I hadn't even heard of the movie until it became politicized and articles about it started popping up in my news feed. Slate had a way too long commentary bashing the movie for reasons that were never that clear other than it apparently was made by right-wingers and stars the guy that played Jesus in "Passion". We can't have that guy working in the movie business. Much of the criticism I've read seems to rest on the argument that the org that rescues children from sex traffickers doesn't do it good enough. Whatever that means. If the guys rescuing kids from sex traffickers are the bad guys, what does that make the sex-traffickers?
It's another perfect example of prog logic. The right-wing view is inherently wrong and if they aren't wrong, the problem doesn't exist in the first place. Conspiracy theory!!
It's another perfect example of prog logic. The right-wing view is inherently wrong and if they aren't wrong, the problem doesn't exist in the first place. Conspiracy theory!!