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Official Detroit Pistons thread

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  • "I hope to see the Lions in the Super Bowl before I die"
    My friend Ken L


    • The bonehead plays are a tough dont even see mistakes like that during a pickup game down at the local gym


      • "I hope to see the Lions in the Super Bowl before I die"
        My friend Ken L


        • "I hope to see the Lions in the Super Bowl before I die"
          My friend Ken L


          • They’ve got to fire Weaver right? How does he still have a job?
            F#*K OHIO!!!

            You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


            • Gores just wanted the team to make some history (that's good, right?) before making changes
              WHO CARES why it says paper jam when there is no paper jam?


              • I like the “sell the team” chant. Maybe they can start a “Silver, help us” chant. The fans have “embarrassed” the owner. Maybe now they need to get on David Silver’s radar.


                • Originally posted by jaadam4 View Post
                  They’ve got to fire Weaver right? How does he still have a job?
                  Gores actually gave him an extension at one not sure how many years he was extended but he has done absolutely nothing to earn it....It reminds me of Quinntricia...When they should have been fired, SHF gave them one more chance and we got Jeff Okudah out of it...When you should fire someone, fire them....The longer you wait, the worse it only sets things back.


                  • I think he stated he wouldn’t fire Weaver. Either that or implied it. He doesn’t really seem worried about the state of the team.

                    It’s negligence. Kind of like WCF. And like WCF, no one is going to tell him what to do.


                    • I'd disagree to an extent.

                      WFC Sr. wanted to win. He would have loved for the Lions to be successful. But he was incompetent and didn't know what a successful operation looked like. He valued loyalty to him over everything, loved you if you told him what he wanted to hear, and thus kept hiring everyone he thought was his friend over anyone who might actually know what the fuck they were doing. If being a winner meant he had to jettison his buddies, hangers-on, and toadies... well... then winning was just gonna have to take a seat.

                      Gores, I think, defines "winning" in a different way. As long as the valuation of his asset keeps going up, he could care less about the product. That's why he tried so desperately to force the Pistons into the playoffs during the early part of his ownership, because he thought being a playoff team was what increased that value. Then he realized that the Pistons valuation keeps going up no matter what the team looks like. So why would he willingly fire people he's paying a lot of money to if he doesn't have to? The only way he'll "shake things up" in ways that will actually cost him money is if he thinks his asset will actually dip.

                      And I still maintain that he set this whole franchise up so that whenever he wants to cash out, he could field any offer from anyone without having to look for someone willing to keep them in the Motor City.

                      The Detroit Pistons are in trouble on so many levels, all the way to even the "Detroit" part.


                      • I don’t think fan and press opinions phase Gores, but I bet billionaire friends laughing and giving him shit about his team might carry some weight.


                        • Originally posted by Mainevent View Post
                          I don’t think fan and press opinions phase Gores, but I bet billionaire friends laughing and giving him shit about his team might carry some weight.
                          I doubt anybody in his social circle particularly cares either. All that really matters to them is that he could sell right now for something like a 10x return for what he purchased the team for.


                          • Who said they care? Just like any friends, I can see him getting mercilessly ribbed for being the worst NBA owner of all time. Then they all laugh and jump in their Scrooge McDuck money pits. But for guys with such big egos that want to succeed at everything, I could see that eat at him a bit.


                            • "I hope to see the Lions in the Super Bowl before I die"
                              My friend Ken L


                              • Death by a thousand cuts. Weaver needs to be fired ASAP.


