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Non-Football Related Stuff That Makes you Laugh Your Ass off
Schadenfreude -
satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune.
A New York Times article in 2002 cited a number of scientific studies of schadenfreude, which it defined as "delighting in others' misfortune". Many such studies are based on social comparison theory, the idea that when people around us have bad luck, we look better to ourselves. Other researchers have found that people with low self-esteem are more likely to feel schadenfreude than are people who have high self-esteem.[25]
A 2003 study examined intergroup schadenfreude within the context of sports, specifically an international soccer competition. The study focused on the German and Dutch soccer teams and their fans. The results of this study indicated that the emotion of schadenfreude is very sensitive to circumstances that make it more or less legitimate to feel such malicious pleasure towards a sports rival.[26]
A 2006 experiment suggests that men, but not women, enjoy seeing bad people suffer. The study was designed to measure empathy, by watching which brain centers are stimulated when subjects inside an fMRI observe someone experiencing physical pain. Researchers expected that the brain's empathy center of subjects would show more stimulation when those seen as good got an electric shock than would occur if the shock was given to someone the subject had reason to consider bad. This was indeed the case, but for male subjects, the brain's pleasure centers also lit up when someone got a shock that the male thought was well-deserved.[27]
Brain-scanning studies show that schadenfreude is correlated with envy in subjects. Strong feelings of envy activated physical pain nodes in the brain's dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; the brain's reward centers, such as the ventral striatum, were activated by news that the people envied had suffered misfortune. The magnitude of the brain's schadenfreude response could even be predicted from the strength of the previous envy response.[28][29]
A 2009 study indicates that the hormone oxytocin may be involved in the feeling of schadenfreude.[30] In that study, it was reported that when participants in a game of chance were pitted against a player they considered arrogant, inhaling oxytocin through the nose enhanced their feelings of schadenfreude when their opponent lost as well as their feelings of envy when their opponent won.
A study conducted in 2009 by Combs et al. provides evidence for people's capacity to feel schadenfreude in response to negative events in politics.[31] The study was designed to determine whether or not there was a possibility that events containing objective misfortunes might produce schadenfreude. It was reported in the study that the likelihood of experiencing feelings of schadenfreude depends upon whether an individual's own party or the opposing party is suffering harm. This study suggests that the domain of politics is prime territory for feelings of schadenfreude, especially for those who identify strongly with their political party.
Last edited by Tony G; September 17, 2012, 06:30 AM.Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."
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Originally posted by -Deborah- View PostWhy are people amused by videos of people getting injured? I don't get the humor of that??AAL:to be determined
2011 NFL Draft Wish List:
1. Patrick Peterson Cornerback LSU
2. Mark Herzlich Outside Linebacker Boston College
3. John Moffitt Center Wisconsin
4. Steve Schilling Guard Michigan
5. Jeremy Kerley Wide Receiver TCU
6. Carl Johnson Tackle Florida
7. Johnny Patrick Cornerback Louisville
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Stephen A. Smith Thought An Article About Him In The Onion Was Real
Samer Kalaf
Earlier today, The Onion posted a rather harmless, totally fictional article entitled, "Stephen A. Smith Thinking Son Is Finally Ready For The Sex Argument." This wouldn't normally be news; but when Stephen A. Smith finds it, thinks it is a real article, and yells about it on Twitter? Yes, then it is news.
Smith went on a rant spanning four tweets:Stephen A Smith
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I thought I'd heard enough despicable lies about myself. Now there's some article out that I have a 9-yr-old son and I'm going to have a
17 Sep 12
Stephen A Smith
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Conversation with him about Sex. Mind you, I neither have a son nor a 9-Year-old. Some ppl are beyond despicable. No end! Sad what extent
17 Sep 12
Stephen A Smith
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People will go to. Amazing how folks try to tear cats down, primarily due to perceived power of the spoken word. Damn Shame, but too bad.
17 Sep 12
Stephen A Smith
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Because I don't intend on going anywhere. Really, Really sad, though!
17 Sep 12
After a few minutes and some merciless taunting from other people on Twitter, Stephen A. figured out that the article was "on Satire" and posted another tweet saying everything was OK.Stephen A Smith
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Haaaaa. The got me. I didn't know it was on Satire! Got it. Peeps got jokes. It's cool!
17 Sep 12
Peeps got jokes, Stephen. Peeps got jokes.Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."
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