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Movies - General Discussion

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  • The other night, it was a tossup between Munich and Narnia... we chose the latter, but I thought Narnia was a little disappointing. It certainly didn't have the same kind of epic feel of Lord of the Rings; often, you could easily tell where parts of the movie were shot on smaller sets. I wonder if they're looking to make any of the other books from the series into feature films.


    • Munich was an incredible movie. Be warned however that it is long, and somewhat depressing. Mrs. Slf thought it was kind of preachy on one side, I thought it was pretty fair to preachy on the other side.
      To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


      • Recent screenings:

        War of the Worlds - I thought is was pretty good until they went into the basement with Tim Robbins. Then it pretty much went to shit.

        Mr. & Mrs. Smith - I liked it. Surreal, over the top and a lot of dead pan humor. I'm a big Doug Liman fan and it's never difficult to watch Angelina Jolie.

        Super Size Me - excellent doc. I probably won't eat McDonald's again for a very long time. Suprisingly, it really took a good look at nutrition in America. In particular, I thought the stuff about the school lunches was interesting.


        • I took the little man to see Chronicles of Narnia...he loved it, but as LWC said, I thought they could've done more. I still enjoyed it though - it had probably been 25 years since I read it, so it brought back fond memories.
          "I ain't the type to bitch, I ain't the type to cry, I will sit at your red light and wait for your shit to go by."


          • I meant to mention this a while ago. Murderball is an amazing documentary.

            it's somewhat ham handed, but it shows these amazing men for all thier flaws. The most poignant part is where they complain that someone thought they were in the special olympics, and the guy makes fun of "retards."

            I just thought it was a very humanizing moment (although a definate wart!)
            To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


            • I finally got around to seeing March of the Penguins recently. What an extraordinary movie.
              "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


              • but I got tired of Naomi Watts staring, mouth agape and wide-eyed, at Kong. And she's one of my favorite actresses.
                Amen to that, Sistah! We're among the few that felt that way. I thought that "it's beyoooooootiful" line was one of the stupidest bits of dialogue I'd heard in a long time.

                Glad you liked March of the Penguins! I thought it was an awesome flick. What a poignant flick.


                • Yeah Zilla, I was definitely underwhelmed with Kong. I was put off by the unnecessary length too. I kept noticing places where Jackson could've trimmed time off. And the dinosaur running scene was almost silly looking.

                  Those penguins are amazing creatures. Amazing. That film was stunning.
                  "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                  • Get your own pet penguin here:

                    AAL: KhaDarel Hodges


                    • They run about 1 grand to 3 grand a piece, depending on the breed
                      AAL: KhaDarel Hodges


                      • I saw the Steven Seagal movie "Today you die" on DVD this past weekend. What a horrible horrible movie. I wouldn't recommend it and the only reason I watched it is because it was a free rental given to me by a friend from blockbuster who didn't have to have it back with no late fees.
                        All emotions can be traced back to two basic and fear.


                        • Steven Seagal still makes movies?

                          I rented "What the Bleep Do We Know?" last weekend after a friend was raving about it. What a strange movie. Half documentary, half drama. The concepts they discuss are very interesting, although I'm not too sure I buy into all of them. I like Marlee Matlin, but really didn't care for the dramatic side of the film.


                          • I freaking loved that film and bought into all of the concepts.
                            "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                            • Really Rom? I liked the idea of "creating your day." And I definitely can relate to the wedding reception stuff. I think the sequel is supposed to come out sometime this month.


                              • Yeah I really did. I'm a big believer in energy and the power of thoughts as being energy. And I do believe in quantum theory. Of course I don't know if any of it's true, but the theories presented in that movie resonated with me.
                                "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."

