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Non-Football Related Stuff That Makes you Laugh Your Ass off
Marko, are you related to or friends with these guys? Sounds like something you would do.
Murder on Google Street View?
The images are shocking. A man apparently wielding an ax looms over a figure lying spreadeagled on the cobbled road, clad in red overalls.
The first man turns to face the camera as it passes and watches, ax in hand, as it drives into the distance.
Almost more disturbingly, swiveling around on Google Street View, a man stands watching the grisly scene, hand nonchalantly resting on his hip.
All three faces are blurred. But the identities of the two men at the center of the tableau are far from a secret in this corner of Edinburgh.
The man lying seemingly lifeless on the ground is Dan Thompson, who has owned and run the Tomson Motor Company on Giles Street -- in the Edinburgh district of Leith -- for 30 years. Above him, longtime employee Gary Kerr.
Zoom closer and, through the distortion, Kerr's expression could make you shudder. The "axman" is laughing.
His boss and apparent victim is chuckling too, when he describes the hoax to CNN.
Thompson and Kerr have been at the center of much media attention in Britain after a local newspaper picked up the story of their Google Street View "murder."
But it took a while. The photos, Thompson reckons, were taken around August 2012.
"Giles Street is like a misshapen horseshoe. By chance, I saw the Street View car going in other leg. I knew it would reach us in half a minute," he says.
"I had just enough time to whip in, grab Gary and a pick-ax handle and he came out to give me a so called 'Leith massage,' which is essentially being bashed."
Kerr has worked at the Tomson Motor Company for more than a decade, and was "right up" for the prank, Thompson said.
He said Google had apparently uploaded the images and some months later the company was alerted when one of its suppliers rang it up "in fits of laughter." Thompson said it was more than a year before someone apparently alerted the police, who he says "very properly" came around to check out the incident.
"A WPC [female police officer] has her car serviced here and she said 'I know exactly what's going on here -- it's a wind up.'
"They came in and said 'you guys, do you happen to know anything about this?' We explained what had happened," Thompson said.
"They were smiling when they came in and were roaring with laughter when they left."
Thompson said that he hadn't heard from Google about the prank but speculated that the publicity it had generated would be very good for the company.
"It's nothing obscene, but now a lot more people know about Street View -- so I would think this must be a joy to them."
When CNN contacted Google about the prank, the company declined to comment.
Thompson fears that his tableau may not be long for the cyberworld.
"Infuriatingly I think last Thursday the Street View car went past and we hadn't set anything up," he said.
"I expect there will ll be a lot of copycats of this now but the trick is spotting [the Street View car] in time."
As for the police, they told CNN they would "always respond to any reports of concern for personal safety."2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.
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I had read about this in the local newspaper. Do not know these guys although I have drove past their garage many times. Its great to have a sense of humour at work, but these guys have taken it to a new level.
I have carried out a few pranks at work, but the worst was probably pissing in my Irn Bru bottle. A plasterer guy who was plastering around the fireplaces on a contract in Ratho back in 96 always, without fail, would enter the job, say, "Hi guys" then proceed to take a drink from the nearest juice bottle. As I cannot stand people drinking from the same bottle as myself, I drunk half of it, then pissed in it. We saw him arrive. I placed the bottle near the fireplace then we all headed into the kitchen.
"Hello, GUYS, you here?"
Sounds of Irn Bru lid come off.
"AHHHH," choke, spit, "WTF!!!" cough, gag, more spitting, "GUUUYS!!!"
He wasn't best pleased but it remedied the problem."...when Hibernian won the Scottish Cup final and that celebration, Sunshine on Leith? I don’t think there’s a better football celebration ever in the game.”
Sir Alex Ferguson
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Went to my wife's home town celebration this weekend in Hanover, KS. It has about 600 people. Took my two sons, Nolan and Brett, who some of you met at the Forum game a couple of years ago. Anyways, they had a carnival and I wish I knew how to post the video here, but Brett decided he was going to get rid of some ride tickets by challenging a couple of 6-year-olds to a race on a slide at the carnival. He also tried to make a bet with a carnival worker at an arcade game where you try to shoot down cans with a styrofoam dart.
Go to my facebook page "Troy Koehn" to see the video and the post about the bet. When you watch the video, you have to watch it all the way to the end where there's a paraphrased quote from the movie Bedazzled where the devil grants a guy's wish to be a famous basketball player. Also, you can "friend me" which would be cool.It's so flat you can watch your dog run away for three days.
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For those who don't want to friend me on FB (trust me, I understand), here's a description of my point of view when Brett bet the Carnival lady. Reminder, he's 24 years old......
Another great Brett Koehn moment at the Hanover Carnival. He decides he wants to play the game where you shoot styrofoam darts at aluminum cans. I'm not gonna say if there was any alcohol involved in this decision......but there was. So he pays the lady, grabs the gun, loads it with a dart, but before he takes his first shot, he attempts to place a bet with the Carnie running the game. Below is the conversation:
Brett: OK, so how many points is the most you can get from knocking down one can?
Carnie: 50.
Brett: I'll make a bet with you. If I hit a can worth 50 points, then I get to choose any one of the big prizes I want.
Carnie: Well, that's considered gambling and that's illegal. Plus, I have no idea, you might be a cop.
Brett: (stunned look on his face) You think I'm a cop?!? Really?!? Well would a cop shoot like this?
(immediately turns the gun sideways like an LA gang member, pulls the trigger, knocks down a can, and yells) I'M FROM THE STREET!!!
Laughed til I cried. Had to have been there.It's so flat you can watch your dog run away for three days.
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After 35 years of marriage, a husband and wife came for counseling.
When asked what the problem was, the wife went into a tirade listing every
problem they had ever had in the years they had been married.
On and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling
unloved and unlovable, an entire laundry list of unmet needs she had
Finally, after allowing this for a sufficient length of time, the therapist
got up, walked around the desk and after asking the wife to stand, he
embraced and kissed her long and passionately as her husband watched - with
a raised eyebrow.
The woman shut up and quietly sat down in a daze.
The therapist turned to the husband and said, "This is what your wife needs
at least 3 times a week. Can you do this?"
"Well, I can drop her off here on Mondays and Wednesdays,
But on Fridays, I fish."Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."
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Have you ever wished popular brands like Pepsi and Wii would use taglines that were a little more revealing? Honest Slogans is a Tumblr that remixes famous logos with taglines that reflect what people really think of the brand. A project by graphic designer Clif Dickens, Honest Slogans will make you chuckle every time because, well, we all know these revised taglines tell the truth.
For more honest slogans, visit Tumblr.
What slogans would you remix?
via Toxel.comBenny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."
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