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U of M thread (in the Lions Forum) :)

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  • Yeah, there would would be ugly.


    • The line is actually 12.

      Are all three QB's playing at the same time? I believe that's called the Krazy Kat offense.


      • 20-hour rule for NCAA athletes broken regularly

        Angelique S. Chengelis / The Detroit News

        Get the latest local Detroit and Michigan breaking news and analysis , sports and scores, photos, video and more from The Detroit News.


        • Originally posted by packfan View Post
          20-hour rule for NCAA athletes broken regularly

          Angelique S. Chengelis / The Detroit News

          I think the thing maybe RR went over board with, that others don't do, or at least get caught doing, was that supposedly their was quite a bit of 'punishment' work to do if you didn't make one of the 'unmonitored' 'voluntary' practices or work out sessions.
          Rashean Mathis: "I'm an egg guy. Last year we didn't have (the omelet station). I didn't complain, but I was dying inside."


          • I don't get the Impatience Of Michigan Fans..

            I Understand they/YOu (whichever applies) are used to winning in a fashion unlike any other organization in Sports.

            But Seriously, Come on!

            OK, If It wasn't Rich Rod Taking the Job After Carr And it went to another "Michigan Man" (Boy am I sick of that saying) Michigan would have held on to Guys Like Boren, Mallett, Possibly Aarington, and I can't recall right now what Juniors on Defense went into the Draft, Point being, they would have retained a lot of Talent, and Would have Had a Better season last year.

            Personally, I don't know if they woulda gotten their 9-10 wins, but they PRobably woulda have gotten more than 3.

            But that's not what Happened. The AD Went out and Got Rich Rod. He Came in and decided he's going to use His method that He knows, that He's had success with. I understand, some people feel like he had "traditional Michigan talent" and probably should have adapted to what he had, But He didn't. Sorry, that's what you got. that's what you ended up with.

            That's the Hand that's been dealt....They Whimpered through last season without much talent, And some of the talent they did have, didn't fit the System. You lost, a lot, and some of you couldn't handle it.

            What i don't understand, is why on earth would you want to Axe a Coach after his 1st or 2nd year? I think you judge a Coach based on the talent he brings in, and what he does with that talent. He didn't have much of his own talent last year, and this year, he's just starting to get some of His players in...But as Freshmen, and a Few Sophmores.

            If you Fire Rich Rod after last year, you're handing over a team with a bare cupboard, and nothing more than Starting blocks to a new system for a new caoch...Who ever would come in woulnd't be able to do anything with a roster like that Either...Even if it is Michigan. If you fire Rich Rod after this year, you're just starting over again, and will most likely have 2 more losing seasons.

            What do people have against sitting back, seeing what RR brings in, letting them develop into Jrs and Srs....and judge him based on what He Can do with His guys that are fully develloped, instead of wanting his head because he coulnd't win with an empty cupboard and a handful of marginal High School QB's?

            Maybe I don't know The College game enough, I just started Following 2 years ago. I'm not a Michigan Fan, I was, but when I started watching, I switched over to Ohio State (just liked their players, Fans and attitude So much more) But to me, it seems like fair logic to Give a coach at LEAST 4-5 years before you can even form an opinion on him.....

            Allright boys, Flame on!
            09 AAL - Bryant Johnson
            10 AAL - Mathew Stafford


            • I'm not a Michigan Fan, I was, but when I started watching, I switched over to Ohio State (just liked their players, Fans and attitude So much more)
              Good Lord!! How could you be a one time Michigan fan then 'switch' over to the stench below that is tOSU? Take some time to know the sweatervest and the evil he really is!


              • Originally posted by Tane View Post
                Maybe I don't know The College game enough, I just started Following 2 years ago.
                'Wasn't a Michigan fan very long.


                • then root for the gophers
                  If you keep shootin, you can turn any piece of meat into burger


                  • I hate you tane.
                    To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                    • I'm a long time Michigan fan who agrees with you, Tane. Fact is, too many Michigan fans are spoiled. A lot of the traditional powerhouses have had down periods in the last 40 years. Alabama, USC, Texas, Notre Dame, Nebraska have all had their subpar years. The transitions from Bo to Moeller to Carr were much smoother because the system remained intact and the roster was full. Everything was blown up last year, with predictable results. Last year was terrible, and this season isn't going to be a hell of a lot better. That's the pain that comes with such a major change. Firing Rodriguez would mean another coaching search and more change. Unless the new coach is Chris Peterson or Urban Meyer I'm willing to wait.
                      I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                      • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                        But it seems like his rebuild is going to consist of fast wide receivers. I haven't checked lately but it seems like his classes have gotten high ranks but is light on big nasties.
                        Rod philosophy "Little Nasties" instead, so I'm not sure his O-lineman are gonna be traditional 4-5 star rated hogs.

                        Personally, I give a rats ass about his offense. He needs to get that defense up to Michigan standards like real fast. That was disgusting what we saw last year and that was supposed to be the strength of the team.


                        • Originally posted by packfan View Post
                          Good Lord!! How could you be a one time Michigan fan then 'switch' over to the stench below that is tOSU? Take some time to know the sweatervest and the evil he really is!
                          Well, Growing up, People always bought me Michigan Clothes...I was a big Detroit Sports fan, so people just assumed. I always WORE Michigan, and rooted for them from afar, but never watched/followed them. In 07, when I decided to start watching/Following College Football, The First Game I went to Was Michigan vs. App State.

                          One of the Best Games I'd ever seen. I liked the players on Michigan, Henne, Hart, MAnningham, Long, Crable, Trent...I liked Michigan. Even though they lost, by the end of the game, I was applauding App State For their efforts. I was sitting right in front of the visitors section, and they had some Great fans. While I was congratulating them on an amazing win, the rest of the michigan fans were yelling, swearing, kicking stuff, grabbing their kid by the arm and dragging them out, giving the finger to the App State fans....They didn't care that they've just witnessed one of the Biggest upsets ever in sports, or were at one of the best games they're ever gonna see....they're jsut gonna throw a hissy fit, cause they lost.

                          Still rooted for michigan the rest of the way.

                          Next Year, the Next Game I went to was Vs. Toledo. Same thing....Bunch of Whiny sobbing michigan fans. At the end of the game, on the golf course parking lot, we're tossing the football around. I had gone with a Devellopmentally Challenged Guy...He missed the Football, and it bounced, 3-4 times, and hit some lady in the lower part of hte leg....Not hard, and like I said off like the 4th bounce...Well, this Michigan Fan, at least in his late 40's/early 50's, Blew up "YOU HIT MY WIFE WITH A FOOTBALL" THATS MY WIFE, saw our Ontario plates "YOUR NOT EVEN FROM MICHIGAN I can't remember everything else he said, but he just threw a Bitch Fit and got in my Slow Buddy's Face. The Rest of us had to get in there and stand up for him, cause this Douche bag already made my 30 year old friend Cry, because his team lost, and a football touched his wife in the leg.

                          That's My impression of Michigan fans. "We're better than everyone else" "It's not Ok for MICHIGAN to lose" And if we do, we reserve the right to tuirn into a 4 year old throwing a hissy fit. There's a difference between having "Passion for your team" and being a 40 year old brat throwing a hissy fit

                          While this was going on, I'm seeing Guys Like Laurinaitis and Beanie Wells on Ohio State, that I really liked. Then the whole thing With Boren Transferring, and Pryor going over there. I went to Clevland on a weekend for a sunday night indians game. Well, the Saturday, we went to a pretty nice restaurant for lunch, and the entire place was just focused on the Ohio State game. Everybody around was wearing Ohio State. The Sports stores had More OSU merch than Browns, Indians or Cavs....And this was in Clevland, not Columbus. I really liked the passion that the entire State has for their team.

                          All those factors mixed into one, is What made me convert.
                          Last edited by Tane; September 5, 2009, 10:24 AM.
                          09 AAL - Bryant Johnson
                          10 AAL - Mathew Stafford


                          • Originally posted by packfan View Post
                            Good Lord!! How could you be a one time Michigan fan then 'switch' over to the stench below that is tOSU? Take some time to know the sweatervest and the evil he really is!
                            Yes, because UofM and OSU are sooooo much different. <ducks>
                            "This is an empty signature. Because apparently carrying a quote from anyone in this space means you are obsessed with that person. "


                            • on the flip side, a large percentage of the big house doesn't get excited for a michigan win...they sit in their seats and read their books expecting a win. when the team loses they react with anger and belligerence. when the team wins, it's complacency...this is what's supposed to happen, ok let's go home. It's really sad.

                              Anyone who thinks UM is going to win a national championship with a pro-style system is not really paying attention to college football outside the big ten. Sure we could beat OSU with the same ol' system, but we'll never win the BCS. Look at the sweater-vested jim tressel, sure he beats UM every year...but look beyond that. What has happened since the BCS championship game in '02? Failure after BCS failure...tressel may be a god in the big ten, but he's a loser in the BCS. UM needs a spread out quirky offense to compete on a national level...after all, Florida has won 2 of the last 3 BCS titles.
                              "Low on the totem, till he showed 'em defiance, giant scrotum"


                              • Originally posted by mason reese View Post
                                Yes, because UofM and OSU are sooooo much different. <ducks>
                                Except Tressel has known his kids have been paid better then some professional football players. I'm torn on who is dirtier, the vest or smilin' Pete Carroll.

                                [ame=""]Souls of the departed haunt Youngstown - College Football - ESPN@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

                                And I give you a 6/10 on the troll scale. You blunted the effect by adding the "duck". BUT, since I answered, you've earned a:

