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Who's Walking Around In Your Dreams?

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  • Originally posted by LionsFanInJapan View Post
    Glad you had a nice dream this time, SB.
    Thanks LFIJ, it was really nice compared to some of those I have had.

    Originally posted by CGVT View Post
    It's nice when they come to visit, isn't it Sharky. Too bad we wake up so soon...
    Exactly, I used to dream a lot about my Mom, but this is the first about my Dad.

    Originally posted by Tony G View Post
    Harrison Ford wasn't in Romancing the Stone
    I know that, but I keep getting him and Danny DeVito mixed up. See how wicked these meds are? ;-)
    "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


    • Totally off the meds and my dreams seemed to have dried up. The only dream I remember having that lasted more than ten seconds, was this recent Steven King-like gem:

      I was on the side of the road hitch-hiking. A SUV came along and had 4 people in it, apparently a man & his wife and their two teen-aged kids. They picked me up and drove on down the road. As we were crossing a bridge, I noticed a cable stretched across the road. I tried to warn the driver, but was too late. I remember the SUV turning on it's side and skidding over the side of the bridge into the water. Everyone got out OK, but no one seemed to know where we were, but we were walking through a forest and suddenly we came to a clearing. There was a building and a giant outdoor theater screen playing a movie. Everyone sat down and started watching the movie, but I was not really interested in it, I just wanted to know where we were. Suddenly the teen girl began screaming and said she saw something moving across the wall. I felt into my pocket and discovered I was carrying a flashlight, so I shined it upward on the wall and saw a bumble bee looking thing running across the wall and climbed into a hole. It was as big as a baseball. Suddenly everyone jumped up and ran into another building which was close by. The man was holding a pillow up and a bee kept attacking, drilling a hole through the pillow. He then put a garbage bag behind the bee and momentarily caught the bee in the bag. We looked at the bee and were amazed at its size, then suddenly he bored through the bag and flew away. We saw another person climbing the stairs, and it was someone not of our group. We questioned him about who he was and where we were, but he only said he was a local and couldn't talk about it. We persisted in asking questions but he refused to say anything. we went to look for the others and found the two teenagers talking to another local, who was telling then a lot of information but nothing real specific. Suddenly it came to me that he was trying to tell us that we were in Heaven, and the terrorists who had stretched the cable across the bridge had killed us. He said it was all in the movie we were watching earlier. Guess that was enough to startle me awake. I was soaking with sweat.
      "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


      • Very Lost-y
        Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


        • Was sleeping/dreaming, or awake and hallucinating, fk knows......, but looked over the edge of my bed and saw a massive, football sized spider walking towards me. I Jumped about three feet up off the mattress which of course scared the hell out of the wife. Closer inspection this morning shows my black socks beside the bed. Not a clue why those bstds changed into a massive, blood sucking, man eating spider at 3am this morning.
          "...when Hibernian won the Scottish Cup final and that celebration, Sunshine on Leith? I don’t think there’s a better football celebration ever in the game.”

          Sir Alex Ferguson


          • They're tricky like that...I wouldn't go putting them on your feet again. That's what they're waiting for!
            2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


            • Look at Deb's post in the cool thngs thread. that's a shocker
              Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


              • Originally posted by LionsFanInJapan View Post
                They're tricky like that...I wouldn't go putting them on your feet again. That's what they're waiting for!
                Haha, ....., those spider socks went straight in the washing machine.

                Checked out Deborah's cool thread fluff thing........, my skin crawled all over. What you said....., WTF IS THAT?
                "...when Hibernian won the Scottish Cup final and that celebration, Sunshine on Leith? I don’t think there’s a better football celebration ever in the game.”

                Sir Alex Ferguson


                • Originally posted by Marko69 View Post
                  Was sleeping/dreaming, or awake and hallucinating, fk knows......, but looked over the edge of my bed and saw a massive, football sized spider walking towards me. I Jumped about three feet up off the mattress which of course scared the hell out of the wife. Closer inspection this morning shows my black socks beside the bed. Not a clue why those bstds changed into a massive, blood sucking, man eating spider at 3am this morning.
                  Things could always get worse....

                  sorry for the size, that is just what the site had.
                  AAL:to be determined

                  2011 NFL Draft Wish List:

                  1. Patrick Peterson Cornerback LSU
                  2. Mark Herzlich Outside Linebacker Boston College
                  3. John Moffitt Center Wisconsin
                  4. Steve Schilling Guard Michigan
                  5. Jeremy Kerley Wide Receiver TCU
                  6. Carl Johnson Tackle Florida
                  7. Johnny Patrick Cornerback Louisville


                  • Hope he didn't get charged extra.
                    "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


                    • It's symbolic. It's basically saying....., "It's the coffee that's gonna kill y'all, y'hear."
                      "...when Hibernian won the Scottish Cup final and that celebration, Sunshine on Leith? I don’t think there’s a better football celebration ever in the game.”

                      Sir Alex Ferguson


                      • Bump


                        • Thanks Deb.
                          GO LIONS "25" !!


                          • So, I had this dream where all I wanted to do is have our office collaborate a little better. All was going well until some chick decided she was "too adult" for the dorm situation. We went back and forth until some Italian in a cape landed on my car and punched me in the mouth while yelling "KAAAABLAM!"
                            Where are we going; and what's up with this hand basket?


                            • Wow!

                              I have had a similar dream but instead, the capped crusader was yelling "Boo Fung Yu"!
                              I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                              • Originally posted by Trickalicious View Post
                                So, I had this dream where all I wanted to do is have our office collaborate a little better. All was going well until some chick decided she was "too adult" for the dorm situation. We went back and forth until some Italian in a cape landed on my car and punched me in the mouth while yelling "KAAAABLAM!"
                                OMGosh, well done, Trick. Hahaha!! You stalker, you. ;)

