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Non-Football Related Stuff That Makes you Laugh Your Ass off

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  • I guess you are ipssed.


    • mebarrassed
      GO LIONS "25" !!


      • Man Gets Arrested After Handing Cops Bail Money With Cocaine

        February 9th, 2015, 3:13 PM

        Yes, it was a dumb mistake.
        Mitch Hotts of the Oakland Press reports that Royal Norton, 51, of Clinton Township, was arrested Saturday afternoon after he made a bond payment for a friend at the Clinton Township Police station that happened to have a packet of cocaine mixed with the bills.
        Yes, a very dumb move.
        Norton was paying bond at the police station for a friend who had been arrested for drunken driving. The coke was mixed between some $100 bills.
        The Oakland Press reports Norton was charged with cocaine possession and released Sunday after paying $750 or 10 percent of his $7,500 bond.
        “It’s like something you’d see on that ‘America’s Dumbest Criminals’ TV show,” said police Lt. Curt Randall, according to the Oakland Press.
        I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


        • Since we have more than a few old farts on this forum. . .(you know who you are)

          Here is a sample

          This God Damned Funny Business is No Laughing Matter

          It seems to me that one of the best indicators of this nation?s moral decay is the reprehensible nonsense that passes for humor nowadays.

          When I was a boy, people didn?t have time for humor. We were too busy wiping the smirk off Hitler?s face to concern ourselves with mindless tittering and idle guffaws. For us, laughter was like shoe laces or smallpox vaccines ? nice to have but not a luxury most of us could afford.

          And when we did indulge ourselves in some mindless comic diversion we sought out decent, civilized humorists ? men who told knock-knock jokes and lamented their wives outrageous spending and disappointing attempts to make pot roast. Men who peppered us with puns and poked fun at the foibles of nagging mothers-in-laws and the dangers of shady foreigners.

          Our comics didn?t denigrate our country?s values ? they embodied them.

          These days though it seems that every flinty reprobate with a dirty mind and a misanthropic axe to grind is parading across the screen of my Magnavox clutching at his genitals, telling off-color jokes and carrying on a like raving fool on a day pass from a home for the criminally profane.

          You never heard Bud Abbot calling President Roosevelt a ?douchebag? or poking fun at the Lindbergh baby. You never heard Jack Benny talk about smoking amphetamines or ?bumpin? uglies? with the Andrews Sisters. Those men had class ? and they understood that if they crossed a line we?d beat them senseless with a sack of righteous indignation faster than you could say Fatty Arbuckle or The First Amendment.

          There are no ?take my wife? jokes or innocent jabs at those rascally drink-loving Irish anymore. Every degenerate quipster these days has to crack wise about social inequality, political scandal, the female anatomy and every other issue my generation spent years suppressing, denying and working tirelessly to ignore. They?re subversive, they?re crude and they?re undoing our social fabric one HBO special at a time.

          If you ask me we?re on a path to damnation ? and if we don?t change our comedic stripes soon and return to the simple pleasures of double entendres, amusing pratfalls and adeptly censored one-liners it won?t be long before we get our just desserts and are spending an eternity sitting through an never-ending ?open mic night? in the Lenny Bruce Lounge of the Holiday Inn in Hell.


          • LOL!

            Guess I will have to get Hulu or similar to visit the HBO humor sites just to say I agree.
            I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


            • Haha!

              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


              • lmao!! I just love that they picked Ohio State for that!!!


                • No sound for me. That's happened on a few other non-youtube videos recently. Probably don't have the most recent version of flashplayer (v38,083,999,233) or my FCC run virus protector shut it off.
                  <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<


                  • "So young and so obnoxious!" LOL
                    "I ain't the type to bitch, I ain't the type to cry, I will sit at your red light and wait for your shit to go by."


                    • Kevin Spacey impersonations. He's GREAT!

                      [ame=""]Kevin Spacey&#39;s Impressions - YouTube[/ame]
                      GO LIONS "25" !!


                      • Good stuff.


                        • ....for the 5th consecutive year, Ford Motor Co. has been elected as one of the World's Most Ethical Co.

                          Here is the link:

                          How can you be ethical and succeed in the NFL?

                          I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                          • Correct link:


                            • Thank you, Deb.
                              I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                              • The lady does amaze...does she not Marko.

