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Movies - General Discussion

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  • Has anyone seen the new flick "Grown Ups"? I just finished it and it's one of the funniest movies I have seen this year! I definitely reccomend it!
    I don't even know if I am ready to talk about it.....


    • Movies I've seen recentlyish:

      CrazyHeart - I can see why Jeff Bridges won an oscar and it was a really good movie. For the most part. The age difference and relationship with Bridges and Maggie Gyllenhaal was incredibly distracting and more than a little creepy.

      Invictus - Loved it! My favorite kind of movie.

      Shutter Island - not what I expected but I got into it and enjoyed it.

      The Last Station - Great movie with superb acting. James McAvoy is such an incredible talent and oh so attractive.

      Inglorious Basterds - this was good and funny. A deserved oscar for Christopher Waltz.

      A Single Man - I was completely riveted by the first half of this film. Watching Colin Firth go about his day happy for the first time in ages because he knows his intense emotional pain will soon end. The way he soaked in every experience with a new appreciation knowing it would be his last. I didn't love the second half as much but it is a very good movie.

      Entourage Season 6 - couldn't wait for these DVDs to arrive. I love this show. I can't quite put a finger on why, but I didn't love season 6. It seemed like they mailed it in. There were some great moments for sure, but a lot of the acting was pretty bad. There was enough good to offset the bad and make it worth watching.
      "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


      • Yeah, I saw "Grown Ups" last week & loved it!
        ... I love Adam Sandler movies ... he is probably my fav actor... Not a surprise that it was funny!
        AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


        • I like Entourage. I woulkdn't rank it up there with Seinfeld or Friends but it's pretty good. I do get bugged that most seasons are only 12 episodes long.

          Entourage's 6th Season really seemed to be more about the others in the group than Vinnie's career.


          • Terminator: Salvation was pretty awful. Hopefully, this is the end of the director "McG" getting big money to make terrible movies. Probably not though.


            • I thought McG's We Are Marshall was pretty decent overall. I had low expectations for Terminator: Salvation, so it was better for me than I'd anticipated. Standard sci-fi fare, nothing special.

              Rom: I liked Invictus, Shutter Island and Inglorious Bastards. Have you seen Inception yet? Well worth taking in. There were a few minor blips for me, but overall it worked well.


              • I enjoyed Terminator Salvation. I thought it was fun.


                • I've seen "Kick Ass" & "Dinner For Schmucks" recently.
                  "Kick Ass" was surprisingly REALLY good! 9/10. I definitely recommend this movie.

                  "Dinner for Schmucks" was AWFUL!
                  Humor in that movie is Dumb like "Epic Movie"/ "Scary Movie" type movies.
                  Don't see it!
                  AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                  • Originally posted by Tom View Post
                    I enjoyed Terminator Salvation. I thought it was fun.
                    I enjoyed the special FX and thundering soundtrack at the movies even though I only saw about 1/2 of it at the theater while waiting for the other movie we went to see that day.

                    I liked T4 after watching the whole thing on blu-ray at home.

                    I just wish they would remaster 1-3 for blu-ray so I could get the whole set.
                    19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                    • I thought Terminator Salvation was good. (7/10)

                      NOT as good as Terminator, T-2, or T-3 with *Kristanna Loken!* ...
                      AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                      • I watched Toy Story 3 with my nephews and my mom on Thursday. The movie wasn't quite as good as the first two but it was still pretty good. The funny thing is that I heard that some grown men actually found themselves getting choked up during the movie. I thought it sounded kind of ridiculous but when I watched it, I also found myself getting a little teary-eyed. If I had been there by myself I probably would have let the tears flow.

                        And while this sounds ridiculous, you must understand that as a child I was extremely attached to my toys and it took me a long time to part with them. I had an extrememly active imagination so I never really got bored with them. When I saw Andy and Woody's reactions to certain moments, they definitely struck a nerve. I think if you loved your toys when you were a kid and never really outgrew them, you might be surprised at how emotional this movie is.


                        • Originally posted by Tom View Post
                          I watched Toy Story 3 with my nephews and my mom on Thursday. The movie wasn't quite as good as the first two but it was still pretty good. The funny thing is that I heard that some grown men actually found themselves getting choked up during the movie. I thought it sounded kind of ridiculous but when I watched it, I also found myself getting a little teary-eyed. If I had been there by myself I probably would have let the tears flow.

                          And while this sounds ridiculous, you must understand that as a child I was extremely attached to my toys and it took me a long time to part with them. I had an extrememly active imagination so I never really got bored with them. When I saw Andy and Woody's reactions to certain moments, they definitely struck a nerve. I think if you loved your toys when you were a kid and never really outgrew them, you might be surprised at how emotional this movie is.
                          I cried.
                          But the Toy Story series represents my life in a way.
                          This movie came out the year that I'm leaving for college for the 1st time.
                          Andy from Toy Story is me in a way....
                          AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                          • Zilla Baby, haven't seen Inception yet but would definitely like to. Maybe this week.

                            I recently saw St. Elmo's Fire on one of the Encore channels. Man, it evoked some nostalgia. Though it came out when I was in High School, this time it reminded me of my college years - the time right after moving out of my parents house and developing frienships that became my family members. You know, that time when your friend family is more important than your actual family. When you're learning to survive as a young adult and life is about partying and trying to find your way. Looking back, those were some of the best times of my life.

                            It also reminded me what crappy dressers we were in the eighties. What was up with all the shoulder pads?! Heh...
                            "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                            • My family of 3 all felt that TOY STORY 3 was the best of the bunch. I got a little choked up near the end somewhere. No tears though.


                              As hard as I try to forget the 80's,, my fried mind from those days just can't do it, yet.
                              19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                              • I just saw "The Expendables" ...
                                Not a must see like "Inception", but a pretty good *entertaining* movie.
                                The end of the movie might have been the greatest 15-20 minutes of brainless action ever in a movie ... better than Michael Bay.
                                Terry Crews in that movie, LMAO.

                                AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill

