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Forumites and their Dogs

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  • Riley
    Attached Files


    • Great photos. Are you dabbling in photography, DWT?


      • Last but not least Callie
        Attached Files


        • No, I travel a lot so I bought a Nikon 3000D to capture some of the things I see. And my dogs are just photogenic


          • What is the Danes name DWT. That is a Dane in your first pic right?

            GO LIONS "11" !
            GO LIONS "24" !!


            • Yep, he's Cohiba (my favorite brand of Cigar), he needed a regal name.


              • Deb, how are things going with Sonny?
                Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


                • Thanks for asking.

                  Sonny had another seizure about 10 days ago. It was fairly mild, thankfully, but he's had some neurological issues since then. Twitching, loss of balance, stuff like that. It was very bad for about a week, but this past weekend was pretty good and he's recovered quite a bit.

                  His appetite has pretty much recoverd, but it got ridiculous for a while there (I had to hand feed him piece-by-piece for a few days). I have him on some grain-free kibble (he abandoned his old food but this stuff seems tasty to him), supplemented with a canned chunk chicken product.

                  Today he went in for chemo treatment #3. In lieu of the neurological problems, the doctor changed the type of chemo to a drug that can also treat brain tumors -- just in case that's what's going on. Yeah, I could take him for an MRI and all that, but honestly it wouldn't change our direction much and I can't really afford it at this point.

                  Last week was pretty seemed like his time here was just about up. But I'm back to having hope again as he seems much more like himself and has been happy and playful. Life is good when there's hope.


                  • Hang in there. Like you said, there's still hope
                    Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


                    • Sorry to hear about Sonny & your bad week but thankfully things are improving. I'll keep rubbing the Buddha belly for you both


                      • I am glad you find yourself in a hopeful situation. All things considered, Sonny seems to be doing very well, and soldiering on. He's a trooper.


                        • quick story about a customer and their dog......., me and my buddy were about to start a job in Gilmerton, Edinburgh....., my buddy got there first and was drinking coffee with the guy in the kitchen discussing the big doberman dog they had. I walked in and my buddy said, "Kill!" to the doberman. The customer screamed , "NO DONT SAY THAT!".... just as that big bastard leaped up and went for me..... chased me down the hallway and i swear to God, I aint kidding.... I jumped and cleared a 6 feet high gate. Was an ex police dog.

                          Whenever i drive past that house, i look at that gate and think..., "thats gotta be a record!"
                          "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

                          Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


                          • That's usually why they teach true police dogs trained in schutzhund the commands in German or Romanian. That way a bad person can't call the dog off with a command.
                            Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


                            • Deb, I hope Sonny continues to progress with no setbacks.
                              I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                              • We used the word "HIT" for our Dobie to attack.

                                If we ever own a guard dog, I'm going to train it to attack when I say "Millen"

