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Movies - General Discussion

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  • I saw Million Dollar Baby on DVD and liked it better than when I saw it in the theater. I mean I liked it in the theater but I had a few criticisms that didn't stand out to me as much on the second viewing. Maybe because the movie was less amplified on the small screen.
    "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


    • Saw "Ray" over the weekend. Jamie Foxx was excellent. The movie was pretty solid too, altough it got very repetitive. But, Foxx's performance and the music helped make it highly entertaining.


      • I just saw Ray last night on HBO at the hotel. I thought it was great - I sobbed like a baby during a couple of the flashbacks to his childhood.
        "I ain't the type to bitch, I ain't the type to cry, I will sit at your red light and wait for your shit to go by."


        • Yeah, it was a little dusty in the room during the scene when his mother stayed silent and forced him to learn how to get around as he was going blind.


          • Would ya'll prefer to leave all the individual movie threads or to have the old ones deleted?
            "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


            • Ladies choice, Rom! I'm good either way.

              Don't fret over today's loss. *ahem* Don't come after me with a fire axe either! I still think they're gonna be okay. I've contracted someone to drop a grand piano from the roof on to Harrington as he leaves... a la Coyote and Roadrunner.


              • Damn. I had forgotten I asked a question.

                I'm not fretting over today's loss. I'm used to it.
                "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                • I finally got around to seeing Empire of the Sun and I have to say that was one of the best performances by a child actor (Christian Bale). I mean, wow.
                  "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                  • H'YUH!!! I always cite Empire of the Sun as THE best child actor performance, EVER!!!

                    Awesome flick. It's also Spielbergs BEST serious, dramatic flicks in respect to consistency.


                    • Full Metal Jacket... great movie. Just thought I'd get the monthly post in here.


                      • LOL Tigersfan. Yeah, the movie thread at the old forum got a lot more activity than this forum does. I watch a ton of movies but I'm not big on writing reviews.

                        Btw, welcome.
                        "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                        • I rarely watch movies anymore. :(

                          I saw "Love Actually" recently. It was cute.

                          How does Hugh Grant manage to portray the same character in every movie?


                          • I watched Ocean's 12 last night. It was way more corney than I expected. I was dissapointed.


                            • I was disappointed to, Craven. The plot felt completely engineered and contrived. Bummer. Ocean's Eleven was a helluva lot of fun.


                              • Still haven't got around to seeing it. Enjoyed the first one. Most people dis on this one though.
                                AAL: KhaDarel Hodges

