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Movies - General Discussion

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  • She may have become colder as the years went on, but there was no doubt she loved Jack - and although she may never have had the more obvious confirmation that Alma did, I think she knew that Jack had interests outside the marriage and that Ennis was more than just a "buddy".

    But that's one of the elegant parts of the film, too, in that each audience member can draw their own conclusion without totally disrupting the plot.


    • Originally posted by jaadam4
      Yeah I watched it again and caught a lot of things I missed the first time. Did you catch why his pant legs were so high on Ewen McGregor?
      I don't know what you're talking about but I'm guessing someone made fun of his pants bottoms being rolled up so he cut them off (too high)?
      19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


      • His pants werent rolled up they were just really really short. The reason they were so high is because Ewen McGregor was bending down which was inturn pulling his pant legs up. This was the only angle that he seen him from and was associating it to his dreams. Theres all kind of stupid stuff like that in the movie. Good stuff.
        F#*K OHIO!!!

        You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


        • Originally posted by jaadam4
          Yeah I watched it again and caught a lot of things I missed the first time. Did you catch why his pant legs were so high on Ewen McGregor?
          I missed that. Good catch. I think what was really happening was not what I thought was happening. I mean could it have been just a dream before death or could it have been a glimpse into parallel universes colliding while in a state between life and death? I plan to watch it again before sending it back to Netflix.
          "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


          • Thats a good point about the parallel universes. I wish the DVD had better bonus features to hear it from the director to see what things meant. Good movie tho

            Watched Family Stone this morning. It was ok. Luke Wilson was funny as shit in it.
            F#*K OHIO!!!

            You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


            • I wish the DVD had better bonus features to hear it from the director to see what things meant.
              I thought the same thing. As soon as the movie was over I was going to rewatch it with the director commentary but it wasn't there. So. I had given the movie to my Dad to watch. My younger sister (who has a PhD in neuroscience) and her husband came up to visit my parents this weekend and my Dad must've said I raved about the movie so they all watched it Friday night (my Dad fell asleep). I go over to the house to visit yesterday afternoon and my sister says hi and we hug and take a seat in the sunroom and she says "Stay sucked ass." LOL! All the things I loved about it, the camera angles, the transitions from scene to scene, the colors, etc. she hated. She and I rarely love the same movie unless it's a comedy.

              I started watching the movie again last night before I fell asleep and a lot of things made much more sense. Btw, I DID notice his highwaters the first time but didn't pick up on the significance. I thought he was just a dorky dresser. Heh....
              "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


              • I thought the colors and visuals were the best part about the movie. It was very appealing to the eyes.
                F#*K OHIO!!!

                You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                • My favorite scene is toward the end when Henry is in the bar and his other life is playing on the TV screen, with the killer music (it's in my head right now) and visuals including the girl dancing with the cloth rope to the beat of the music. You can see Henry coming apart. I like the way that scene feels.
                  "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                  • lol.. it's his life flashing before his eyes.. I never caught that. Nice.
                    F#*K OHIO!!!

                    You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                    • We saw Mission:Impossible III over the weekend... very enjoyable popcorn flick pairing lots of BOOM! with enough twists and turns to keep things interesting. It falters a bit at the end, but not enough to spoil the rest of the experience.

                      Hoffman underplays the villain role, but I think that choice works in terms of avoiding the Dr. Evil-esque cliches of such a part. Cruise is Cruise, so no real surprises there, other than perhaps that despite his recent public miscues he can still bring the noise in an action role.


                      • Honestly with all his bullshit in the media during the last year I havent even wanted to see it. Was it worth the price of admission?
                        F#*K OHIO!!!

                        You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                        • I watched 'Good Night and Good Luck' last night. I thought it was excellent. Very minimal, very documentary-like with all the actual footage of McCarthy. David Strathairn was great. My only problem with it was it seemed a tad too sparse, with almost no other info about Murrow's life, meanwhile they focused some on Robert Downey Jr.'s character and his wife, which felt a little out of place.


                          • I agree...I thought their characters were very strange. They never even explained who they were or why they were important to the story.
                            To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                            • I've been avoiding it but I've heard that was very good.

                              Meanwhile I watched Grandma's Boy last night and wasnt half bad for stupid comedy.
                              F#*K OHIO!!!

                              You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                              • Originally posted by jaadam4
                                Honestly with all his bullshit in the media during the last year I havent even wanted to see it. Was [M:I 3] worth the price of admission?
                                Yeah, I'd say so. There is some overlap with Cruise's personal life as there is a conscious effort to make this one "personal" by incorporating Hunt's private life, but I found it pretty easy to let all that go and just enjoy the ride.

                                As I said earlier, I think the ending is a little facile, but there's enough good stuff elsewhere in the movie. The people I was with said it was better that M:I 2, which I've only seen bits of.

