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Official Detroit Pistons thread

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  • You're wrong. Ever heard of the Sloan Conference? Guys like Morey from Houston were all over the fact that a 3 is more efficient than a long range 2. This is pretty common knowledge for an NBA fan. Analytics is all the rage in the NBA right now. They even track how many miles each guy runs each game.


    • It took a long time for people to catch up to Rick Pitino and his philosophy from Providence. His simple formula was 33 percent for the arc = 50 percent for 2 point field goals.


      • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
        It took a long time for people to catch up to Rick Pitino and his philosophy from Providence. His simple formula was 33 percent for the arc = 50 percent for 2 point field goals.
        Call it analytics if you want, but common knowledge is pretty much common sense. It's like saying that shooting 80% from the free throw line is better than shooting 50% and calling it analytics.

        The point is, Golden State didn't sit down with a calculator and say, "let's be a three point shooting team because the numbers add up" They got a couple of guys that shoot the shit out of the ball and said, "keep shooting it, guys. It works"
        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


        • lol
          F#*K OHIO!!!

          You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


          • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
            Call it analytics if you want, but common knowledge is pretty much common sense. It's like saying that shooting 80% from the free throw line is better than shooting 50% and calling it analytics.

            The point is, Golden State didn't sit down with a calculator and say, "let's be a three point shooting team because the numbers add up" They got a couple of guys that shoot the shit out of the ball and said, "keep shooting it, guys. It works"
            And if you defend them at the 3 point line they just go 5' behind it and make it anyway.....


            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
              It took a long time for people to catch up to Rick Pitino and his philosophy from Providence. His simple formula was 33 percent for the arc = 50 percent for 2 point field goals.
              The elephant in the room is offenses today are actually at a low point. In terms of points per possession 2016 isn't even in the top 15 scoring seasons of all time last I checked.

              Teams scored far more efficiently back in 1987 when teams only attempted 4 threes per game and shot 30%

              Here's some basketball 101: you have more ways to score rather than just "one two point shot" and "one three point shot."

              Free throws are a more efficient shot than three pointers. A second two point shot created by an offensive rebound creates a better opportunity to score than a single three point attempt.

              Guess which facets of the game were at all time lows this season? Offensive rebounds and free throw attempts.

              The shooting is better than it's ever been, but the game is punishing the teams that abuse it. The Warriors get a free pass because they're historically great.


              • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                Call it analytics if you want, but common knowledge is pretty much common sense. It's like saying that shooting 80% from the free throw line is better than shooting 50% and calling it analytics.

                The point is, Golden State didn't sit down with a calculator and say, "let's be a three point shooting team because the numbers add up" They got a couple of guys that shoot the shit out of the ball and said, "keep shooting it, guys. It works"
                Before Cleveland got Kevin Love, Love was offered to the Warriors for Klay Thompson and the Warriors turned it down. It looks like a no brainer in retrospect but it was widely criticized at the time. In the old days that trade is probably made because the old maxim was you would trade guards for big men.

                I guess I don't understand the rage at the guys with the calculators, Golden State runs their whole organization based on analytics. It's a tool, it is not an end all to team building. If it was the Rockets would be a lot more successful.

                And your post indicates that that there was some sort of grand plan. The Warriors were fired Mark Jackson seasons ago.


                • Jerry West talked them out of making the Love deal.


                  • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                    Too bad, you're missing out.
                    Grew up watching real battles with Trent Tucker, Glen Rice, Jeff Grayer, Andre Rison (He was a better point guard then a Quarterback {his position before MSU} or WR), Roy Marble, etc... Bet you aren't crying over missing that. Life ain't about what you missed but what you did/do enjoy.

                    Not unless one of the top teams is chucking it up. I watch the Pistons (at times, after I know they had won), the conference finals and the finals. But I'm a defensive guy. I like to see a team get locked down and frustrated. I also like to see a team rise above great D and do their thing. The NBA has made it so difficult to play D that I am surprised they even try. It also skews your metrics because the rules are so different. The original splash brothers - Ray Allen (young) and Rashard Lewis would be right there with these wooses and probably winning it all.

                    As a matter of fact, the 01-02 team also had Vin Baker and Brent Barry and more but only managed 47 wins.

                    Today's NBA is not my palette. The only time I would feel like I missed out is if the Pistons made it deep and I didn't watch.
                    Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                    • Ya, I don't like it either. It's become college ball where everyone just chucks from three. I still watch because I love hoops, but I don't like the current state of the game at all. Give me defense and high percentage buckets over this chucking nonsense. I find the game today to be really boring.


                      • That's because it is boring.
                        GO LIONS "24" !!


                        • The basketball of the past played one of two ways:

                          1) You had a high volume scoring guard, and you let him run iso plays all game.

                          2) You had a dominant big man, and you let him use his ass for a battering ram and little bunny hooks all game.

                          Either way, the game devolved into a glorified game of one-on-one. THAT shit was boring; not the ball movement and dribble penetration schemes being used now. Everyone needs to be able to shoot and move (with or without the ball) now, whether you're a point guard or a center. The overall skill level has only gone up, and that's a GOOD thing. Allen and Lewis would get CLOWNED by the length and speed of players today (at least the younger version of Allen without the savvy he developed later in his career). They'd get embarrassed off the court.

                          Defenses will eventually adapt, like they always do.
                          Last edited by chemiclord; June 10, 2016, 05:47 PM.


                          • It was always better back in the day.


                            • I do miss having a guy like Shaq down low, I just loved watching him play, but he was a generational type athlete he would have been so fun to watch in this era. So much free space.


                              • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                                I do miss having a guy like Shaq down low, I just loved watching him play, but he was a generational type athlete he would have been so fun to watch in this era. So much free space.
                                His entire offense was back down a player, then push them off their established position with his ass (which should have been an offensive foul 100% of the time), then flip a little hook or a dunk.

                                He had no range, couldn't move with the ball, and while his passing did improve over the course of his career, it was about the only skill he actually developed. Defensively, his entire skill set was just to be bigger than everyone else.

                                I found that incredibly boring to watch. "Oh, look... Shaq ran someone over and dunked again. He only needs to do that twenty-five more times today. Yawn."

