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  • Please enter your new password:


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    "boiled cabbage"

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    "1 boiled cabbage"

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    Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character.


    Sorry, the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively.

    "50BloodyBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourAss,IfYouDon'tG iveMeAccessnow”

    Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation.

    “ReallyPissedOff50BloodyBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYour AssIfYouDontGiveMeAccessnow”

    Sorry, that password is already in use.
    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


    • 22:58, had a few beers....., and just laughed my fucking arse off at that ^^^^^^^ Absolute class!
      "...when Hibernian won the Scottish Cup final and that celebration, Sunshine on Leith? I don’t think there’s a better football celebration ever in the game.”

      Sir Alex Ferguson


      • Dad: “GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!”
        Child: *storms off* “JIM MORRISON WAS OVERRATED!”

        I asked Sean Connery what's his favourite London landmark. He said, "Shard." I said, "I know mate, so many, but give it a go."

        Girlfriend said last night "You treat our relationship like some kind of game!" Which unfortunately cost her 12 points and a bonus chance.

        Wife: Do you fancy coming home at lunchtime for a quickie.
        Me: It's pronounced Quiche.

        It's Google's 15th birthday today. Typical fifteen year old. It's got an answer for everything.

        Job interview tip: Tell them you're not an applicant, you're an appliCAN. Lick your finger, hold it against buttock. Make sizzling noise.

        My girlfriend left me because I've put weight on. She even said that my thumbs were too fat. Botch.

        If I had a pound for every time my girlfriend said I was a bit like 'Rain Man' I'd have 268 pounds.
        AAL Quintez Cephus
        If you fall during your life, it doesn't matter. You're never a failure as long as you try to get up.


        • 2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


          • That last one, Dean......, heard that before but it was "if I had a penny for everytime my wife told me I was like Rain Man, I'd have 432 pounds and 68 pence."

            Quickie > Quiche good one!
            "...when Hibernian won the Scottish Cup final and that celebration, Sunshine on Leith? I don’t think there’s a better football celebration ever in the game.”

            Sir Alex Ferguson


            • "Wife: Do you fancy coming home at lunchtime for a quickie.
              Me: It's pronounced Quiche."

              ----------------------------------I like the word play but Ummmmmmmmm, the answer is HELL YES!!!!!
              GO LIONS "24" !!


              • real men don't eat Quiche
                Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


                • I'd rather eat a Surgeons Hall tramps Special Brew vomit.
                  "...when Hibernian won the Scottish Cup final and that celebration, Sunshine on Leith? I don’t think there’s a better football celebration ever in the game.”

                  Sir Alex Ferguson


                  • Vile

                    Just vile
                    19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                    • Best Golf Round Ever

                      Sal Wallerstein was at the country club for his weekly round of golf.
                      He began his round with an eagle on the first hole and a birdie on the second.

                      On the third hole he had just scored his first ever hole-in-one
                      when his cell phone rang. It was a doctor notifying him that his wife had
                      just been in a accident and was in critical condition and in ICU.

                      The man told the doctor to inform his wife where he was and that
                      he'd be there as soon as possible. As he hung up he realized he was
                      leaving what was shaping up to be his best ever round of golf.

                      He decided to get in a couple of more holes before heading to the
                      hospital. He ended up playing all eighteen, finishing his round
                      shooting a personal best 61, shattering the club record by five
                      strokes and beating his previous best game by more than 10. He was jubilant...

                      Then he remembered his wife. Feeling guilty he dashed to the
                      hospital. He saw the doctor in the corridor and asked about his
                      wife's condition.

                      The doctor glared at him and shouted... "You went ahead and
                      finished your round of golf didn't you! I hope you're proud of yourself!"

                      "While you were out for the past four hours enjoying yourself at
                      the country club your wife has been languishing in the ICU! It's just
                      as well you went ahead and finished that round because it will be
                      more than likely your last! For the rest of her life she will
                      require round the clock care and you will be her care giver! She
                      will need IV's; you will have to change her colostomy bag every 3
                      hours; she will have to be spoon fed 3 times a day and don't forget the hygiene care."

                      The man broke down and sobbed.

                      The doctor chuckled and said... "I'm just fucking with you.
                      She's dead. What'd you shoot?
                      Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


                      • That sounds like something straight out of Family Guy.
                        "...when Hibernian won the Scottish Cup final and that celebration, Sunshine on Leith? I don’t think there’s a better football celebration ever in the game.”

                        Sir Alex Ferguson


                        • ...
                          Attached Files
                          "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


                          • Ha!
                            Attached Files
                            I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                            • 2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


                              • Congratulations to Conchita on winning the Eurovision last week. The last time an Austrian with amusing facial hair made an impression on Europe was 1939.

                                Nigel Farage says that homosexuality makes most people over 70 uncomfortable. I'm guessing they're just not using enough lube.

                                Just checked wikipedia and apparently the suffix "Stan" is a Persian meaning for "land of".
                                So Kazakhstan is land of the Kazakhs. Tajikistan is land of the Tajiki's and Pakistan is. Oh no wait. Even the ancient Persians were racist bastards.

                                A woman whose daughter was hospitalised in a US tornado told BBC News that "God would make her better." Presumably, that's a different God from the one that almost killed her with a fucking tornado.

                                I saw David Cameron holding a "#Bring back our Girls" card on BBC this morning. Lazy Bastard. If you've left your daughter down the pub again, go fetch her yourself.
                                "...when Hibernian won the Scottish Cup final and that celebration, Sunshine on Leith? I don’t think there’s a better football celebration ever in the game.”

                                Sir Alex Ferguson

