go way back with Jon. A branch of us started posting on the old Detroit Free Press forums back in the late 1990s. Then we made the move to world crossing, and finally here. Good times.


        • #5
          RIP Jon


          • #6
            I had to chuckle at those pictures of Jon wearing MICHIGAN shirts- because I remember him wearing all sorts of other shirts, with geeky stuff like airplanes, at the tailgates. That probably wasn't 100% of the time, and even if it was, that's okay, because I'm a geek too.

            The guy also wrote in Dr. Hodgman in the 2016 Presidental Election. That's a bit wacky, but it would have been pure gold to see the look on the fact of the person who processed his ballot.


            • #7
              One of those days where he came over to our seats at the stadium before the game, he showed me some coins that he'd just picked up in downtown Ann Arbor. He went looking at coins, before coming to the game. And there were book stores in Ann Arbor that he'd go thru, before coming to the games.

              Another time he chewed me out for not inviting him to join me and my football crew at a golf course about 2 miles from his house. We had a pre season golf day, and I told Jon about it later. He got upset with me, and said "I live about 2 miles from there, and you didn't invite me?? " I wish I had. he would have been a great addition to the group.


              L to R .. Canada George, Mike, Tom W, Tom's kid, Me, Doc Hodgeman, Jeff B

              Back Row: Sean B (Jeff's son) Jon's son Travis(?), Jon, and Doc Hodgeman's son (don't remember the name)

              What a scruffy bunch of guys. But I love you all.
              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


              • #8
                I didn't know him like you guys did, but I always got a kick out of his posts. He had some rhetorical flourishes that I wish I could come up with.


                • #9
                  Very sad to hear. I agree; he had a fun style. What happened?


                  • #10
                    "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                    • #11
                      Linesey -- do you have a copy of the picture from our very first meetup?


                      • #12
                        Oh my.. I used to have it on another computer, but I replaced it long ago.

                        Of all people, Jon is probably the one who has it. He was quite the shutterbug.

                        I remember the picture you are talking about. It had you, me, Jon, Paul S, the Prost brothers, my kids, and a few others. And Timmy. Remember him? He was the original BORG leader.

                        We were trying to 'assimilate' Paul. That was a fun day. He was a good sport.
                        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                        • #13
                          Yes, it was a great. day. I think that picture was posting on worldcrossing at some point. Wish that I had saved a copy.


                          • #14
                            Oh, very sorry to hear. My bests to his family.


                            • #15
                              Greetings all. I was privileged to attend Jon’s memorial service (with Mike S.) in Holly on the 16th. It was a casual and delightful gathering of those that had known Jon for many years with many stories praising the two cornerstones of his existence, his intellect and his sense of humor. Jon’s impact on people could start from something as simple as a telephone call or (as we have known here) a post on a a message board. If you would like to view it, I have linked below the video taken by the funeral home. I was particularly impressed with the clergywoman who was invited to lead the service. She didn’t know Jon, personally (which is always dangerous territory), but she quickly figured out Jon’s essence to offer legitimately meaningful worlds of comfort. One other note, as with so many of the kids we have watched grown up at the tailgates over the years, I barely recognized the “little boys” of Jon that used to sit around the fire pit in Ann Arbor.


                              I had an opportunity to have a wonderful chat with Jon last summer. He was in Ann Arbor getting treatment and was optimistic that his treatment would be successful. I know Jeff tried to see if he would be at the UM hospital around the time of the season opener, but he was home.
                              Last edited by DillonPGP; January 28, 2023, 05:55 PM.

