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Forumites and their Dogs

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  • Does she like the Lions?

    GO LIONS "11" !
    GO LIONS "24" !!


    • Oh, no sorry...


      • Our partners in peace condemn a dog to death since they think it is a reincarnated lawyer

        A Jewish rabbinical court condemns to death by stoning a dog it suspects to be the reincarnation of a lawyer who insulted judges 20 years ago, reports say.
        Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


        • The animal is said to have escaped before the sentence was carried out.


          • How did Reba do during the dog's day from hell? (many dogs hate fireworks) How about the other board dogs?
            Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


            • I just got home from a backyard BBQ with my bowling buds and my doggie was climbing the walls. One of my neighbors was shooting off some of the illegals that go up and go boom.
              I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


              • Its always a loud night on the 4th with Buster , barks at every bang and pop. With a lot of growling in between !
                Last edited by WingsFan; July 4, 2011, 04:31 AM.


                • By the way my partner always has been spoiled, but he has taken it to a new level. Last week he was at the Vet over night for teeth cleaning and basic blood tests for a 9 year old.

                  Well, by the time I got there to pick him up the girl at the Vet back room (not looking happy) said he has been very uncooperative to the very extreme. lol Ok - Then brought him in on a rope leash and asked me to take it off him off because of this, no problem - as soon as he seen me his little tail was wagging, and off we were. lmfao!
                  Last edited by WingsFan; July 4, 2011, 04:37 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Tony G View Post
                    How did Reba do during the dog's day from hell? (many dogs hate fireworks) How about the other board dogs?
                    Reba has been doing well. We went to Cheboygan for a couple days late last week to see my Dad and she was on her best behavior. We haven't heard too many booms over here in Dearborn yet, but the storm we had the other night was probably the most upsetting to her. It was like a 5 minute armageddon - my condo complex was hit pretty hard.

                    How are your dogs doing, Tony?


                    • "How did Reba do during the dog's day from hell? (many dogs hate fireworks) How about the other board dogs?"
                      --------------------------OMG. I had a lab who was afraid of loud noises which always struck me as odd because I had been training her to hunt and when she was a pup. I took up north hunting and shot the gun several times and she paid no mind. My training was short lived though as my first born arrived and I no longer had time for my dog. Anyway she was a house dog in "my" house and then when we moved to my current house the ex wouldn't allow her in the house so she stayed outside. I worked the first fourth and had forgotten she had acquired a disdain for loud noises. When I got home the door nob was mangled from teeth and the mollding around the door was tore up from clawing. She wanted in the house in a bad way.

                      Deb, I have a friend who lives in Cheboygan. She's going to be here tomorrow as a matter of fact. I road trip might be in order sometime. We could even go to the island. Our family camping trip is in Mackinaw City this year and we have an excursion to the Island planned. My frined from Cheboygan has for free tickets for the boat ride over. Her ex works for Sheplers.

                      GO LIONS "11" !
                      Last edited by DanO; July 4, 2011, 07:13 AM.
                      GO LIONS "24" !!


                      • "By the way my partner always has been spoiled, but he has taken it to a new level."
                        ------------------------------------Treo might have something to say about this.

                        GO LIONS "11" 1
                        GO LIONS "24" !!


                        • Deb mine took it very well. For the first time since I've had two dogs I actually have a pair that don't mind the loud noises.

                          My old golden hated them. If I didn't leave him in his crate when I went to work and a storm would hit I would find him cowering under my end table on the book shelf (with all the books strewn across the floor) If I was home when it hit he became an instant lap dog but it still wasn't enough for him.

                          Then brought him in on a rope leash and asked me to take it off him off because of this,
                          What on earth do you have that struck such fear? An Irish Wolfhound? A domesticated wolf?
                          Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


                          • "My old golden hated them. If I didn't leave him in his crate when I went to work and a storm would hit I would find him cowering under my end table on the book shelf (with all the books strewn across the floor) If I was home when it hit he became an instant lap dog but it still wasn't enough for him."
                            --------------------Sounds like my lab when a thunderstorm hit. She use to head to the comfort of the basement though.

                            GO LIONS "11" !
                            GO LIONS "24" !!


                            • Mine heads to the basement as well.

                              When I got home yesterday, (around 10:40) the people behind me and kitty corner were letting off fireworks in their back yard. The dog has to go through the same door from the kitchen to go outside or downstairs. When I walked in the front door, she ran to the door for escape (we keep it closed when we are not home because she does love to go downstairs and find something to occupy a few hours at a time with).

                              I could not open the door quick enough for her. I expected her to have yellow eyeballs and want to go outside but, she bolted for the basement.

                              I let her stay down there by herself for a while then went outside to watch the display. It was over in about 10 minutes and when I came back in, Lola creeped upstairs to see what was going on. There were no more fireworks and she seemed to think that I had something to do with it. She was a real bud for the rest of the night.
                              I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                              • A recent photo here of Reba...

                                I came home for lunch one day and gave her a chew treat then sat to eat my lunch. When I was done (10 mins later), I look to see how much progress she had made on the chew and this is what I found. She was too proud of HER CHEW to actually eat it. lol
                                Attached Files

