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Movies - General Discussion

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  • It started with the way the movie hits you over the head with a sledghamer to make sure you know what an idyllic life these people have before you find out about his past. They're sooooooooo in love. I get it. Then there was all the overacting. I thought Ed Harris was awful. Viggo looked like a dork in his jeans. The sex scenes were awkward. And I think it was during the second one that I was wondering where the kids were. Especially the little girl. I mean, hadn't she just been stalked at the mall by a very bad man? And as I was thinking to myself "man, this movie is really bad," William Hurt is introduced. I don't like him for some reason so that added to my overall dislike of the movie. And how about at the end when Viggo sits at the table and the way they drag it out with the cheesy looks on everyone's faces...especially the wife's and then his at the very end. And when Viggo walks up to his son after he shoots Ed Harris - that whole weird drawn out staring thing before he hugs him. Too much overacting. The violence didn't bother me. The shot in William Hurt's head was kinda cool.
    "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


    • Oh yeah. And during the showdown scene in the house, well toward the end especially when William Hurt steps outside the house, I noticed a definite lack of soundtrack which I thought was cool. And I wondered if it had been like that the whole movie and maybe there was a redeeming quality. Then Viggo goes down to the lake to wash off and there's the soundtrack with some melodramatic shit that was obtrusive in the scene.
      "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


      • I've watched Invincible 3 times in the last couple days. What a great movie. A 30 year old bartender finally reaches his goal of playing professional sports, its the perfect movie for me...:-)

        I always shed a tear when he pretends his car won't start and he tells his buddy he made the team...



        • lol Pete

          I watched The Breakup yesterday. Gawd, what a crummy ending. I expected a lot more from the movie, considering the cast.


          • I thought Invincible could've been better and The Breakup was mediocre.

            Over the holiday weekend I saw Lone Star, Dead and Breakfast, Little Miss Sunshine, Pirates 2 and one more I can't remember. My family loves movies as much as I do and my sister and bro-in-law have a massive DVD collection. Pirates 2 was great! Looking forward to the third installment.
            "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


            • funny - I just watched Pirates 2 yesterday for the first time. I'm going to sound like a loser for saying this, but....there were several times during the movie where I had no idea what the hell was going on. I guess the mind wanders when Johnny Depp is on screen. I need to watch it again!
              "I ain't the type to bitch, I ain't the type to cry, I will sit at your red light and wait for your shit to go by."


              • Funny you say that! I had no clue what was going on at various times either and I was with the brainy side of the family so I felt stupid when I'd ask what was going on and my sister told me in detail. I thought maybe there were so many people milling about that it distracted me. I plan to get it from Netflix and watch it again too.
                "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                • Pirates 2 was a muddled plot to say the least. I wouldn't blame you for losing track of what was going on. It was good popcorn fun, but I thought it was too bloated with characters and special effects. It's like they were trying too hard to top the original.


                  • That's true and I still loved it. I had read a review when it first came out about the way they overdid it with the sea creatures and special effects and as I was watching the movie I totally saw where the critic was coming from. It didn't bother me though. I guess my love for Captain Jack Sparrow's character compensates for a lot.
                    "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                    • That's the funny thing. People are going to see those films because of Depp as Sparrow. I mean he's the main draw. They don't need to overstuff it as long as they are giving Captain Jack plenty of stuff to do.


                      • I think Pirates 2 ...was Pirates 2 long! I was disappointed , and thought the octopus ate not just the ship , but the whole movie! I agree , with the "what the hell is going on" remarks!

                        Recently watched "An Unconvenient Truth" Al Gore's documentary about the growing global warming problem , and how it continues to effect our weather. Believe it or not , or better yet , like Al Gore , or not , it is worth a look , and has some very interesting segments. I would change the title , to , "Waiting for the Ice to Melt"

                        Now , to watch "Invincible" (Christmas present)


                        • Watched "Thank You For Smoking" a couple days ago. Funny, funny stuff. Aaron Ekhart is brilliant, definitely one of my favorite actors.


                          • Night at the Museum. Nice, harmless romp; plenty of amusing sight gags. I don't much like Stiller, but he does pretty good physical comedy. There were a few scenes that weren't really well written, oddball stuff that was too contrived (the Mongol horde at the end, for those who have seen it, as an example). Similarly, the Museum Director's inability to finish sentences was supposed to be funny, but it was just kind of frustrating to watch. The effects were great, and it had the effect of a big picture with a lot going on.
                            I made baseball as fun as doing your taxes!


                            • Watched Pirates 2 again with subtitles this time and it was much easier to figure out what was going on. Especially the scenes with psychic swamp lady.
                              "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                              • Lady in the Water - strange and interesting. I liked it. I can see why M. Night had trouble getting his usual movie company to pick it up.
                                "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."

