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Forumites and their Dogs

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  • Deb sorry for your loss.

    Today we had to put down our 11 year old Schnauzer Rudy. He threw a blood clot and was paralyzed on his back legs. He was also diabetic and weak to begin with, but still had bowel control. . Our reg vet was out of town and we spent the night alternating rubbing him while he whined in pain. This was after we took him to the emergency animal hospital who supposedly gave him pain meds. Guess he was hurting too bad.

    Two days ago he was doing fine.

    I have cried more about this than when I lost my mom. (I was prepared more for mom-Alzheimers is a long drawn out ordeal)

    To all you pet owners out there, we all knew when this day would come, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Enloy your animals, they are truly like your kids! I have another dog who is Rudy's sister and she is grieving now with the rest of us.

    We will get through this and over time the sadness will be replaced by great memories.

    Hang in there Deb.


    • Well said Dan. I'm sorry for your loss.


      • I refused to get another dog after having to put down my 17 year rescued companion because my thought was, she can not be replaced.

        Well, I was not incorrect with the thought of replacement but, when I did rescue another dog to accommodate Tailgunner with a promise from him, I have not been sorry one day. She has put a smile on my face every day even though we do not agree on obeying verbal commands.

        ......the second rescue has worked her way into everyone's heart even though her puppy ways can be a bit tenacious.

        She is learning and becoming part of the family.

        She wants to please so much but her puppy ways tell her to try might be good!

        I laugh at her adventurous ways of getting what she wants.

        I just need to start teaching her how to fill the holes she did not find anything in.
        I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


        • I'm sorry about Reba and Zoe, Deb. :(
          2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


          • Sorry for your losses Dan and Mark. We loss Lily our Sheltie last year to cancer at 12 and she was such a blessing to all of us, especially our daughter, she was her dog and really helped her through some tough teenage years and all the way through 7 years of college. Our daughter at least got to see her one last time when we visited her in Pittsburgh the week before she passed. We took her to the petsmart hospital while pittsburgh when she first show signs of being sick and they gave her an IV which gave her enough strength to make it through the week, but when we returned home and took her to our vet they did more test and said she was very sick and they couldn't do anything for her. Her sister Shadow the beagle is still hanging on and will 14 this Christmas. She had surgery to remove and a couple months ago and is meds for cushings, but she is still holding on strong and still make our weekly two mile hikes. As painful as it is when you lose them, they bring you so much love, loyalty, and fulfillment, that I just can't see ourselves being without a dog for very long.
            "Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand."
            Colin Powell


            • Very sorry about your loss as well, Dan.
              2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


              • Deb, really sorry about Reba, and Zoe.

                Sorry also about your loss Dan.

                We are for sometime a family of 7, me, my wife, 2 dogs and 3 cats.

                In the last year we lost our eldest ladies, Diva (a cat that had epilepsy, died with many health problems, due to long term medication) and Matilde (dog, died from cancer).

                Right after the painful losses we don?t think about being 7 again, but the thing is, we always find a stray cat/dog and bring them home. So 7 is our number I guess.


                Originally posted by LionsNC View Post
                As painful as it is when you lose them, they bring you so much love, loyalty, and fulfillment...
                Gamer dad, like a normal dad, only much cooler / Gamers don't die they respawn
                🎮 PSN: Thiaugux - 🏆 125 Platinum Trophies


                • So sorry about your losses Deb. Likewise for you Dan and LionsNC.
                  GO LIONS "24" !!


                  • So sorry, everyone. )8
                    <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<


                    • Sorry everyone.

                      This year I picked up a French bulldog. I wanted to bring him by to say hello. His name is Dutch, and he is a spirited fun loving puppy.

                      The picture is from Memorial Day.
                      Attached Files
                      AAL - Glover Quinn


                      • GO LIONS "24" !!


                        • Hello to Dutch!

                          Wanna play?
                          I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                          • He looks like he knows who's in charge!

                            Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
                            "Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand."
                            Colin Powell


                            • Hi, Dutch, cutiepie!!


                              • That's weird naming your food

