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Forumites and their Dogs

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  • A few of my replacement dogs showed up when I wasn't looking for one. A friend would say they knew someone who had to give up their dog and could I help. Voila, new dog.
    Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


    • Thanks Deb. some old timers might remember Shadow as my avatar for many years.

      We don't think it was a poison issue. As it turned out he had asymptomatic lymphoma which ended up attacking his liver in the end. He was 13 so he had a nice long life for a lab. (It's interesting that when we adopted him at 18 months, he had a heart murmur that was caused by a hole in his heart. We always thought he'd die of that and relatively young. But that son of a bitch outlived two other dogs and his heart never gave out and he never slowed down.)
      To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


      • I do remember your Shadow user pic!! 13 years is indeed a long life for a lab, especially with his heart condition.


        • Yeah and like I said, he seemed healthy until about a week before he died. All in all it was about the best way for him to go (although it would have been better if I hadn't just gotten back from my dads funeral.)
          To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


          • Ugh, that's rotten. :(


            • Man, SLF that sucks. I remember Shadow from your avatar and you talking about him.

              Sorry for the loss of Shadow and your Dad. I know it has to have been tough.
              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


              • Sorry for your losses, Kayrone and SLF. Our lab mix turned 11 yesterday and I'm dreading the day he starts going downhill. Our dogs are our children and best friends.

                Best of luck in your decision, Kayrone :-)
                Repugnant is the creature who would squander the ability to lift an eye to heaven, conscious of his fleeting time here.


                • Sorry for your loss, Kay.

                  You too SLF. I also remember your pictures of Shadow.

                  My kids are banging the drum for a dog. I told them after I retired we could get one as I would have more time to spend with the dog. It was impossible while working at the plant. I'll probably be doing that in the next month or so.....if not sooner. My biggest concern is doggie care while on vacations.
                  Last edited by DanO; January 25, 2013, 03:34 PM.
                  GO LIONS "24" !!


                  • Sorry SLF.

                    I had to put two dogs down within 8 months of each other. The first was a lab mix we got from the Humane Society and lived with us for 14 years and the second was a pug that was only 8 years old.

                    It was one of the hardest things I have done in my lifetime and I was in no hurry to go out and get another to have to go through that again.

                    We adopted Lola a few years ago because tailgunner would not relent. We talked for about a year on the responsibility of pet ownership and it was understood up front it was his dog and his to care for.

                    .........well, young people give great lip service to what the responsibilities are but he still is not around enough to care for her properly.

                    She and I have spent many hours together with no one else around and we have become quite attached to each other. I do not regret waiting 6 years to get another dog but every day she has been in our house, she has put a smile on my face.

                    I know I am up against another big loss when her time comes but, every day I am thankful that she is part of my day and the joy she brings will never be replaced.

                    Like humans, all dogs are different and as long as you are not expecting a new one to be a carbon copy of the lost one, you will be OK.
                    I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                    • Sorry for your losses Kay and SLF. My family bought a golden retriever when I was only two or three, and she passed away when I was in junior high school. Just went out one morning and she wasn't moving. Our Chesapeake Bay Retriever howled for days after that, because he was so lonely.

                      I really want to get my son a dog, but I'm thinking three years old might be a little too young yet. Maybe I should wait until he starts asking for one.
                      2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


                      • He's too young, LFIJ...............if you're starting with a puppy.
                        GO LIONS "24" !!


                        • What age would you think, DanO? More like 5 or 6?
                          2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


                          • Given the right dog and good socialization I wouldn't hesitate to bring a pup around as long as you socialize each other well. Is your son an extrovert or shy? As long as he doesn't mind a dog accidentally bumping him on his butt a few times and is outgoing he should be fine. The dog will outgrow him easily and be well on his way to full grown by 6-9 months. Those first 6 months will be tough no matter what. That's when you teach dogs what is and isn't theirs and get off on the best foot/paw
                            Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


                            • Actually I would say older with a puppy. Puppies have a lot of energy and want to play. They don't understand their little teeth hurt and as they grow, which is quickly, their enthusiastic nature is always knocking the kids down and causing them to cry. If you, and/or your wife have a lot of time to spend with the puppy it might be OK. I didn't have good results.
                              GO LIONS "24" !!


                              • You both make good points. I think my biggest worry is about what's going to happen during the day when everyone is at work/school.
                                2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.

