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  • A lot of people definitely need that advice right now, Bim.
    2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


    • Originally posted by bimmer84 View Post
      I ran across this story again today. It seems like a good reminder.

      Tale of Two Wolves

      ?One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

      He said, ?My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

      ?One is Evil ? It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

      ?The other is Good ? It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.?

      The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ?Which wolf wins??

      The old Cherokee simply replied, ?The one you feed.? ? Author unknown.
      Author unknown is a fart smella!
      Lions Fans.

      Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


      • Originally posted by bimmer84 View Post
        I ran across this story again today. It seems like a good reminder.

        Tale of Two Wolves

        ?One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

        He said, ?My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

        ?One is Evil ? It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

        ?The other is Good ? It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.?

        The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ?Which wolf wins??

        The old Cherokee simply replied, ?The one you feed.? ? Author unknown.
        Heard this several times. GREAT statement.
        GO LIONS "24" !!


        • Every fan at Ford Field, liked Christmas a lot...
          But the Fords who owned the Lions, certainly did NOT!
          The Fords hated Christmas! And the last 60 seasons!
          But they won?t sell the team. They have 2 billion reasons.
          Perhaps Martha?s chompers have a snarled underbite,
          It could be, perhaps, that her diaper?s too tight.
          But I think that the most likely reason of all,
          Is that her beloved coach?s cranberries, are two sizes too small.
          Staring blankly through space, barely mustering a frown,
          At the drunks in the stands beginning to yawn.
          For he knew those fans would take to the ?net,
          And type in a rage, a rage he hadn?t seen yet.
          "And they're blaming the defense!" he snarled with a sneer,
          "I?ll only talk about next game! It's practically here!"
          Then he mumbled and he groaned and he popped a cork for his Prater,
          ?Trust me, I?m smart, and things of that nature.?
          For the day after next, he knew the forum girls and boys,
          Would curse all the missing Levy?s and all the former Van Noys.
          Why that hometown media will show no mercy or poise! And those forumites will make?Noisy noise! Noise!
          Then that forum, will sit down to feast.
          To DWT it was plain to see, the problem with this the QB.
          That didn?t sit well with CGVT, no it did not. Not in the least.
          They filled up on DanO?s famous broasted Reiff, all of them too full to eat ANY roast beast!
          And THEN they'd do something Gonz liked least of all!
          They brought back Raiola to coach them to ball!
          They?ll learn to bulk up like a bulldozer does.
          They?ll learn to rollover and be like he was,
          All the while givin? Froggy?s fuzzity fuzz-fuzz, a buzzity buzz-buzz?
          and all just because!
          Dare they sing playoffs? Is that even a thing? Dare they believe, BELIEVE in a RING?!
          Would that bring Guitar back or just jack with his strings?
          The more Chemi thought of this whole playoff thing,
          The more that he hated Holland?s streak of the Red Wings!
          Turk lamented, "For fifty-nine years? I've put up with it how?!"
          "I?ll sell those season tickets and sell them right now!?
          Niffla got an idea, to get the team outta the rut.
          He jumped on the field wearing only a big blue, doughy doughnut!
          The Cat missed the game, held up at the bridge, not allowed in the states, since the Bears had the Fridge.
          Drew forgot his passport and was soon Passeparted right out!
          And from across the puddle Marko would pout;
          His skirt wafting haggis and room temperature stout.
          The offensive stink, truly did stunk.Will they stink just as much as the forum once thunk?
          Just like a kilt? nobody wins ?til the offense is aired out.
          "I know just what to do!" said Stee fresh from the hunt,
          Cooter chuckled and dialed up another run?run?pass?punt.
          Just then in the huddle, Stafford called for a trick,
          with a backwards santa hat and a crazy sidearm flick.
          The spiral like Lightnin? whizzed through the air,
          WTF is he doing, there?s two defenders right there!
          That tight spiral bounced right off Ebron?s big paw,
          Malto posted something about money?blah?blah?blahtity blah.
          It doesn?t take an Oracle to look into the Future and see,
          That losing a game comes way too easy? as easy, in fact, as 1, 2, and 3.
          Whether your stocking is stuffed with looped Froots and/or nuts,
          Cherish your blessings, no ifs, ands, or buts.
          For that squirrel can be squirrely and steal your new mittens,
          And the Lions will be Liony, re-gifting dead kittens?
          Marked to ?all of our faves? courtesy of Mayhew and Millen.
          Sooooo, think of your friends, those close and afar,
          Those tailgating outside or lunching inside a bar,
          And those at home or those munching ass next to a car.
          Raise a toast to them all, on that holiday day.
          To all of them in Cali, and close to the bay.
          To Frank Van D, to NC, to BB, and to Dean from the UK.
          And to Dpat and Main, ULF and the Ass,
          To Jaddam and Japan, let?s raise our glass!
          Cheers to Tom and to Seattle and Coop from the ?zoo,
          To Ken, Fontes, Cody and to the Ozzie blokes too.
          Whether an overtime win or a flag riddled loss,
          Let?s remember those friends that we unfortunately lost.
          For they are the Angels that watch from above,
          And provide fourth and inches, a heavenly shove.
          As the autumn leaves fall and the snowy Snow snows,
          Let?s remember friends all and pray the Lions don?t blow.

          Happy Holidays.
          Where are we going; and what's up with this hand basket?


          • Originally posted by Trickalicious View Post
            Every fan at Ford Field, liked Christmas a lot...
            But the Fords who owned the Lions, certainly did NOT!
            The Fords hated Christmas! And the last 60 seasons!
            But they won?t sell the team. They have 2 billion reasons.
            Perhaps Martha?s chompers have a snarled underbite,
            It could be, perhaps, that her diaper?s too tight.
            But I think that the most likely reason of all,
            Is that her beloved coach?s cranberries, are two sizes too small.
            Staring blankly through space, barely mustering a frown,
            At the drunks in the stands beginning to yawn.
            For he knew those fans would take to the ?net,
            And type in a rage, a rage he hadn?t seen yet.
            "And they're blaming the defense!" he snarled with a sneer,
            "I?ll only talk about next game! It's practically here!"
            Then he mumbled and he groaned and he popped a cork for his Prater,
            ?Trust me, I?m smart, and things of that nature.?
            For the day after next, he knew the forum girls and boys,
            Would curse all the missing Levy?s and all the former Van Noys.
            Why that hometown media will show no mercy or poise! And those forumites will make?Noisy noise! Noise!
            Then that forum, will sit down to feast.
            To DWT it was plain to see, the problem with this the QB.
            That didn?t sit well with CGVT, no it did not. Not in the least.
            They filled up on DanO?s famous broasted Reiff, all of them too full to eat ANY roast beast!
            And THEN they'd do something Gonz liked least of all!
            They brought back Raiola to coach them to ball!
            They?ll learn to bulk up like a bulldozer does.
            They?ll learn to rollover and be like he was,
            All the while givin? Froggy?s fuzzity fuzz-fuzz, a buzzity buzz-buzz?
            and all just because!
            Dare they sing playoffs? Is that even a thing? Dare they believe, BELIEVE in a RING?!
            Would that bring Guitar back or just jack with his strings?
            The more Chemi thought of this whole playoff thing,
            The more that he hated Holland?s streak of the Red Wings!
            Turk lamented, "For fifty-nine years? I've put up with it how?!"
            "I?ll sell those season tickets and sell them right now!?
            Niffla got an idea, to get the team outta the rut.
            He jumped on the field wearing only a big blue, doughy doughnut!
            The Cat missed the game, held up at the bridge, not allowed in the states, since the Bears had the Fridge.
            Drew forgot his passport and was soon Passeparted right out!
            And from across the puddle Marko would pout;
            His skirt wafting haggis and room temperature stout.
            The offensive stink, truly did stunk.Will they stink just as much as the forum once thunk?
            Just like a kilt? nobody wins ?til the offense is aired out.
            "I know just what to do!" said Stee fresh from the hunt,
            Cooter chuckled and dialed up another run?run?pass?punt.
            Just then in the huddle, Stafford called for a trick,
            with a backwards santa hat and a crazy sidearm flick.
            The spiral like Lightnin? whizzed through the air,
            WTF is he doing, there?s two defenders right there!
            That tight spiral bounced right off Ebron?s big paw,
            Malto posted something about money?blah?blah?blahtity blah.
            It doesn?t take an Oracle to look into the Future and see,
            That losing a game comes way too easy? as easy, in fact, as 1, 2, and 3.
            Whether your stocking is stuffed with looped Froots and/or nuts,
            Cherish your blessings, no ifs, ands, or buts.
            For that squirrel can be squirrely and steal your new mittens,
            And the Lions will be Liony, re-gifting dead kittens?
            Marked to ?all of our faves? courtesy of Mayhew and Millen.
            Sooooo, think of your friends, those close and afar,
            Those tailgating outside or lunching inside a bar,
            And those at home or those munching ass next to a car.
            Raise a toast to them all, on that holiday day.
            To all of them in Cali, and close to the bay.
            To Frank Van D, to NC, to BB, and to Dean from the UK.
            And to Dpat and Main, ULF and the Ass,
            To Jaddam and Japan, let?s raise our glass!
            Cheers to Tom and to Seattle and Coop from the ?zoo,
            To Ken, Fontes, Cody and to the Ozzie blokes too.
            Whether an overtime win or a flag riddled loss,
            Let?s remember those friends that we unfortunately lost.
            For they are the Angels that watch from above,
            And provide fourth and inches, a heavenly shove.
            As the autumn leaves fall and the snowy Snow snows,
            Let?s remember friends all and pray the Lions don?t blow.

            Happy Holidays.

            Great stuff Trick, but, a little offended I was left out.....


            • Insane in the membrane
              19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


              • Flipping outstanding.
                Lions Fans.

                Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


                • Hope all forumites have a great holiday, and a couple of beers.

                  And the Loins give us something, for which we can all cheer.
                  Lions Fans.

                  Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


                  • Originally posted by Lem B View Post
                    Great stuff Trick, but, a little offended I was left out.....
                    Did he fall from the chimney,
                    Or crawl from under the tree,
                    His jingle bells jingling, cheeks red as can be,
                    Lem B proclaimed loudly,
                    Don't forget about me!
                    Where are we going; and what's up with this hand basket?


                    • Flippin genius!

                      You just cannae beat a haggis fart!

                      In a room full of annoying people, ---> haggis fart ----> room cleared!
                      "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

                      Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


                      • Outstanding!

                        You readin, Kansas?
                        I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                        • Wow, tremendous stuff Dr Trick!
                          AAL Quintez Cephus
                          If you fall during your life, it doesn't matter. You're never a failure as long as you try to get up.


                          • Amazing! Bravo, Trick.
                            2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


                            • Good job Trick.
                              GO LIONS "24" !!


                              • Is Guitarjack still beleiving I wonder?

                                Something tells me he is.
                                Lions Fans.

                                Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!

