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Favorite songs.

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  • Off Topic: Favorite songs.

    In light of a recent discussion I thought I'd start a thread about favorite songs pre 90's.

    [ame=""]YouTube - Please Come To Boston[/ame]

    GO LIONS "11" !
    GO LIONS "25" !!

  • #2
    Why's it gotta be pre-90s?


    • #3
      cause some of us are old
      The only logical explanation is:
      I'm about to die and this is my Jacob's Ladder


      • #4
        [ame=""]YouTube - Bob Seger - Turn the Page[/ame]
        Passenger on the Lions bandwagon since 1969.


        • #5
          Pre-90's? Easy....

          Harder than hard:

          Am I Evil?-Metallica

          Mind #$%(ed you words:

          Rat Race-Bob Marley

          F pansy Americana soft rock!


          No disrespect to Bob Seger (whose music I do own) but I now prefer this version:

          Turn The Page, Metallica:

          [ame=""]YouTube - Metallica - Turn The Page[/ame]
          Last edited by Panoptes; January 17, 2011, 07:59 PM.
          19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


          • #6
            "Why's it gotta be pre-90s?
            ------------------------------Donny said it but I'm interested in older music. Not interested in our younger folks filling this with RAP. I appreciate our younger posters but I want to hear/see peoples interests from years gone by.

            I was 11 when this song came out. I actually believed the music was going to die an I was really sad.

            [ame=""]YouTube - Don McLean- American Pie (with Lyrics)[/ame]
            GO LIONS "25" !!


            • #7
              Great song drew.
              GO LIONS "25" !!


              • #8
                [ame=""]YouTube - Linda Ronstadt - Blue Bayou[/ame]


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Panoptes View Post
                  Pre-90's? Easy....

                  Harder than hard:

                  F pansy Americana soft rock!


                  Wrong turn the page, this version rocks far better:

                  Turn The Page, Metallica:
                  Not that I care what your fucking opinion is about what I choose to like or not like, The Metallica version is much better musically, Segers is the original classic. The video to Metallica's is sickening, then again maybe a Californian like yourself like to watch little girls go to the bathroom.
                  Passenger on the Lions bandwagon since 1969.


                  • #10
                    LA Woman


                    • #11

                      I wrote and directed that thing. It has far greater meaning than the short sighted appear to see.


                      I have never even seen the video. I saw it for the first time through after I posted it here and then watched it. At least we agree on the music part.
                      Last edited by Panoptes; January 17, 2011, 08:06 PM.
                      19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Panoptes View Post

                        I wrote and directed that thing. It has far greater meaning than the short sighted appear to see.

                        It does has a deeper meaning. You know full well I am not that short sighted. Besides it was the only thing I could quickly think of to take a jab at you.

                        It was either that or you were the mothers pimp and that wouldn't played as well.
                        Passenger on the Lions bandwagon since 1969.


                        • #13
                          Here's the band I lived and breathed growing up.

                          [ame=""]YouTube - Heart - Sing Child[/ame]


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Desert Lion View Post
                            It does has a deeper meaning. You know full well I am not that short sighted. Besides it was the only thing I could quickly think of to take a jab at you.

                            It was either that or you were the mothers pimp and that wouldn't played as well.
                            Read the rest of my continued post for more info.

                            FYI, my best of Seger CD is about worn out.
                            19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                            • #15
                              My other favorite song from the album. Favorite line: "In the morning light, you didn't look so nice. Guess you better hitchhike home..."

                              [ame=""]YouTube - Heart - White Lightning & Wine[/ame]

